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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. I love this ad. And they also look like Sims characters. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/t5TI/grubhub-perks-delivery-dance-song-by-bomba-estereo
  2. Tripp knocks on the door then starts yelling through the door "Is everything okay?" before Ava even has a chance to get there. What if she was in the bathroom? I'm going to headcanon that Ava had her phone on vibrate which is why Tripp couldn't hear it ring. Jennifer wants to gloom around about Jack having sex with Kate, but doesn't want to find out for sure. "Julie Williams calling, how have you been?" Sol: Ugh. Jack never lied about Kate, he just never said it happened.
  3. Russia is banned from applying for international sporting events for the next two years. They were also originally banned from using "Russia" on their uniforms at the next two Olympics, but that has been modified to allow them to use the word Russia if they also use the words NEUTRAL TEAM in the same size on their uniforms. They also can't use the national flag. https://apnews.com/article/russia-banned-name-flag-olympic-games-a8bd342806883f66152859701d5ae5d4
  4. A little more exposition today about the brothers. Yeah, Charlie has Ava's reactions all worked out. If that was really a black coffee that Steve was drinking, he just burned his tongue. Does Basic Black not have desks? The murderous Mafia princess has some standards. Mike Manning is impressing me.
  5. Uhoh. Sibling rivalry... "My son"? So is Ava saying that Charlie is not her son? Their interaction was weird. "It wasn't some big plan." So the gun just materialized in your hand? I'm getting tired of Kayla's sour expression. Belle and Allie don't act like they're related. They were best friends back in the day. He tried to pretend that her baby with EJ was his so that EJ would leave Nicole alone till she lost the baby.
  6. I haven't seen anything saying otherwise, but something tells me Joey isn't going to be staying very long. Not a spoiler. Charlie invites Claire to dinner, she says yes, and he says, You, too." Uh, what? "I'd offer you a drink, but I'm afraid you'd accept." Xander should have told Sarah that Ava is responsible for the death of Shawn Brady. Charlie is from Philadelphia. Is he related to Jake? Nice touch that Ava has a cold, soulless Christmas tree.
  7. Saturday Night Live did a take on the car ads where people buy cars for their spouses for Christmas without talking to them first.
  8. The sports league jumping the line for the vaccine is apparently the NHL. https://sports.yahoo.com/report-nhl-planning-private-purchase-of-covid-19-vaccine-011408607.html
  9. Is that the one where the mother is having a Zoom meeting, and her son keeps looking over her shoulder and trying to photobomb, so she keeps moving her cup to block him out? That's funny, imho.
  10. I would love to see a fight between Kate and Ava over who gets custody of Henry. Neither of them would bother to use polite techniques.
  11. I think the idea of having rotating actors playing the same role has a certain appeal to it.
  12. Is this a reboot of Indiana Jones or a sequel?
  13. Hayden Christensen will play Vader in the "Kenobi" series. With Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan. https://ew.com/tv/obi-wan-kenobi-series-update/
  14. Wasn't Ava living in a hotel? Jeebus, Jennifer, give it up. Isn't it a conflict of interest for Justin to be representing both Joey and Tripp? Justin could have called Bonnie. There was no reason not to. Poor Bonnie. Justin has no right to be upset.
  15. They have really made Chad an asshole. Y'know, Ali, your grandmother is a therapist. You might want to see her professionally. "In real life, coming back from the dead is hard. It's not like a soap opera."
  16. Her announcement talked about how Days is so well known for its diversity. 😄
  17. And Hope Bauer on GL, Delia Ryan on Ryan's Hope, and Gina Capwell from Santa Barbara, I love Robin Mattson.
  18. "What the heck happened in that convent?" Well, Roman, when a girl and a girl fall in love, ... Of course Parker prefers being with his grandparents. They're the only caregivers he knows after Chloe keeps dumping him on them.
  19. There's an ad for Tide Clean & Simple where a little girl is eating a popsicle and it falls onto the floor. I can't find the ad on video to post it here, but it looks to me like the mother just puts a holder on the popsicle and hands it back to her off the floor.
  20. Henry Cavill has a longtime interest in Egyptology.
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