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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I hadn't noticed the sirens. I guess I was too focused on Sioban and NLH.
  2. I was so hoping the show wouldn't go the cliche root of killing Siobhan. Why couldn't they have let her get seriously injured instead? NLH would still be on the war path for her sake, and she would get to live. I'm not happy but not at Ianto Jones level of pissed though. I look forward to Cheyton's demise at NLH's hands. I hope they don't make a habit of fridging interesting women. The loss of Nola and Siobhan is my limit. Did Proctor call for help for them or not? I wasn't sure. If he didn't, than he's partially to blame for what happened to Siobhan. I think I'm kinda bored with Proctor and the NLH vs. Proctor dynamic that's getting repetitive. Allison and Bunker are great additions to the show. I'm very curious about Aimee's next move. She is like Siobhan in wanting to the right thing.
  3. This video is my Olicity angst therapy. It's takes me to my happy place. Here's another one that makes me smile with Sally prominently featured. Oliver & Felicity - I want Candy Oliver & Felicity - Dear Future Husband I need a major break from the angst and so I'm requesting happy fics, videos, and gifs, pretty please.
  4. It wasn't terrible or great. It was just so/so but expectations were high because of the Wachowskis' previous work. I've definitely seen worse. The characters were incredibly thin in their characterization. I think in particular Jupiter needed to be more rounded out. I think she could have been a more grey sort of character who is very tempted by the wealth and immortality initially. The action scenes were too long and actually got boring for me. I almost fell asleep in the middle of one. The score was derivative in the worst way. Overall it was crazy repetitive with Jupiter pretty much believing whatever the person in front of her tells her with Caine having to rescue her over and over until the end. There was no tension or surprises at all. I realize these types of movies tend to follow cliches but with creativity there are ways to infuse the story with more gravity so that there are stakes the audience can care about, energy, and amusement. I think if they had shortened the action scenes and made them less repetitive and gave the characters more depth in order to raise the stakes it would have much better. The visuals were lovely. The beginnings of world building showed promise, but I felt I needed more. The scene where she's working through the bureaucracy gave me a nice Terry Gillliam or Douglas Adams vibe that more could have been done with. Maybe if it had a more Fifth Element sort of sensibility where there was more room for fun and surprise in the storytelling I would have really enjoyed it. I really think the movie's biggest crime is being boring. I think I could have forgiven a lot if they managed to make it more interesting. My sister said it was too cheesy, and I said it wasn't cheesy enough because at least it would have been more entertaining.
  5. Exactly it's the contrived relationship angst that turns people off. Just put them together and just have a splash of romance here and there. Let saving the city be the focal point.
  6. I grabbed this quote from the Clocktower thread. I really think the writers should have handled Felicity/Oliver like Parks and Rec handled Ben and Leslie. There were no lame triangles and that they loved each other was always clear. The big obstacles came from outside them through their career issues because their romance had the potential to get them fired and Lesile lose her election. There were some bumps between them as well when Ben wanted Leslie to stop doing pushing so hard to hold on to their friendship during a brief period when they broke up because being around her hurt him. And after they were married there was some tension because as City Manager Ben had to be more neutral and sometimes had to reject Leslie's plans and she was frustrated he wasn't automatically on her side in all work issues. They were a loving couple that had growing pains that were understandable based on who the characters are and interesting to watch. Oliver and Felicity could be that sort of couple. It would have been better not to let Oliver/Felicity go on the date or have Oliver declare his feelings while simultaneously reject Felicity. The unnecessary one step forward ten steps back isn't interesting to watch. It's just frustrating. Contrived angst doesn't make me root for a couple but lose interest. There's a reason I preferred Chandler/Monica on Friends over constant breakup/makeup Ross and Rachel. If the writers don't have the creativity to just let Oliver/Felicity get together and let the drama and angst stem from other things then they should have kept them on a friends who flirt sort of dynamic having a major slow burn until the writers are ready to get them together. Why not just let Oliver/Felicity be a secure couple who at times have fundamental disagreements on the right course of action and the usual tension when two people are combing their lives? Mix joy and angst so it's not so miserable all the time. Parks and Rec, The Office, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman etc.. have managed to have couples be together and still be interesting. Only lazy writers buy into an "if a couple gets together it's boring" mentality and write a bunch of cliche angst.
  7. I keep coming back to that moment where Rebecca touched the blood on the head of her victim before she and Burton blew up the car. It made me wonder about her mental state especially the way the it was shot and edited to cut kind of oddly at that moment. I really think the ambiguity with her is intentional, but there's a limit to how long it can go on before she's just a plot point because her motivations aren't understood. I think she'll either end up the big boss or dead.
  8. I'm revising my list to keep my Torchwood favorites. 1) Ianto (field agent, archivist, etc...) 2) Tosh (tech, field agent) 3) John Crichton (tech, translator, field agent) Farscape - those translator microbes could come in handy. 4) Walter Bishop (Doctor, tech) Fringe - this one I'm iffy about because he's more on the tech side of things. 5) Sara (field agent, medical researcher) Arrow bumping Felicity and Diggle from my list was hard.
