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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I think the show should go into hiatus until the awards season starts up again with the Golden Globes. I really don't know who could replace her. They tried having Fashion Police before when Joan was fired but that was only as a post awards fashion recap. They've only been able to successfully have a weekly show with Joan at the helm. The rest of the current panel are replaceable.
  2. I honestly don't know what to think about John killing Jack in KKBB because it's unclear to me whether or not he is Gray's hostage at this point. In EOD, it's established that Gray is monitoring John and forcing him to do things but when John was coerced is unclear. I do think John holds up a mirror to Jack about the bad man he used to be and that's why I really am interested in their interactions. Is John who Jack would be if it wasn't for the Time Agency mind wipe and the meeting of Rose and The Doctor? Also, is Gray's kidnapping the reason that Jack went down the dark path that lead him to the Time Agency and John Hart?
  3. Jack's past seems like it could lead to a wealth of storylines. I'm dying to learn more about Jack's at the Time Agency and what lead to his two year memory wipe. John could be such a big part of that story arch.
  4. That's how I see the Jack/Gwen dynamic. Gwen is safe because she's taken. It's clear to me that Jack could have Gwen if he wanted her, but he consistently pushes her to Rhys.
  5. I do wonder if the writers are fixated on the idea of Gwen being The Woman in Jack's life and so that's why we don't get him really showing strong interest in other women. Still, Jack does tend to talk of his female exes with an emotional attachment while the men in his past tend to be salacious stories he likes to tell. Yet, we got to see Jack with Angelo and Ianto which were more than sex. Jack's romantic history is complicated. Now that I think about it, Jack's never had a love scene or current love interest that was a woman, and I do think the writers' favoritism of Gwen is the reason why.
  6. I think Ianto was also jealous of The Doctor in KKBB. I do wonder if the hard look Jack gave Ianto in Countrycide was supposed to be jealousy over Lisa. Also, Ianto deliberately brought up Lisa to make it clear how insensitive Gwen's juvenile kissing game was. Was Jack angry about Ianto putting Gwen in her place or angry about that Ianto did not mention that Jack was actually Ianto's last kiss? I like that stare down scene between Ianto and Jack a lot but am not sure of it's context.
  7. So the director wants McConaughey as Stu, but the studio wants to cast him as Flagg? Christian Bale was his choice for Flagg, interesting. I loved Gary Sinise as Stu. I have trouble visualizing anyone else in that part. I liked the miniseries a lot and have mixed feelings about the new adaptation.
  8. Would anyone be interested in participating in a rewatch? We could post one episode a week. Also, I think the rewatch rule is not to mention anything that will happen beyond the particular episode being discussed in order not to spoil new watchers.
  9. Patton's decoy army so the Nazis would think D-Day was happening at the wrong location could be good. There was an actual US government program where they tried to train pigeons to carry bombs and blow up ships. There was another program by the Russians I think where they tried to train dogs to carry bombs and blow up US tanks but the dogs kept blowing up Russian tanks instead. Poor dogs. The Russians trained the dogs on their own tanks which smelled differently from US tanks because they used different fuels. So of course the dogs destroyed the tanks with scent they were trained with.
  10. That could be a great choice. He can definitely do evil (Killer Joe). He can be charming and scary at the same time.
  11. Some sort of system would be needed to protect people from people who die suddenly (heart attacks, aneurisms, accidents, etc), especially at night when people are asleep. I keep thinking of that kid who died in the prison from the flu in the middle of the night. There should be trip wire with a bell placed at the bottoms of doors at night that a human would easily know to step over but a zombie would walk right into. That way if someone died they would hear them trying to enter or exit. I wonder if they would be able to get the materials needed to give people heart monitors so that if someone died there'd be an alarm to let others know to be on the look out.
  12. One thing I liked is that Ianto clearly learned a big lesson from Cyberwoman, and I think Jack gets that. I really like how solid the professional dynamic is between Jack and Ianto even if the relationship side of things was underwritten on the show.
  13. Mousey, I've considered that Ianto may have considerd Jack as a safe person to be involved with because Jack won't die on him, and he won't have to mourn Jack like he does Lisa. I don't think Ianto anticipated that he would end up falling in love with Jack when they started sleeping together.
  14. I was wondering about that too. Who is Christopher and why haven't we heard about him before?
  15. Initially, I was worried that Trey would be able to frame Daniel for George's murder, but the surveillance tape complicates things. Even if Trey insisted that Daniel murdered George in front of him, there's no way Daniel could have disposed of a body and the video shows that. I suppose Trey could still lie and say Daniel murdered George and intimidated Trey into disposing the body. But now the sheriff isn't as certain of Daniel's guilt in Hannah's death. His sending Trey and George's DNA out makes it clear he's looking into the past with a fresher perspective. At best, the sheriff will be weary of anything Trey has to say against Daniel if Trey's DNA pops in Hanna's investigation which it likely will and wonder if Trey killed George. At worst, the sheriff will decide Daniel and Trey are partners in crime and killed George together before he couldn't implicate them. Trey would have been better off leaving things alone and just letting George's suicide be found out. Is there any chance George wrote a suicide note, or left something behind to make it clear it was suicide that Trey wouldn't have be able to discard? Still even if the sheriff supports Daniel's innocence involving Hannah and George, Daniel is guilty of assaulting Teddy. Teddy's an idiot if he thinks Twaney and Daniel had sex. What woman in the middle of a miscarriage is going to have sex? Wouldn't she be in physical discomfort? Although Twaney and Daniel, simply having a conversation is enough to set Teddy off. I think Daniel created a window of opportunity for Teddy to better communicate with Twaney and maybe work things out, but Teddy was too jealous to recognize it. Daniel willing gave Twaney information that made him look terrible and Teddy look better, and Teddy still manages to ruin his chance because jealousy over Daniel is his focus instead of reaching Twaney. In the end it's not about Twaney but competing with Daniel and I can understand Twaney wanting to walk away from that.
