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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Angel was awesome and then Season 4 happened. I still am pissed at Whedon for punishing Charisma Carpenter for getting pregnant by turning her evil, raping the character by having a demon possess her body to have sex with a boy Cordy loved like a mother, putting her in coma, not allowing the character to deal with the emotional trauma of her possession, and then killing her off. They decided she was an appendage to Angel that could be discarded, and it hurt the show. Her character development didn't matter to Whedon at all. Killing off Cordelia and introducing Spike (which didn't have to be a bad thing but the writing didn't work for me as far as integrating Spike) were things the show couldn't recover from. My pissiness about the show is so well known that my sisters got me only seasons 1-3 as a Christmas present. There was a time when I thought HIMYM was one of the best shows ever and then the longer the show went on the worse it got. It was better written when they were in danger of cancellation. Once they were considered a hit the writers just stopped really letting the characters progress.
  2. That's one of my favorite scenes. That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about Pillow Talk. My favorite Doris Day movie is That Touch of Mink. I just adore Cary Grant in just about anything, and he and Doris had great chemistry. Plus, I love that scene where the guy (Tony Randall?) asks the secretary to take off her glasses and take her hair down and is disappointed she doesn't suddenly look glamorous just like he's scene in the movies. I love the willingness to play with cliches.
  3. I really think that's a great point. I do think it's great that she's training so she can be physically fit for the part and think it's good that she's sharing that with fans who doubt her physical capability. Still, it's not enough to look the part. The writing hasn't been there for the character, and KC hasn't been able to elevate it with her performance. She doesn't seem to have any nuance (she hates him, she loves him, she's an addict, she's got her act together), and she plays what's on the page without finding a way to bring more into it.She's treated like a plot device who goes from one thing to another without much development in between to explain it, and she doesn't add layers so you can see multiple emotions in her face. That's what she needs to work on. I do think writing is the main issue, but KC isn't helping it either. It's possible with the right writing she'd be awesome, but she can't adjust poor writing with her performance. I think of an actor like GDL who played Ianto on Torchwood whose character was given very little writing but still managed to add that extra something to his performance so you could grow to love the character even if he isn't given the greatest writing is something KC should try to emulate. Give that man only one line in an episode, and he'll hold your attention. Plus, KC needs to work on the PR side of things and stop being defensive. Her feeling threatened is natural because her job is at stake, but she has to manage the fans better which may inspire them to have more patience while the writers try and figure out what to do with Laurel.
  4. The person she blackmailed is now dead, and so, I think she'll get away with it.
  5. I am totally watching that Saved by the Bell movie. I loved that show growing up. It's so cheesy but I don't care. I remember there was one episode where Lisa and Zack were dating and then the show never addresses it again. I'm dying to know if the movie will deal with the rumor that racist letters made them change their minds about Lisa/Zack.
  6. House Party - Boys vs Girls Dance off
  7. Neither Shae or Tyrion had time to think in that moment when they were both surprised to find the other in Tywinn's room. Shae either assumed Tyrion was there to harm her out of revenge, or she simply hated him for his harsh break up with her. It could be a combination of both. So she picked up a knife and at that point Tyrion reacts to protect himself. He wasn't there with the intention to harm her since he didn't even know she'd be there, and it's possible that if she hadn't picked up the knife things would have gone differently. She might have been able to talk her way out of the situation. There just didn't seem to be time for either of them to really consider options and both reacted on instinct to protect themselves. I think Shae and Tyrion could both claim self-defense in their actions. The thing that hurts the story for me is that it never made sense that Shae believed Tyrion's harsh words. Also the way she not only implicated Tyrion but Sansa who never did Shae wrong and Shae claimed to care about was something that didn't fit with what I'd seen before of the character. Did she care about Tyrion and Sansa at all or was it just a job? Was she coerced into her testimony and Tywinn's bed or did she make those choices freely not caring about the fact that she was condemning innocent Sansa too? She became a plot device. I feel like I was supposed to hate her and root for her death and so any nuance that could have lead up to it was avoided. I don't mind ambiguity, but I want continuity in character development.
  8. Thanks for the info on Diggle Appreciation week. I posted some of my favorite Diggle gifs in the fan art thread.
  9. That's an interesting list of possibilities. I think Cersei will pick the one that easiest for her to control. She'll want a puppet not a leader and so I think Lancel or Pycelle are likely choices.
  10. The Best of Me - It looks like The Notebook 2: Electric Boogaloo. I will probably watch it a million times. Tammy -This looks really stupid in the best way.
  11. I think Cersei suspected that Jaime would help Tyrion and that's why she seduced Jaime. She was trying to entice him to be loyal to her and abandon Tyrion. When she said "I choose you" I thought there was an unspoken, "Choose me over Tyrion."
