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Frisky Wig

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Everything posted by Frisky Wig

  1. And the hits came in the second he set it correctly! 😂 Like all of those hits were just sitting somewhere in the app, waiting for Iggy to change the settings! 😂
  2. 15 minutes into the show. I really like Dr Wilder and it’s upsetting that she wants to declare a patient mentally incompetent (when he’s not!) in order to perform a surgery that would completely alter his life. So Karen and the board just agreed on a one day trial for Max Goodwins Cause o’ The Week without first asking what it would entail, how it would happen!? What on earth am I watching? Ok, that was bad. Dr Wilder was going to perform surgery on her patient without having any idea who he was? Certainly didn’t know he was a star baseball player. She didn’t talk to him about why he didn’t want the surgery, try to talk sense into him in a hospital room? And wouldn’t he have to sign paper work, including a consent form, before he was ever even rolled into the hallway towards the OR? This whole storyline was just so dumb! Max! You should’ve known the ATM was going to run out of money! And how exactly did it save the hospital money? If someone agrees to sponsor a patient, is that for the patients life? If I decide to sponsor the lady that needed blood pressure meds, am I paying $40/month just for October? For the rest of the year? Until the lady does? I have so many more questions! Oh, Lauren Bloom! Why did you chastise that intern about not giving money to the aforementioned high blood pressure lady and then turn around and give her YOUR money? So you could look like the good guy? Why the hell can’t you kick Lila out of YOUR apartment? Aren’t you wealthy enough to not have to couch surf? And aren’t you a recovering dug addict? How is that gonna work, living at your sisters apartment, which looks like a crack house?
  3. Finally watching this on Hulu. I’m about 25 min in. So the famous chef just stood around the ER entrance, moaning, scared and with her arm wrapped in a towel and none of the other staff members did anything until Conrad walked in? She was, what, 20 feet from the front desk? Padma: “what’s preeclampsia?” AJ: “it’s a condition that requires monitoring but we can handle it” (something to that effect) Me: “uhh… that’s nice but you didn’t answer her question. That doesn’t explain what preeclampsia IS.” What? Now that Padma’s ready to go, there’s a sudden storm outside? Why didn’t we see/hear any sign of this storm before hand? Thunder/lightning outside the window, someone making a comment about “I hope the back up generators are in good shape,” patients coming in sopping wet, etc. Ridiculous.
  4. I believe NBC's shows are streaming on Peacock. Regarding the autistic man, why was he in his mid-late twenties and seeing pediatricians? Iggy made a comment like "these doctors are top of the field but they all treat children." Wouldn't these doctors have referred the mom and her son to other doctors once he aged out of a pediatrician's care? Hold on a sec. It's LAUREN'S apartment? Why on Earth is SHE couch surfing and Leyla's the one living in the apartment? Does Leyla need a residence (thus, can't be kicked out) due to the immigration issue? Also, like a previous poster pointed out, Lauren is wealthy (remember how much money she spent to get Leyla a job at NA?) but all of a sudden, she's homeless. Huh? Yes, yes, yes! Shitty writing for both characters!
  5. The Mayyas are incredible, I voted for them again this week, but I thought tonight was their weakest performance so far. I give Celia credit for doing a different (non puppet) ventriloquist act but her performances don’t do anything for me. Metaphysic is cool but I can’t help but think how awful it would be if this technology fell into the wrong hands. Also, I don’t think their AI Heidi looked that much like Heidi Klum.
  6. That glorified Kia commercial spent a lot more time and effort trying to convince us to buy a Kia than actually telling us how Brandon Leakes life has changed. Did he explain how his life changed because it sounded like vague “blah blah blah AGT opened up so many opportunities, isn’t this ride awesome blah blah Howie you’re my idol.”
  7. Tired of all the magic acts being either sleight of hand or “I make the word/playing card/object/etc appear somewhere by using my magic powers.”
