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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I do think it’s a problem that same sex female platonic relationships are allowed to be close emotionally and include physical affection but with same sex male friendships have to be more restrained because of toxic masculinity. Two women can hug and it’s just friendship. Two men hugging simply out of friendship is rare to see. I really like the scene towards the end of Bye Bye Love where Paul Raiser hugs Matthew Modine. It was a nice moment of friendship that men don’t get to have onscreen often. This conversation is making me think of a video someone made analyzing the impact if Spock/Kirk slash fiction on Star Trek lasting in public consciousness leading to a revival on film and television. The youtuber quoted someone from Star Trek (I think a writer) about how he saw slash fiction/shipping as a problem because it was mostly straight women which he considered to be fetishizing male pairings. Is straight women shipping same sex pairings a problem or a benefit for support of lgtbqa representation? I am a straight women who has shipped a variety of pairings including same sex ones. There’s a certain emotional investment in wanting a pair to end up together that maybe goes back to my affection for romance novels. Another youtuber talked about how a lot of people might ship a same sex couple simply because the writers’ preordained couple wasn’t developed well so people get attached to alternate pairings of the opposite sex or same sex that may have not have been intended. For me, it’s about the chemistry mostly and sometimes the writing supports that and sometimes it doesn’t. Poe/Finn was not the plan for Disney but the actors sparked and I definitely think Issac played his scenes with that in his mind in The Force Awakens. I shipped them and was disappointed Disney wimped out of letting Poe/Finn happen while apparently thinking having a blink and you’d miss it same sex kiss between characters the audience doesn’t know was somehow going to appease Poe/Finn fans. I never shipped Steve and Bucky. I saw Steve and Bucky like brothers. I do think Bucky/Falcon could be a great snark to love romance but doubt Disney will go there which sucks because I think they have a spark.
  2. I didn’t like how her choice of school was focused on choosing between her boyfriend and her best friend. I wish it was more about what she wanted as an individual. Maybe the third Kissing Booth movie will handle that. I do think the relationship between the best friends is way too co-dependant which the movie did call out with the girlfriend’s understandable frustration.
  3. Interracial Romance Onscreen I am really hoping to see Alyssa Cole’s Loyal League or Off the Grid series gets adapted someday. Another author featuring diversity in romance is Talia Hibbert. I recommend her Brown Sisters series or her Ravenswood series of books.
  4. I found it worth it for the film history aspect. You could watch that and skip the later part talking about modern examples.
  5. I’m reading Golden in Death by JD Robb. I really enjoy the In Death series.
  6. I am currently reading Take a Hint, Dani Brown which is the second in Talia Hibbert’s Brown Sister Trilogy. The first book I read by her was Get a Life, Chole Brown which I really loved. I then read her Ravenswood trilogy and have become a big fan. Her characters are diverse, there’s humor but also emotional elements, the obstacles that get in the couples’ way are grounded in reality and she really shows how her pairings work well as a couple.
  7. That reminds me that I think Jessie Royce Landis who played Cary Grant’s mother in North by Northwest was only a handful of years older than him. Angela Lansbury was only ten years older than Elvis but played his mother in Blue Hawaii.
  8. In my opinion, no hair stylist makeup artist who doesn’t have the skill to do all hair and make up a variety of skin tones should be hired for tv/film. People in those positions should be highly skilled. They are treating actors/actresses Of color as afterthoughts.
  9. The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History by John Barry - It covers the 1918 flu epidemic. It’s been an interesting read so far. The beginning goes into a brief history of medicine that really showcases how the field of medicine was shockingly low educated. You could go to a medical school where all you did was listen to lectures for six months, never take any exam, never examine a patient, never use any tools a physician needs, and you could graduate to treat patients. Some states didn’t require doctors to even be certified. Thank goodness some doctors pushed for better standards and opened better medical schools. Reading it was eerie in some ways because officials today are making some of the same mistakes as officials from the past. It also made me appreciate modern technology in medicine and also for communication. Back then staying home meant being cut off from communication. Because telephone operators were getting sick phone service was limited to emergency only. We’re so lucky now that we have to tech to maintain communication even if we can’t see people in person.
  10. Luckylyn

