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Frisky Wig

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Everything posted by Frisky Wig

  1. Add me to list of pleasantly surprised viewers! I read the episode synopsis and groaned and rolled my eyes. “Seriously? Auto brewery syndrome? Every medical show has done this!” But, I was wrong! Alcohol-dipped tampons is gross but substance abuse tends to lead people to do unusual things.
  2. I had the same question. However, I know when someone wakes up next to their partner, who’s asleep, they don’t typically check to make sure the person isn’t actually unconscious, particularly if that person has a reason why they might be sleeping in, like if they were up late partying. You’d think he would’ve kissed her goodbye or something and realized, since a he’s a doctor.
  3. Searching for his phone, finding it and testing its photo-taking capabilities, I guess.
  4. Thanks, @Poohbear617, for reminding me about the man climbing the building. I was so busy unsuccessfully trying to wrap my head around the missing people and the other characters illogical responses that I forgot about Gustavo. How does someone climb numerous floors up the side of a building with one arm (or at least his wrist) in a cast? He can’t grip anything with that hand, for one thing. Maybe he’s just a really experienced building climber? Maybe the NA writers room is staffed with several monkeys, typing away on computers, and the show runners just go with whatever nonsense the primates come up with? 🙄
  5. Floyd and Lyn can get off my screen now. Please? Also, why didn’t more people look into why their coworkers were missing? Wilders interpreter, go to her apartment and find out what’s going on! Or, like someone else said, call for a wellness check! Did anyone else notice that his last text to her said “call me?” Is he referring to TDD? The holistic doctor is clearly in a relationship with someone who has a significant other. Something else is clearly going on in her life or her head if her SO canceling their plans makes her suicidal. It’s crazy that her receptionist would just let her patients line up in the hallway for hours before reporting to Floyd that she hasn’t shown up for work. But why call for a wellness check or report it to higher ups when you can just sit there and shrug and say “she hasn’t come in yet, IDK!?” 🙄
  6. Randall’s speech was way too long but that’s very on brand for him.
  7. I’m glad Lindor opted for Cassie because I don’t know how old these characters are but I suspect there’s a pretty large age gap between Jerrie and Lindor and that makes me uncomfortable, even when both parties are consenting adults.
  8. I cannot stress enough how much I DO NOT care about Ren and her Merry Band of Psychotic Sadistic Cronies. I wish they’d get off my TV. Jamie Lynn’s character is really annoying and I’ve seen every episode since the pilot and I can’t recall how she went from small town waitress to Psychotic Sadistic Cronie. Abuse and brainwashing, I guess?
  9. Wow at the one officer asking Andy why she didn’t stop to check her attackers airway after she defended herself against him attacking her! I loved Andy’s response of something like “I wasn’t a paramedic in the moment, I was a woman fighting to survive.”
  10. I was intrigued so I searched and found this one from 3 years ago: https://utswmed.org/medblog/uterine-transplant-motherhood/ If you find the one you read, share the link. 😀
  11. They’re siblings. I’m pretty sure that in order to donate an organ, you have to go through a bunch of testing, maybe some psychological therapy or at least education to know the risks and how your life will change after surgery (like how loss of a uterus will throw a woman into menopause and what all of that means). I guess they fast-tracked all of that for Dr Ashers patients sister? The magic of TV!
  12. I agree on the comments about GiGi. Precocious little kids are annoying.
  13. Still watching it (hi, from the West Coast! 👋🏻). The fraud cardiologist, Dr Pennington?, was he in Georgia? Cuz I’m pretty sure AJ is a published author with an unparalleled reputation and if he’s not famous to the general public, he is certainly very well known in the medical world, particularly the cardiovascular world, ESPECIALLY in the Georgia area. I’m surprised Dr Pennington? didn’t recognize him and his name. AJ could’ve made the appointment under a pseudonym, but the has to show ID and all that when he books the appt and checks in at the hospital.
  14. Talking about her abortion and hearing that the lady on her show had 2 children clearly got the ball rolling in her head. I saw the doctors appointment not as “I want kids ASAP” but as her finding out if she can have kids, period, so she can decide in the future. Though, from the previews it seems like she’ll have to decide sooner than she’d like.
  15. I somehow missed that Maggie got a car. From the station owner, right? So, Maggie is so great at her job that she got a new car but also so awful at her job that they’re firing her boss!? WHAT!? Also, this is the second time Maggie said something “controversial” on the air, her boss got mad, told her to knock it off, Maggie gets back on their air and explains “it’s time to get personal, I experienced what the caller was talking about” cut to her boss behind the glass looking SO sympathetic and finally realizing that it’s ok that Maggie told caller XYZ! Show writers, don’t do this a third time! Really liked the conversation between Katherine and Eddie! Also, the weather guy, who’s been a complete ass this entire story arc, asks boss lady on a date and says he’s been pretending to hate her and she agrees to go!? What on Earth!? I would’ve taken the cactus out of the box and hit him on the head with it!
  16. I’m still watching the episode. Did Danny say that there aren’t any gay kids in Paris because a quick google search says the city has a thriving LGBTQ community with multiple ‘gayborhoods.’
  17. Like @thuganomics85 said, that shot the doctor gave Ronald was incredible! In, what, 3 4 seconds, Ronald went from unconscious to barely able to speak a few words to sitting up, standing up and breaking said doctors neck. Damn!
  18. People, if you’re going to have a private conversation, like, I don’t know, about your high-profile boss raping you, don’t talk in a hallway with people walking by! 💡 The phrase “get a room!” is not just for couples engaging in excessive PDA.
  19. I wonder how long Milo and his BF have been seeing each other. Their kiss good bye looked really awkward. I completely forgot that Danny had a BF. Holding together a long distance relationship at 15 years old, when one of you is an ocean away, really? I mean, I know teens don't think clearly but come on.
  20. I could’ve sworn that the actress playing Dr Asher was Brittany Snow and that Brittany had replaced the original actress.
  21. In another episode thread this season, another Primetimer mentioned the condescending voice that Olivia uses when she talks to victims. I paid attention to it this episode and yeah, it’s awful!
  22. Frisky Wig


    Svetlana Khorkina posted an IG story with the symbol and how it’s for people who “aren’t ashamed to be Russian” and that we should spread the symbol and it’s meaning. 😒
  23. Yeah, that’s just her over-emotive, exaggerated face. The story with Terrell and his dyslexia hit me in the feels. I grew up believing I was inarguably stupid and it led to awful self-esteem and serious mental health issues. It wasn’t until a surprise autism diagnosis when I was 27 that I realized that the traits I thought were stupidity (I’m awful with directions, often miss social cues and sarcasm, etc) are very common autism traits. The knowledge that there’s an actual diagnosis to explain how my brain works, that I’m smart but just neurodivergent, completely changed my life for the better. The relief was immense. When Terrell cried in his hospital bed, I felt that.
  24. Padma REALLY needs to ditch the van life, get a job and a house/apartment, settle down and spend some time adulting and being responsible and THEN bring a child into the picture. Show that you can be a grown up, take the time to sort things out and get your shit together before you add the incredible responsibility of raising another human from birth.
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