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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. It was Ron who came up with the idea of a Marty/Todd romance years after the rape. Of course, it turned out much later that Trevor St. John wasn't really Todd, but even he thought he was at that time. But they did a good job when Marty's son Cole and Todd's daughter Starr developed a relationship, and Marty couldn't deal with it.
  2. Any competent lawyer (I'm looking at Belle) would get Melinda Trask thrown off the case since she's prejudiced against Kristin for killing her sister daughter. Sami trying to shame Eric about going halfway around the world from his wife, while she's halfway around the world from her husband. This is why they rarely use real babies.
  3. Isn't Belle suborning perjury if she agrees with Brady's hairbrained scheme to make him the person who attacked Victor? And therefore, liable to lose her law license?
  4. Ugh, the automatically generated captions on Youtube are ridiculous.
  5. A lawyer calls the police to let them know she's representing a prisoner? She doesn't go to the station and talk to her alleged client directly? Will Eric be helping to traffic diamonds inside elephant statues while he's over there? We all know Lani and Eli will get back together again (probably when she has to deliver the babies in a cabin in the middle of a snow storm), but he should be thankful that she's willing and eager to dump him. Eric is really happy that his step brother is with the woman who drugged and raped him and ruined his priest's career. When has Tate ever needed Brady?
  6. She must watch the judge TV shows. Every single mother on those shows thinks being a single mother gets her special privileges.
  7. The Eagles broadcasters played the sound of Eagles fans booing Carson Wentz. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/carson-wentz-booed-eagles-fans/1xj07vhmo9gmo1frqm7uo3f2r5
  8. The report was that she's leaving because they put her on a several week hiatus before she was scheduled to come back, and she didn't want to do that.
  9. She didn't try to kill Julie, she just threatened to kill her.
  10. I thought that was the woman doing donuts with her horse at the end till I figured out it was the guy on a motorcycle.
  11. Kansas City fan who attended Sunday's game tested positive for the virus. Everybody sitting around him is in quarantine. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/17/us/chiefs-nfl-covid-spt-trnd/index.html
  12. Shawn pops in from time to time from Hong Komg and immediately starts working for Salem PD during his times in town.
  13. But he literally said today that he had to get back to work.
  14. I've seen speculation that Rolf is Gwen's father.
  15. Another new set. Titan HQ. That's two in two days. Lucas is back. I wonder if he knows that Jake has moved into his room. What does Lucas do, that he doesn't have time to take care of the baby? Infants can't travel overseas without their parent's approval.
  16. Something that occurred to me. When Tripp left the show, he was going to study medicine at Stanford. Now he was at "that university". I wonder if he was studying in the UK, and that's where he met Allie.
  17. Does Julie's place have a new entrance set? Jeebus, Lani, shut up! Why didn't Claire not even ask what Jan's name was?
  18. My mother had the shingles. Trust me, you don't want to get it.
  19. I just saw an ad for some berry wine and the text said "Text BERRY to (some phone number)". Why? The ad didn't say what that would accomplish.
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