    Author Antics

    I Still Like Harry Potter, Is That Bad? I appreciated this video because I am struggling with my affection for Harry Potter versus my upset at JK Rowling using her fame to promote harmful and misleading information. Dead of the Author 2: Rowling Boogaloo Separating the author from the art is tough. I think it’s harder to get past a problematic author who is around actively tweeting about her problematic beliefs than it is to appreciate the art of a creator who is either not currently getting publicity or long dead. You’ve got legislators quoting Rowling to get support for anti-trans legislation. Current harm is being done. I am so torn because I want to separate Rowling’s beliefs from my Harry Potter love but I can’t disconnect.
  11. Luckylyn

    Author Antics

    A great factual with citations response to JK Rowling. I appreciate how they break down why what Rowling said is problematic. Cats! And the weird mind of TS Eliot Enjoying the Work of Problematic Creators
  12. I am having the same problem. I am using and ipad 11 safari and and iphone 11 safari.
  13. I’ve been crazy about Aaron since I saw Brain Dead. I got to see him on Broadway in Moulin Rouge last year. He’s fantastic. I hope he gets to sing. I never got to see Jeremy in Newsies because he was off the night I took my Mom for her birthday. I’m glad about the new additions to Hallmark. I’m also happy to see Hallmark is moving towards more inclusivity.
  14. Luckylyn

    Hamilton (2020)

    Alternate Hamilton Ending. The handshake was adorable, lol.
  15. Luckylyn

    Author Antics

    Why JK Rowling’s Views Are So Insidious? JK Rowling is An Umbridge Here are my opinions: 1) Rowling truly believes she is being helpful 2) Rowling sees herself as a victim of the people who disagree with her 3) Using hateful or threatening language towards Rowling feeds into her belief that she’s a victim 4)She refuses to see how her words can be harmful to people in the trans community 5)She sees this situation in terms of how she is impacted without taking the POV of those who disagree into account 6)Rowling thinks she is being completely reasonable and righteous 7)Rowling is not self aware and quite defensive 8)What do we do about it? I think speaking out against the hate is important but harsh language and threats aren’t helpful. We should use facts and not threats to dispute the harm Rowling is causing. I think trying to change her mind may be a lost cause and so the focus should be on the people who listen to her to not just blindly accept the transphobia she is spouting.
  16. The thing is when you spend money on content and products connected to Harry Potter you are giving JK Rowling money. So I want to support a fandom I grew up with and have affection for, but it means helping the transphopic person who created it make money. People are complicated, and they can be responisble for great and terrible things. It can be difficult to reconcile. I’ve been thinking about a compromise and maybe it’s a good idea to donate to charities that support transgender people whenever you view content or purchase a product connected to Harry Potter? So, I buy a wand and then donate the same amount I used to purchase that wand to a charity that opposes Rowling’s bigotry. If I watch one of the movies, I make a donation. That’s all I can think of to counteract the ugliness Rowling is putting out in the world that can endanger transgender people.
  17. Death of the Author 2: Rowling Boogaloo It’s a difficult situation. I love Harry Potter but am so disgusted with JK Rowling. Is there a middle ground where you can continue to remain in the fandom while also vocally advocating against Rowling?
  18. Luckylyn

    Hamilton (2020)

    The casts made their own video of the Hamilton Polka
  19. That’s how I feel about Peter Wingfield doing a reading of Post Cards From Alexa which is a short story from a the book An Evening At Joe’s which was Highlander fiction written by people who worked on the show. I would listen to that man read a telephone book. BTW, David Tennent is my favorite Doctor and I just enjoy him in pretty much anything he does. My other tv crushes include Matt Bomber and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
  20. I move Xanadu despite it’s many many many many many flaws. I enjoyed Michael Beck in The Warriors and agree he was all wrong for Xanadu. I also think as written the character isn’t that compelling. Olivia had more chemistry with Gene Kelly than Michael. I would have happily spent the movie focusing on Gene Kelly who was more interesting to me.
  21. I love that movie and I completely agree about how bland he is. They really needed someone with more charisma. Also he doesn’t spark enough with Holly Hunter. It’s the one misstep in an otherwise fantastic movie.
  22. Exactly as someone said another thread Gay people can get married but can’t be shown explicitly in a TV movie. It’s weird how restrictions on even a mild romance between same sex couples are still a thing. Hallmark couldn’t even have them say they are dating.
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