  12. That's an interesting article. It made some points I hadn't considered before. I don't think it's crazy to make an adult show as a spin off of a kid's show because kids grow up. The idea that Doctor Who fans as kids could grow up to be Torchwood fans makes sense to me. What I do think RTD messed up on is that his idea of what adult is could be incredibly juvenile.
  13. What I like about Felicity is that she's not just the love interest? She has an integral place on the team regardless of whether or not she and Oliver ever get together. I hope the writers understand that and allow her to have a life outside of Oliver. I love that they've established a strong bond with Diggle and Felicity separate from Oliver. Now I want to see her have more connections. I wouldn't mind more interaction with Felicity and characters like Sara, Walter, Quentin, and Lyla. I worry sometimes that Felicity will become like Cordelia Chase on Angel where the writers seemed to forget she was her own person, with her own story arch, and bonds with people outside of Angel himself. Because once they changed their minds about Cordelia/Angel being an item they just discarded Cordy as if her only purpose was to be the love interest, and I don't want that happening to Felicity.
  14. Laurel is basically a square peg the writers are trying to fit into a round hole. For me she doesn't fit as Black Canary because Sara seems to own that role. Laurel isn't the love interest because Felicity, Sara, Helena... all seem to have more of a spark with Oliver and to me more interesting dynamics. Quentin is the law enforcement person who works with the Arrow. What skills does Laurel have that could contribute to what Team Arrow does? If they kill off Quentin so that Laurel could take his position on the show that will make me seriously hate Laurel.
  15. In the beginning of Season 1 the chemistry between Laurel and Oliver was so lacking that shipper discussion mostly was about how Oliver had more chemistry with his sister than with Laurel. So Felicity showed up and gave shippers the possible pairing that they were looking for. If Felicity didn't come along, it would have been someone else because the vibe I was getting was that people wanted to ship Oliver/anyone who isn't Laurel. Still, Olicity really sparked something and even giving Oliver other options (Sara, Helena...) Felicity/Oliver still have popularity. This was a happy accident that I think really helped the show because Felicity isn't just a love interest but an integral member of the team. If she an Oliver never get together, Felicity still has a place in the show. Laurel on the other hand seems like a square peg being forced into a round hole.
  16. Dear John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSNT4Y6-5fI Roswell Seasons 1, 2, & 3 Farscape all 3 intros - It's interesting how the exposition changes based on John's experiences.
  17. So where are Tyrion and Varys headed? Together those two can do great things. The most competent people in Kings Landing are Tywin, Tyrion, and Varys. They drove Tyrion away, Tywin's dead, and Varys decided to get out of there. Plus Stannis is set to destroy them now that they are weakened. The Lannisters are screwed. Jaime doesn't want to run things, and I don't think he could if he wanted to. Cersi is enough of a petty shortsighted person to ruin the alliance with the Tyrells even though her family will need them more than ever. She wants control more than she wants to ensure the survival of her family. So what happens with the Tyrells? Do they try to hang on to the alliance with the Lannisters through Tommen even with Cersi's resistance or like Varys with they see the Lannisters as a sinking ship to escape? The assassination of Joffery and the connection to Littlefinger gives the Tyrells an in with those who want to resist the Lannisters.
  18. Maroon 5 Payphone PARODY: Game of Thrones!
  19. I think the second rising may be a red herring. I don't think the prophet was trying to cause a second rising but instead eliminate the first risen because of a fear that the first risen might be key to a reversion to being living. The prophet wants zombies to stay zombies. How did the prophet know about the reversion? I'm more convinced now that the prophet is a scientist. I was devastated over Amy and then poor Phillip finally getting the girl only to lose her. His mother his awesome. It's great that she was so supportive of Kieran her assumption that his family would fight for him really put things in perspective for Kieran's mother. Gary came off like a monster. Drugging Kieran so he would go rapid and then calling Jem to make sure she kills her own brother was a sick thing to do and tremendously selfish. He wanted Kieran dead and knew that would hurt Jem so he arranged it so she or someone else would be Kieran's killer leaving him to look blameless in her eyes. I'm disgusted that something more horrible than Jem dumping him didn't happen. One thing I wondered about is why they haven't poured cement over every grave or set up some sort of security system around all commentaries just in case there's another rising. I love Kieran's evolution and how determined he is to be himself even in the face of horrible pressure from his family. I feel like the family went too far in their treatment of Kieran and am shocked he'd still live with them. I feel like they broke a trust by not taking Kieran's word over those who were so obviously biased, keeping him a hostage in his home, and being willing to send him back to Norfolk against his will. They came around in the end but what they did is something they have to make up for in my eyes.
  20. Arrow: Oliver/Moira/Thea -- Queen Family Tribute - Name
  21. I love the Felicity/Diggle dynamic and how they care about each other. There's a really nice comfort level between them almost like family. I hope to see some Felicity/Lyla interaction. I'd really love a scene of Team Arrow plus Lyla just having a meal together.
  22. I'd love to watch the Vorkosigan Saga on tv. Miles and his family are such fascinating people.
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