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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Did Kate just say she was worried that she was afraid she was going to have to kiss her son? All of Gwen's plots are coming home to roost. Brandon did really well in the scenes with Lauren. I would love it if Gwen were after the land in Ireland that Abigail was supposed to inherit that just got dropped years ago. "There are only so many betrayals a marriage can talk." Sounds like she's talking about personal experience.
  2. Sure a lot of people at the Cotton Bowl not wearing masks.
  3. Cady said on Twitter that she had a cold when they did these scenes, and that's why Jon stepped in.
  4. Is Maggie's dress made out of vinyl? Well, Gwen has gone from innuendo to outright lies. Show is making comments about how bad 2020 is. Chad couldn't hear his phone? How did Chad and Gwen get into the hotel room? Are we supposed to feel sorry for Chad? This party is a bust. And where were Doug and Julie, the owners of the place? Yeah, that was Jon kissing Cady. But there were other kisses going on.
  5. This ad makes zero sense. What the heck is going on here? https://www.ispot.tv/ad/tMzn/biotene-dream-sequence
  6. God, Chad is an asshole. Sarah and Philip "dating" is kind of creepy, considering they're step siblings.
  7. Russell Okung is getting half of his salary in Bitcoin. https://deadspin.com/russell-okung-becomes-first-nfl-player-to-get-paid-in-b-1845963991
  8. She sure didn't look like the mother of a 16 year old. But both she and her brother said all is forgiven and they're still family.
  9. And once again a news break instead of Show. Well, we got back with about fifteen minutest left to go. Tripp knows he has an uncle on Ava's side, why would he be confused about having a relative?
  10. I have to laugh that the turn tables with Abigail, considering she set up Austin to make Carrie think they slept together, and now the same thing is happening to her.
  11. The hospital is associated with Salem University, though I don't know if the University is secular or not. Considering that the characters are canonically Catholic, was Kayla reading from a Douay version?
  12. They could compare Steve's DNA to Henry's, and if they don't match, then that would mean that Steve is not his grandfather, so Tripp can't be his father.
  13. Well, dang, I was keeping my eye on my wall clock to turn on the TV, but turns out the battery was dying and I didn't realize what time it was till 15 minutes into the show. Grumph.
  14. Silver Raven

    NHL Thread

    There's no minor league hockey thread, so I hope it's ok to put this here: A coach in the Alberta Junior Hockey League has been suspended after talking about covid outbreaks in his team. https://thehill.com/homenews/news/531614-canadian-hockey-coach-suspended-for-discussing-teams-covid-19-outbreak
  15. Eli's mom dressed like that to ride a plane? Yep. I knew Joey wouldn't be staying long. But when did Stephanie move to Seattle? Roman has a big mouth. Why did Tripp sit on the floor to read that card? They should name the babies Noel and Noelle.
  16. Lani should know that one never says no to Julie. If I were Ben, I would be a little perturbed that the hotel he was staying in is forwarding his address to people. A "retro time turner"? Jeez. Not very many Hortons left in town. Did Will pop in for one scene then leave? What was the point of his being there? Where are Abigail and her family? Where are Shawn and Belle? I wonder if Claire and Ben will hook up once Charlie is revealed. I guess Rafe doesn't count as a Horton. Thank you, Show, for remembering Nicole's background. They gave Ben an ornament to match Ciara's. Congo to Ethiopia to Illinois seems a roundabout way of traveling.
  17. Is this the grandmother who "died"?
  18. Would Eric have knocked on the door of his own home? Marlena didn't seem too thrilled to be getting a present from Kristin. John saying he's glad the whole family's there. He kinda missed his son Paul. Charlie's good at tying knots. He's probably had practice. Why wasn't Will in the photo? I hope Sami gets pissed because Marlena didn't pick up her call. So who's at the door?
  19. God, Sarah acts so much like a little girl sometimes. Doesn't Justin live at the Kiriakis mansion? It's interesting that none of the remaining DiMera family cares about the existence of Rachel. And neither does Brady's family.
  20. Again, what are the British laws about undocumented workers?
  21. Does Harry Styles live in the US? What are the British laws about undocumented workers?
  22. What is Lucas so busy with that he can't make the traditional ornament hanging? Rolf even managed to come up with wrapping paper. There was some awkwardness between Gwen and Anna. I wonder if they know each other, somehow, even though Anna said she's never seen her before. And Gwen had her back turned as if she was trying to hide her face. I can't think of Stefano ever being proud of anybody beating him at chess. Love Anna's dress. Rice Chex. LOL Gwen is another Philadelphia mob person. I wonder if she knows Charlie and Ava. Saul is suspect, if he likes Julie. Can't Jennifer pull out a photo of Jack and ask Saul if it's him? At least Lucas has a brain. Putting presents in bags is not "wrapping". I know this because bags are my go-to.
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