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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. I was reading speculation that Charlie's glasses are going to be important, that Allie will probably recognize his glasses, or something.
  2. Nicole is dressed well today. On the other hand, Chloe and Sarah are showing a lot of boobage today. I'm glad that Tripp's first thought was about Joey. But, um, let's not let anybody know I'm still alive, even though we just let Allie go. Why do these people keep thinking that it's impossible for dead people to come back?
  3. ABC has fired the heads of their daytime programming. Don't know what that means for GH, considering they're firing actors already.
  4. That first plaintiff looks just like actress Kathryn Erbe from Law & Order Criminal Intent. Did she call the judge Judge Mary Young?
  5. Third day in a row with no show. I'm going to have to go watch it on Peacock, even if it looks like it was recorded with a potato and the sound coming out of a crystal radio.
  6. Nothing compares to Diana Damrau's version. Whew.
  7. How many Christmas trees does the Horton square have? I was about to say that that's the set budget for another year, but then they showed the new/old Horton hallway. Although, didn't the stairs used to face in the other direction? "Tardiness is frowned upon at Titan." So why are the two CEOs off doing other things? Isn't Jennifer an addict who shouldn't be drinking? And Ben has to rescue her, and they hook up, and she gets pregnant.
  8. I hate that Rakutan is using Elton John's "Rocketman". Do Elton and Bernie own the rights?
  9. Ron blocked me on Twitter for criticizing his GH storylines.
  10. Will Darlene Love be appearing remotely this year?
  11. Goodman is doing a lot of ads right now, a couple of other voice overs. Even one where there are actors on screen and he's voicing over the live actor's voice.
  12. And/or a brothel. Nice hair, Jake. God, Chad is a horrible person. Y'know when they change actors in a role, they should at least have them wear a similar wardrobe to the other actor. I love Gabi, but she has no business complaining about Jake moving on, she told him she wouldn't be coming back.
  13. Peter Reckell has a new Christmas album coming out, called "Joy". He's also going to have a Q&A on Twitter next Saturday.
  14. I couldn't find a spot to complain about TV show previews, so I'll put this here. There's a "new" show that NBC is touting called "The Nurses". I know it's a Canadian series, and it appears to have been airing for a couple of years up there, but it's going to be airing in a couple of weeks in the US. And the previews are extra-cringy. I saw one where I thought "This has to be a comedy, right?" It's so ... sincere ... and so sincerely bad.
  15. Kate is worth twenty of you, Gwen. Also, Kate, that's not a cot you were sleeping on. Why isn't Jennifer staying at the Horton house? And why is Julie AT the Horton house? Why would Gwen lie to Julie about not knowing Jake, when anybody could tell Julie that isn't true? I wonder if Jack and Jennifer will get back together before the Christmas ball hanging.
  16. The alternative is to have her screech at you every time she sees you.
  17. Shh, Claire, you need to stop spouting truths to the crazy woman. Brady and Eli break in and gasp. End of show. They gasp again. There's nothing there. Uh, what? Suzanne Rogers must be doing her own hair. When did Xarah become the Keystone Kops? Charlie, you say you're glad you were there to protect Claire, but I sure didn't see any protecting going on.
  18. Jan and Mimi, her partner in crime, argued when Mimi found out that Jan had held Shawn against his will (when he escaped, he got into a motorcycle accident, and when he got better, he thought that Jan was his girlfriend, and went back to her), Jan and Mimi argued, and Jan hit her head on a rock. We don't know how long she was actually in a coma, but when she showed up in New York during the digital series, it had been 15 years.
  19. This Jan invading the wedding went on way too long. So Julie seems okay with Kristen being allowed to escape punishment? And ... non-news news.
  20. Yeah, but Shane said that wasn't him in the last video of Stefano.
  21. Victor the butler must be somebody's dream.
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