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Frisky Wig

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Everything posted by Frisky Wig

  1. Didn’t we see the “shy, sweet UK girl who *SURPRISE!!!!* sings metal/hard rock music” a season or two ago? I spent the whole performance both rolling my eyes and very concerned about her vocal cords.
  2. Were the Rainbow Brite children awful or am I just too old for that crap?
  3. Also, this! Martin is TOO supportive so Iggys emotional affair or whatever it was is HIS fault? Wha…? And he’s a voice in Iggy’s head that’s holding him back? They had a great relationship, the best one on the show! Does EVERY character have to have an effed up, dysfunctional relationship? It was nice to see a couple (especially married gay men) have a healthy relationship. Sad the writers destroyed it. That’s what you get when you pledge for “more joy!?”
  4. This. Why didn’t Max make ASL/deaf awareness one of his Superman Super Helpful Projects Of The Week? Walk around NYC with Dr Wilder and Ben, get enlightened about the deaf communities challenges living in a hearing world, get all inspired 💡and bring in extra interpreters throughout the hospital, make mandatory ASL classes for all staff (the first sentence he himself learns to sign can be “How can I help you?” naturally), debate with Iggy or whoever about cochlear implants, create murals and pass out pamphlets about hearing disability* awareness, etc? Sounds very Max Goodwin-esque, no? *side note: from what I hear, most deaf/hard of hearing people don’t consider deafness a disability. Another talking point for the hypothetical episode!
  5. Surely the writers can come up with a reason for Theo to join Delilah in France, right? We start next season with a line about how Theo is in a French immersion program in Paris and hanging out with Charlie.
  6. Did Sophie tell Eddie that Kai told her Peter was at her piano show with one of Anna’s friends the night he died? I can’t imagine dating my friends ex husband, especially when that husband did what Peter did!
  7. Twins! Hope this is the push Padma needs to move out of her van and into a stable brick-and-mortar dwelling since the prospect of one kid, alarmingly, worryingly, wasn’t enough.
  8. I disagree. Wasn’t she supposed to be angry about the idea of her BF cheating? Because there was no (or very little) anger in her voice or expression. Maybe she’s good in Only Murders but here I was disappointed in her flat affect and acting skills.
  9. Yes! “Mitch McConnell, seen here looking like he’s watching _______” and it’s always funny! This was a really hit-or-miss episode for me. I didn’t like the cold open. I don’t think DV or DV court cases are funny and dislike how the case has turned into entertainment. However, I laughed plenty through out the episode, especially in the Old Enough skit.
  10. My mom and I had the same thoughts regarding Asher accepting Halsteads apartment without seeing it first. Then I realized, they were a couple 2 years ago. Maybe it was the same apartment he had then and she’s been there, spent time there, knows where it is and how many rooms it has, etc. She still should’ve asked about some things, like rent.
  11. Sophie really shouldn’t have pushed Peters girlfriend victim to share her story. People need to come out with their trauma in their own time. And maybe not when they’re at work, on the clock! Like a commenter above, I was also wondering “who’s gonna babysit Theo and wear matching jammies?” when Katherine and Shenice were headed to Florida. Not even a comment about “I’m so happy I got so-and-so to watch Peppa Pig with Theo while we’re gone! Hope they don’t put stickers on the walls- Theo’s always doing that!”
  12. Amazing how the VR person was able to get an appointment with Iggy what seemed like immediately after the failed attempt to get him to join the study.
  13. Iggy talks to his secretary about playing the video game and entrapping his patient. Iggy: “why do I feel like I’m doing something wrong?” Me: “uhhhh… cuz it’s creepy and wrong?”
  14. When Max was in the locker room and overheard the two guys talking about their rashes, he goes over to them and there seems to be a woman in the background. Co-ed locker-room…?
  15. Kit: “Chastian doesn’t have a pediatric surgeon.” My first though: “They don’t!?” My second thought: “Of COURSE they don’t! Every doctor in the building does whatever surgeries they feel like regardless of training or speciality! Why would they need one!?” 🙄
  16. I have mixed feelings about Helen’s storyline. I’ve had a speech impediment my entire life, I speak with a stutter and Freema’s performance seemed… hmmm. I don’t want to say “mocking” because there wasn’t any malicious intent but I can’t think of the word I’m looking for. It’s weird to see someone fake a speech disorder. However, it’s good that they’re raising awareness of this issue. I don’t know what it’s like to be a stroke victim but I could really relate to Helen’s frustration at not getting words out.
  17. The Weakest Link: the show where you can think a yard is 20 inches and still win! Lol! Congrats to her though. Anyone else think Mikayla (sp?) was pretty rude to the guy who missed ‘ampersand?’
  18. I’m glad Kit is forcing Leela to choose a residency. I wondered if Leela was insistent on doing both not because she’s passionate about both but because she wanted to prove naysayers wrong who said it was too hard and she couldn’t do it.
  19. I totally agree with you. I don’t have a problem with Greta being upset with Katherine for telling Eddie about her bipolar. There IS still a lot of stigma and yeah, Katherine should’ve talked to Greta about telling Eddie. My issue was Greta not understanding how Katherine would be worried that Greta would relapse and have a manic/depressed/mixed episode. Katherine showed concern due to research she’d read about bipolar suicide rates and Greta’s defensive response to that, IMO, was over the top.
  20. I found Greta’s reaction to Katherine’s concerns about her bipolar disorder to be way over the top. My understanding of bipolar disorder is that someone can be doing really well but something very stressful happens and it can trigger an episode. It’s a disorder that can’t be cured but needs to be managed and given the nature of disorder, it’s completely understandable why Katherine would be concerned about Greta, particularly since her close friend died by suicide! I mean, I suffer from depression and anorexia nervosa. I’m doing really well in my recovery from both but I know based on the nature of the illnesses and my own personal history that relapse is real possibility. If I got into a relationship and told my new boyfriend about this and he responded that he’s worried I’d relapse because a good friend of his died from anorexia, I wouldn’t get all defensive about how I’m weight restored, eating plenty, fighting disordered thoughts, etc. I’d say something like “I can’t promise I’ll never relapse but I’ll do everything I can to prevent it and will get help once I start backsliding.” But maybe that’s just me!
  21. Good thing they have one of those in their friend group! Someone call Katherine! Also, I was thinking the fertility doctor was gonna tell Gary “I figured out why Maggie hasn’t gotten pregnant. Your sample was full of tartar sauce!” Causing Gary to realize he dug someone else’s brown paper sack out of the trash and then have to explain the whole situation to the doctor. Kinda bummed when that didn’t happen.
  22. Where was Cassidy when she asked Kevin to come help her with something? In a hotel by herself? I was thinking she was with the rest of the fam and was surprised that no one else could help her unzip her dress.
  23. For heavens sake, Padma! Move out of your damn van before you get pregnant! Get a condo! Apartment! House! Something! Like I posted weeks ago in another episode post, get your life together BEFORE you add a child into the mix! It’s not really something you want to do simultaneously! This show, I just…
  24. So Sophie, at 18? 19? is supposed to just get the house ready and sell it? The house is not in her name, it’s in her moms, so that would cause some issues. And what does someone her age know about selling a house? Interesting how neither Maggie nor Gary are concerned about the incredibly high chance of their child developing breast cancer, or other types of cancer.
  25. LOVE the New Amsterdam and Transplant references! I’m getting a kick out of how every comment thus far is “I can’t believe it wasn’t auto brewery syndrome!”
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