  9. I find Rebecca's brand of crazy kind of fascinating. She was already interested in the sex, violence, wealth, and power since season 1. I feel like Proctor's possessiveness has kinda made her more extreme either to show off how bad ass she is to gain more trust and responsibility, some sort of crazy survival tactic, or out of genuine thirst for violence. One thing that I think is new is she's become much more cold. I think one issue with Rebecca is that there is no one she can have an honest conversation with and so viewers are left to fanwank what is going on in her head. Her character needs a friend to help provide insight but maybe the writer's want viewers uncertain about her so that there's a surprise in her outcome. I do think she's reached a point of no return. The violence is very much a part of her now and she seems to enjoy it which will either make her more dangerous or more careless. She's had a reckless streak all along and that could be her downfall. I'm dying to see how she'd respond if Proctor honored his mother's wish and forced Rebecca out.
  10. A post MD radio play doesn't really interest me. I'd love a prequel that included Suzie but that would mean no Gwen and there's no way that would happen. My other wish list item that will never happen is some sort of storyline dealing with the consequences of Canary Wharf and Jack's aggressive ignoring of the survivors. Ianto stole tech from the remains of Torchwood 1 for Lisa. What if other survivors were able to get some tech and cause some trouble? How about an alternate universe storyline where Peter Tyler's Torchwood reaches out to Jack? This would be a way to temporarily bring back characters like Tosh and Ianto.
  11. I still haven't recovered from poor Nola but appreciate she went out like a bad ass. That fight was epic. I was so hoping for a draw so both characters could live to fight another day. I thought it was interesting that while Proctor and NLH were fighting Rebecca stayed out of it. She just seemed to be watching and not trying to help Proctor at all. At this point I assume she keeps some sort of weapon near by and could have intervened if she really wanted to even if only by grabbing a cell phone to call Burton. I'm convinced Rebecca will be the one responsible for Proctor's demise. She's gone out of her way to show her loyalty to Proctor and that's given her his trust and access to his business. Still I think her end game is to be the boss at some point and that means getting Proctor out of the way eventually. She's playing a long game that I think has been happening since Proctor had Jason Hood killed making it clear how much control Proctor has over her life. BTW, Burton and Rebecca working together was amazing to watch. They weren't talking to each other but were in total violent sync. Those two are very scary together, and I want to see more. If Rebecca starts overtly working against Proctor, who would have Burton's loyalty? Would he abandon Proctor in favor of Rebecca now that he seems to respect her killer tendencies? So, I figure Proctor/Emily ending up in bed at some point is inevitable right? Brock's going to need a ton of lap dance therapy if the show goes there. I really enjoy the Canna/NLH dynamic when it's platonic. As friends they are compelling but as a couple I found them horrible. I'm happy Gordon is done with his self indulgent pity party. He has every right to be angry with Cana, but he wronged the kids by wallowing in his own pain. Aimee really is in a crap position. I worry things won't end well for her. I'll be really sad if Siobhan dies. I hope the writers decide that the current crisis is enough to keep Siobhan from forcing NLH out and they won't decide to kill her.
  12. I wasn't sure which thread I should post this in. It's been said that Empire was partially inspired by The Lion in Winter. TCM is airing that movie today at 3:45.
  13. The pay off of the robot and the running Allison Janney joke were great.
  14. Weird Al's White & Nerdy mentions Captain Kirk and Captain Picard.
  15. Am I crazy to be wondering if Dottie is Jarvis' wife and that's why the show never lets us see her so we'll be shocked at her true identity?
  16. Far From the Madding Crowd is one of my favorite books. I didn't care for the Julie Christie adaptation. The more recent version from I think 1998 I really loved. I'm very excited to see Carey as Bathsheba.
  17. Carousel is seriously compromised because of the treatment of domestic violence. There some songs I like, but I just can't sit through it ever again.
  18. That could be really interesting, but I wasn't a Bridemaids fan. I'm not thrilled at the choice of director. I do like the actresses chosen though. So, I'll be open minded.
  19. I don't writing lyrics is any easier than writing dialogue. Even in movies like Singing in the Rain or a Moulin Rouge that uses previously written music, choices about what songs to use and in what context requires thought and creativity. They managed to make Singing in the Rain synonymous with Gene Kelly and the film. I bet most people think it was written specifically for that movie.
  20. Now that you mention it, loose hair even as a wig doesn't make sense for a crime fighter. A bun would make more sense than a wig.
  21. Didn't Tea Leoni and Micheal Bay have major problems? I have some vague memory of her telling a story where she was injured while making Bad Boys and getting into an argument with Bay because she wanted to go to the hospital, and he wanted her to keep shooting. I think it turned out she had a concussion. I think Lily Tomlin and John Travolta had issues when they did a movie together but I don't remember the exact details.
  22. Luckylyn

    Her (2013)

    I don't see Sam that way. She's more like an assistant who ends up dating her boss than a prostitute to me. The romantic relationship doesn't read as a business transaction to me.
  23. I totally agree. John Barrowman really made Merlyn so compelling, and he's been wasted. I don't understand promoting him to regular and then treating him like a guest star. Thea and Malcolm's story has been so much squandered potential. I thought she was using him to gain training and strength and then would end up being his downfall. I really hate how Thea's agency was taken away and how even though they know now that she essentially has drug educed Stockholm Syndrome she's still being left ignorant and vulnerable to Malcom's manipulation. It really makes Oliver look like a thoughtless man to leave in the Climb without telling his sister everything so she could protect herself. Seriously, I love the character Oliver, but he's been a crap brother (abandoning Thea after Tommy's death and Moira's arrest and then abandoning her again after their mother is murdered in front of them). The show really needs to correct that.
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