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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Uhoh. Nicole said the "kill" word. Is Charlie going to be murdered? "You know Tripp, that guy who almost killed you? He could never hurt a woman." Whose kid's clothes was Chloe folding? And why did she have them in Brady's hotel room?
  2. Lani killed Madame's son, Stefan, when he jumped in front of the bullet meant for Madame.
  3. Madame Defarge was known for her knitting while watching the guillotine action
  4. "Everybody needs a hobby." I'm enjoying Abbie and Chad's tsouris. They both deserve it.
  5. There will be flashback scenes of the rape. https://daytimeconfidential.com/2021/01/13/mike-manning-says-days-of-our-lives-will-air-charlie-allie-rape-flashback
  6. Claire's jacket is very pretty. I wonder if this is going to damage Claire and Allie's relationship.
  7. "So, Dad, how did you and Mom meet?" "Well, my sweet loving wife accused me of rape ..."
  8. Who was Allie talking about when she said her grandpa thinks it's a possibility that Tripp didn't rape her? Roman thinks Tripp did it. Bill Horton is dead. John? Speaking of which, I hope we see Roman and Lucas apologize to Tripp. Why is Nicole dressed like she's going to a fancy dress ball?
  9. I thought Mimi and Rex were together? When did Bonnie become so Southern?
  10. I knew Valerie was going to be upset with the baby's name. I actually love how Ben calls Charlie "Chuck". Does Claire have a job? How does she pay for that house? All of this crap about not telling Claire anything is ridiculous. Shut up, Lani! Wasn't Julia Grant Ulysses S. Grant's wife?
  11. I didn't get to see the show yesterday, so I just went back to watch on Peacock. One thing that I noticed is that when Gwen and Jack were in the living room, there were shadows of leaves on the window, blowing in the wind. I thought that was a nice touch. If Gwen is trying to claim that she had those clipping to do research, where did she find copies of newspapers from before she took the job? Did Claire and Allie not see each other between Christmas and New Year's? I guess Charlie has been helping Ava with her makeup all of these days she's been tied up. If Charlie puts Ava in a mental hospital, won't his being her son come out, thus making him a potential Allie rapist? I loved Jennifer and Kate's conversation, it would be great if they could be friends. ----- Marlena, you're lying that Allie has never wavered on her story. She started out by not knowing what happened. Did Angelo just admit he's gay? Would SOMEBODY please bring up that Ava killed Roman and Kayla's father?
  12. Emilio Estevez is one quarter Spanish, and yet he has been nominated for multiple ALMA awards, which are supposed to go to Latino performers. That has always bugged me. His father, who is only half Spanish, has also been nominated for a number of ALMA awards, and has won a number of Latino awards, including Imagen and Nostros awards.
  13. He's been working on a Mighty Ducks TV series for Disney Plus.
  14. The hospital let Eli and Lani keep the baby in her room overnight? Is that a thing? Julie is going to teach the babies everything they need to know? They're doomed. It would be nice of Kate and Jennifer became friends. Big Julie sounds like a mobster's name. I knew Chad would catch Abigail coming out of Jake's room in her robe.
  15. She and Abby went to the hotel thinking that Kate was with Jack, but they deduced that it was Jake, not Jack.
  16. I wonder if Brady is going to tell her to take several seats and dump her crazy butt.
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