  8. I really liked the British singer. His song reminded me of ‘Be Alright’ by Dean Lewis: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=I0czvJ_jikg Also got a kick out of Metaphysic or whatever the deep fake opera group was called. Very sneaky of them to tease the audience with what they will do next time. Way to manipulate the audience to get votes, guys! The British jackasses were unbelievably dumb but I did laugh out loud when that one jackass got stuck in the fake? thornless? cacti! America, do the right thing and send the death metal girl home! I did not enjoy it and I know her vocal chords hated it even more. *sigh* Don’t click below. There is no spoiler. I’m on mobile, accidentally clicked the ‘Add spoiler’ button and can’t figure out how to remove it.
  9. The WWWA nonsense is aggravating and I feel bad for everyone that gets the short end of that stick. Especially the new people, first- timers who are surely excited to be on the show and on TV, telling their friends and fam to tune in on Monday night, only to have their run be 10 seconds long. And we miss the runs of people who finish and hit the buzzer but see other people fall in the water on the second obstacle!? Don’t the TPTB know that we viewers want to see the old timers and people who finish the course and hit the buzzer? But no, let’s WWWA them so we can fit in footage of Jackson Twaitt shoveling spoonfuls of salsa into his pie hole! Like, what the fuck!?
  10. I felt bad for the lady with the sign talking about how much she loves Al, waiting years come to NYC to see Al, it’s her 65th birthday and all she wants is to see Al, she traveled numerous states to see Al and …. Al had the day off. The other hosts tried to help her out by getting Al on the line and we saw him walking through a leafy area, talking about how he was helping his kid pack for college. I was hoping he’d pop up behind the lady at some point “surprise! I’m here!” She seemed really excited to be there, regardless of Al’s absence, so that was nice.
  11. I’m tired of the hosts using the word “survived.” “He’s the first competitor tonight to survive this obstacle!” Come on, Akbar, it’s not like they fall into the water and instantly die. Reminds of my “dancing for their lives” on So You Think You Can Dance. While I give Jackson Twaitt credit for finding something to talk about other than his pathological obsession with his cat, the salsa thing was even MORE annoying than the cat crap. I literally laughed out loud when he fell on the first obstacle!
  12. My mom: “oh god, it’s the stupid pants guy! Please send him home!” We’re both very happy he was sent home. Hated his smarmy little smirk. The Brown Brothers were NOT better than Fusion Japan last night. The second half of the voices they did were just not good. The part of the show where the contestants talk about how “I had 173 followers on TikTok and now I have 56,000!!” always bums me out because it makes me sad what we live in a world where success is measured in social media likes and followers.
  13. Part of me wonders if Howie is contractually obligated to laugh at the comedians, or at least a certain percentage of their jokes, no matter how bad their material is. His laughter also reminds me of the laugh you force when a young child tells a dumb joke they think is hilarious and you don’t want to hurt their feelings. But there’s a sincerity to Howie’s laughter, which is really concerning when he’s guffawing (great word choice, BTW) at a painfully unfunny comedian.
  14. I was in the bathroom when Aiko Tanaka was doing her act and failing miserably and I could hear Howie laughing. At what, Howie? She wasn’t funny. Aiko: “I’M UNCOMFORTABLE RIGHT NOW!” Me: “uh-huh, telling jokes and hearing people not laugh will do that to you.” Also thought it was rude how they just cut Heidi off while she was judging Aiko. TPTB probably realized Heidi was complimenting Aiko and gushing over her and thought “hell no, we already sat through Howie spewing about ‘you can feel the love in the room!!!!’ nonsense. Cut this crap and let’s move on to Maddie!”
  15. Internet a$$holes faking disabilities is indeed a thing, but stuttering does go away when someone is singing. I’m 38, have stuttered my entire life and I don’t stutter when I sing, my speech is fluent. A speech pathologist in high school told me it had something to do with the rhythm of music improving the flow of speech. I felt for Amanda and can’t conceive of getting up on stage in front of who know how many people and talking. It was nice to see a female stutterer like myself, since 3 out of 4 of us are male. Her song was ok, kind of generic, IMO.
