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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I wanted to mention how much I loved the evolution of the Adian/Nora friendship. There was a time where Nora litterally would have thrown Adian to the wolves. The transition from their tolerating each other for Josh's sake to them being like family to each other is really interesting. Adian's willingness to take the fall for Erin's murder to protect Nora and the way Adian and Nora had to work together for Josh's sake when he was stuck as a wolf really solidfied a bond between them. That moment in the finale when Nora hugs Adian as he cries over losing Sally shows how much things have changed between them. In earlier seasons, I couldn't have imagined Nora offering comfort to Adian or Adian accepting comfort from her. I really loved the friendships on this show. The four of them had a bond, but they all had bonds one on one as well. Even with the romances, the friendships always mattered a great deal which was a big part of the finale. Sally sacrificed herself for all their sakes and not just because she was inlove in Adian and Adian was willing to make the same sacrifice for their friends. It was the love of their self made family that allowed Sally and Adian to be together on the other side and even though they have each other they still reach out to their earthly family. I will miss this show and all the relationships romantic and platonic.
  2. I wonder if they would change who the killer turned out to be to surprise viewers who had already seen the original. I'm really looking forward to seeing this story unfold in a more lenghtly format. Is the show getting a full 22 episode season or a shortened one?
  3. I hate to see the show go but if it has to end this was right way. They each got their happy ending.
  4. The only good thing about TWOP closing is that it made some less active conversations lively again. I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone. Anyway, as far as MD characters go. I disliked Rex but came to like Esther a great deal. I think she had a chance for a nice progression from desk jockey to field agent because of necessity. Jack and Gwen are so gun ho and Rex is cut from the same cloth. Esther represented the other point of view and it was something I found interesting. Of course, since I liked the character and was kinda shipping her with Jack, she's gone because Torchwood means I don't get to have nice things I want.
  5. I figured the Adian turing on Josh would be Kenny induced, but Sally being the thing Kenny used was a shocker. I thought it was a great episode and Ramona is scary as hell.
  6. I fully expected to prefer the original verison over the US one but I think I've enjoyed the US version more. I do feel like the storylines of this season would have worked better over two seasons and that the decision to end the show rushed some storylines. Still, it's a great show.
  7. I have to say I'll miss this show, but it has somee great episodes. It reminds me of Farscape because both shows could be seemlessly extremely funny and then heartwrenching.
  8. Although I like it better, COE has tons of problems. The way all the countries in the world agree is totally unrealistic. They would have turned on each other demanding that countries with a weaker military hand over their kids. Also, nobody puts up a fight or tries to come up with an alternate solution rather than just handing the kis over except Torchwood. There's no way all the countires of the would would act unilaterly and not pursue a military option. Since they made a point of showing that the 456 were adapate at viruses, it would have been better if they released a virus on earth that only they had a cure for. Then, I would get not trying for a military option because they would need the 456 alive for the cure. Of course, the resolution would have to have been different for how to defeat them, and there'd be no Stephen sacrifice. Even though I didn't like MD, Immortal Sins is one of my all time favorite episodes even though I complaing about Gwen's mishandling of the kidnapping.
  9. Don't get me started on the whole stupidity of kidnapping Gwen's family when all they had to do was ask Jack to come. Plus, Gwen handles the situation like a moron and doesn't do a single thing to ensure her family's safety. She doesn't demand proof that they have her family and they are still alive. She has no plan in place to protect her family in the event she gets double crossed by the kidnappers. She just just blindly follows orders from people she has no reason to believe can be trusted and hopes that things will work out. Plus, she acts so selfrighteous about it, too, but I guess focusing on anger towards Jack is her way of coping with betraying him. I'm happy the twopers found a home here and that the Torchwood thread is active again.
  10. I prefer COE over MD which kinda surprised me considering my anger about Ianto's demise. I felt a sense of urgency in COE which I think MD lacked. Plus, I liked that we got to see the governemt pov, and the process to get to certain choices. That's missing from MD. Plus, there was a lot of filler (Oswald) that ended up pointless. They could have used the Oswald time to show the effects of no one dying on the world. I think world building is where MD failed. One thing COE and MD share in common is the usual Torchwood incompetence. I still don't get why Gwen starts MD on the run and then after she's blown up a government facility on camera she's totally living in the open. Why wasn't she arrested and why weren't they hiding?
  11. Barrowman really is intensely charasmatic. He really fits the larger than life mold that Jack represents.
  12. A Buckaroo Bonzi reference. I love you! I haven't seen that movie in years. Perfect Tommy is one of my top character names. I don't know what it says about me that I'm still not over Ianto's stupidly written death. I suppose it says something about GDL's performance really resonated. I give him the credit over the writters because they didn't give him much to work with, but he managed to make Ianto extremely compelling. I don't want to dimish the writers contribution because it definitely matters because there would be no Ianto without them. I just think the character would have been different and not as appealing if he'd been played by another actor. edited because I mixed up Perfect Tommy and Handsome Rob from The Italian Job for some reason.
  13. Hey Captanne, I guess all the twopers will be headed here for Torchwood and other shows. I'm glad the discussion can continue.
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