  16. I've been thinking about it a lot and Oliver really failed Thea monumentally. Tommy dies and their mother is in prison and Oliver disappears for months focused on his grief with no thought of Thea who was totally on her own at 18 years old. He meddled in Thea's relationship with Roy which just created more pain for her. He disappears on her again when their mother dies. No wonder she's bitter towards him. He's shown himself to be totally unreliable and from her perspective self centered. Viewer's see his concern for her, but he's never around when she needs him. I'm annoyed the show hasn't really used Walter much. I think he could have interesting dynamics with Thea and Oliver. Logically, Walter should have been there for Thea through the traumas of the last couple of years because Season 1 established a solid father/daughter kind of bond, but Walter's used so sparingly that it's been lost. It might be interesting to see Walter used more in Season 3 (I'm hoping). I would not mind some Malcom vs. Walter stuff in the battle for Thea's soul. Worry over Thea and efforts to get back the company could also be a way for Walter and Oliver to interact. Is the actor who plays Walter simply not available often or do the writers just not see his potential as a part of Oliver and Thea's journeys?
  17. I agree. They were horrible. The mother
  18. I had low expectations but really liked Latter Days. I think the characters have more depth than I anticipated, and there were some interesting interactions.
  19. As a rule I hate when a villain is kept around too long after the character's expiration date (ex: Heroes, Sylar). Yet when Malcolm was brought back I was thrilled. I just can't resist the JB magnetism. I can't wait for Malcolm and Thea to spare/bond. The scene when Thea shot him and his reaction was pride was crazy in the best way. I trust JB to keep his performance interesting no matter what the writers throw at him.
  20. Top 100 Greatest Gay Movies I figure this list is a good jumping point for discussion. I have a major soft spot for Shelter. Some of my favorites are Torch Song Trilogy, Imagine Me and You, Beautiful Thing, and Coffee Date really goes in an interesting direction. For documentaries, I always think of The Times of Harvey Milk, The Celluloid Closet, and Bridegroom. I hate Heartbeats. I think they are assholes who are in love with drama more than anything else.
  21. The parents in What Maisie Knew were horrendous. That kind of neglect was tough to watch. It shows a parent can be abusive even if they aren't hitting the kid or being verbally abusive. That scene where Julianne Moore The only times Maisie was happy and safe was when she was with her step parents.
  22. I always get this sense of menace when Teddy and Tawney have scenes together. I'm always half expecting him to hit her. She once said she was sometimes afraid of him. I get the impression that she tends to walk on eggshells around him and tends to think of how he will react over how she may feel. It's like she's always acting for him because she doesn't think he can handle her being honest, and I think she's right because he's so intensely insecure. He's a character who sometimes winds up in circumstances where I want to feel bad for him, but I can't because he's unnecessarily an asshole so much of the time. I think Twaney shut down emotionally after the miscarriage partially out of guilt because she wasn't sure she wanted the baby and partially part of the pattern of her repressing herself to handle Teddy. I do think neither Teddy or Tawney are saints in this situation and have both made mistakes. She wanted out of the marriage but just couldn't come out and say it. Some of that I think is religious and some is her self-esteem. Having feelings for Daniel and wanting a divorce makes her feel like a bad person. I also believe it was fear of his nasty reaction. So she kept going along with Teddy while mentally she was already gone from the marriage. She should have been more mature and just ended it even if Teddy got ugly about it. Still I tend to feel more sympathy for her rather than Teddy. I kinda think both Twaney and Teddy have immature streaks but his is louder and more oft putting. I think Teddy is understandably hurt to have his wife not want him anymore, but I don't think it justifies his behavior with her. I feel like he treats her as an appendage to him and not an individual with her own needs and feelings. Sometimes he directs his anger about other things and people at Taweny which is why she seems to walk on eggshells with him constantly. I believe her when she says she's tired because being marriage with someone with a temperament like Teddy's would be exhausting. A marriage where you are always afraid to speak your mind is going to fall apart eventually. I feel like even if Daniel didn't come along Twaney would have got tired of constantly having to cater to Teddy's ego, and the marriage would be strained anyway. Daniel exacerbated issues that were already there. Teddy doesn't see that and will probably end up pressing charges against Daniel for the choke hold as part of a way to get revenge on Daniel and maybe get Twaney back. In Teddys, mind it's Daniel's fault and that's all he wants to see. I feel like he's the type to blame others and not take personal responsibility for how the way he responses to people can be alienating. I bet if the rims thing fails he'll blame his father and Taweny for it because they didn't believe in him enough. Which is not to say, I don't think Daniel has some culpability. He's made it clear he wants Tawney, and he doesn't seem to give a crap about Teddy's feelings. But since, Teddy never gives a crap about Daniel's feelings when he's being horrilbe I figure Daniel and Teddy are even. I'm convinced that Daniel will get falsely accused of George's murder. The sheriff has gotten involved in his disappearance. When they search his house, they'll see evidence that Daniel was there and that there was a some sort of violent confrontation. Trey will lie and implicate Daniel further. It's going to get uglier and uglier.
  23. I loved Twist of Faith. You are so right about the chemistry. I like that the "too soon' issue was addressed and his mother's response.
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