  16. Just saw this tonight. All that dust flying around and no ones coughing? No one has dust in their eyes? Interesting how despite everything the TMZ reporter was going through, all he cared about was getting his shot, “is my camera ok?” “Did you get that on film?” etc. Wow. Daniel Kaluuya does “calm despite aliens trying to eat you” very well. Why did Jean Jacket look like a flying saucer farther away but a billowing, holey parachute up close?
  17. So that the camera can immediately cut to Sofia and/or Heidi swooning! Every. Damn. Time. Sofia and Heidi act like they’ve never seen a man take off his shirt on stage even though it happens in every episode. It’s annoying and yet another repetitive thing I’m tired of on this show.
  18. Yes, the reaction shots (both judges and audience members) last too long and there’s too many of them. Was coming on here to mention how annoying it is when Howie points out the obvious. You’re right about it being cute in a toddler who’s just learning English. Glad I’m not the only one who heard a script in the female teen dancers responses. It also bugged me how differently she and her partner were costumed. She’s in a nice, embellished dress and he looks like he’s headed to Target to pick up some antiseptic cream for that ugly septum piercing he has.
  19. I was away from my TV and half paying attention when the guy with the whips came on stage. When we was asked what his act was, he said “whip cracking.” I thought he said “rib cracking” and clearly I’ve been watching this show too long because I was only slightly surprised that that would be on the show.
  20. It’s sad that any success mentioned amounted to “has over 500,000 social media followers!” but that’s the world we live in today. Success = how many people are following you on IG.
  21. Yes! Old and annoying. And no, no one else but Simon does it. Why doesn’t Howie stop the comedians during their sets? Because he always laughing. No matter how stupid the jokes are, it seems like he’s sitting there, laughing it up and I’m like “where’s the humor!?” It seems so…egotistical? to just stop a performance in the middle of someone’s song and demand that they sing another. You know Simon loves the power, the hush that fills the building, how everyone listens and he can command the room. One thing was different: this singer started with an original song, Simon stopped him and he sang someone else’s song that we knew.
  22. So, Mom and I are watching the Spanish guy hand balancing higher and higher. He tries to go up another level, drops a prop thing, stumbles, everyone gasps. Mom: “things like that are gonna happen in these performances.” Me: “he probably orchestrated it for extra drama and danger.” Howie: “are those KNIVES!?!?” Me: “yes, Howie” Howie: “those are knives!!!” Me: “very good, Howie.” 🙄
  23. I agree with this, though I do think there's too many PSA's and it seems like 80% of the competitors get one. Some people seem sincere in wanting to spread awareness about their condition/illness where as others seem to be milking their (or their family members) conditions/illnesses so that they have an interesting sob/backstory. I was so happy for Flex! She fought hard for that buzzer! You know that one ninja who's obsessed with his cat? His family was on the sidelines with giant cutouts of the cats head and the first season he competed, they showed video of him scootering around his college campus with a stuffed cat in a basket? I really liked how, yesterday, there was no "heartwarming" video before he ran, just family with giant cutout cat head, shots of his run and him falling into the water and shots of said cat "watching" from home. When the most interesting thing the producers can come up with for your backstory is "I just REALLY love my cat, ok?" the less I see of you, the better. One ninja came out and played the cello before he ran. One of the hosts said he played multiple instruments and I wondered why he'd bring a large, cumbersome instrument like the cello to San Antonio, rather than, say, a violin or flute. Then again, maybe the other instruments he plays are church organ, piano and harp and he went with the smallest one?
  24. Thiago and Essence’s dance was underwhelming. He was amazing in it but I thought it didn’t give her enough to do. At one point, the music is building, you know some big choreo is gonna happen. Thiago does a big leap (grand jete, maybe) and Essence… throws the skirt of her dress in the air? What?
  25. Why is is that every time, EVERYTIME! a dance crew auditions, there’s a part in the choreo where a dancer does backhand springs across the stage in front of the crew. It’s like it’s a prerequisite! That and the young kid who’s “OMG SO CUUUTTE!!!!” who has a short solo, complete with badass facial expression. I’m tired of that too but fortunately it’s a little less common.
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