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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Aren't they doing short arcs bringing actors in and out for short periods of time?
  2. So both Ciara and Ben are hallucinating about babies? Aw, they should name the baby Clyde. Can Eve be charged as an accessory in Ciara's death? Eli should arrest Lani for interfering with a policeman. Marlena shouldn't even try to explain Robo John or his being Roman, or any of his past lives.
  3. Cam Newton arriving at the stadium today.
  4. San Francisco and Arizona both wearing red uniforms is just stupid.
  5. I was hoping that John would wake up thinking he was Roman.
  6. Did Marlena finally change clothes? Hm. It was 7 AM when Nicole woke up and now Justin calls to say that the judge has made her decision. How long did they stay in bed? The real Kristen is coming out. Samantha was correct, the judge had no business discussing out of court information. Kristen won't let Brady go see his grandfather, but lets him go see his father. What if he just happened to drop in on Victor along the way? Gee, Justin loses another case. Quelle surprise.
  7. I don't think it's a recap, I think it's new story.
  8. I think the US Open is going to be shown on those preemption days.
  9. There's discussion of Gwen and her motives in the spoilers threads. The show had taped eight months in advance, their last taped episode was Halloween when they shut down.
  10. Chiefs fans are pieces of crap.
  11. That may be true, but I couldn't find anything about him on the Wikipedia page.
  12. Boy Meets World. That's why I couldn't remember it.
  13. I had a ticket for Come From Away last spring, but the show got postponed because of the shutdown. I just got a replacement ticket today in the mail, for July 4, 2021.
  14. I just saw an ad for Roman, which is an erectile dysfunction program, with Alexis Ohanian shilling it. He's the multimillionaire founder of Reddit, and Serena Williams's husband. The ad doesn't mention him having erectile dysfunction, and I can't find any connection he has to the company, so his appearance in the ad has me scratching my head.
  15. What was the name of the nerdy blond guy in Saved By the Bell who was an early foil for Zach, only to disappear, and then reappear on the last episode to claim he's always been around, just in another part of the school?
  16. Dear Salem Hospital administration, My mother has been a patient in your hospital for over a week now. In the many hours that I have visited her, I have heard people screaming at each other in rooms and in the lobby, and now my mother's doctor was standing at the nurse's station having inappropriate personal contact with a man. Am I going to have to go to the hospital ombudsman's office to ask to have Doctor Sarah Horton removed as my mother's doctor, or would someone in hospital administration deal with her and make sure nothing like that ever happens again? Sincerely, A concerned loved one.
  17. According to Jason47, Philip, Tripp, Gwen, Allie, and Claire are all now on contract status. Is Lucas still in town? Is Jake still in Lucas's room? OK, I guess technically Philip is Victor's only son, since Bo is dead ... As a hospital patient, I don't know how comfortable I would be if I happened to see my doctor smooching with some guy at the nurses' station. I hope Jake takes douchy Chad down. Now Hope and Ben need to have grief sex.
  18. Is somebody going to tell her that she's a part of the media?
  19. I thought I wrote this, but I guess not. With the rumor that Jake is really Stefan, and Gwen is his handler, could it possibly have been that Gwen poisoning Abby was a ploy to blame Gabi to get her out of Stefan's life?
  20. As I mentioned above, Days of Our Lives had episodes filmed up to their Halloween episode. But because there was no French Open tennis championships and no Olympics, the episodes they're showing are about three weeks ahead of schedule (last week there was an episode where they were reminiscing on a dead character's death and the tombstone showed she died two weeks ahead of the remembrance episode). So in order to catch up, as soon as they start filming, which they said was going to be next week, they're going to film filler episodes to pad out the schedule.
  21. Mark Hamill was the oldest son on the Eight is Enough pilot, but had to be replaced because of his car accident and his rising star in the Star Wars movies.
  22. I buy something in the supermarket called Pierre Drive Through Breaded Spicy Chicken Sandwich which is delicious.
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