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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I remember how much I adored Farscape to the point where I would not make plans on Friday nights so I could watch the newest episode. This was in the olden days before I had a DVR. This show was something really special. I can see the influence of it on movies like The Guardians of the Galaxy. Ben Browder even has a cameo in Volume 2.
  2. I assumed the heart attack was made up as an excuse for him to quit abruptly while hiding what really happened. It was established that he was very successful. Him quitting like that would get attention and I thought the heart attack was part of the coverup. The thing about Sparma is that Denzel had total access to his apartment in the end and still found no evidence linking him to the murders. He had to fake evidence for Jimmy by buying the red barrette. With everything they did (illegal surveillance and illegal search) they never found any evidence at all. The only thing I am certain of is that Sparma was a creepy attention seeking manipulative asshole with a murder fetish. That alone doesn’t make him a murderer. I’m still wondering who were the owners of the watch and rabbit’s foot he hid with his crime clipping collection. Is that evidence of a different crime or something else? There’s so much we don’t know for sure. They zeroed in on Sparma because he had such a disturbing personality. I don’t remember them establishing an alibi, linking him to all the victims, or finding any physical evidence . I think he had a link to one victim because she had a broken fridge and he worked at the repair shop but we never saw the detectives check to see if the other victims also had broken appliances that would have put them in his path. When they had him in the interrogation room they never asked about where he was on particular dates. All they did was show pictures of the victims to gauge his reaction and then Denzel assaults him but did not ask any questions that would have helped establish his location and whether or not he could have known any of the victims through his repair job. They wasted that interrogation in my opinion. They let Sparma and his attention seeking creepiness be in control instead of focusing on the important questions. They needed to get him on the record about his alibi and then investigate if he was lying. If he’s guilty he covered his tracks perfectly and there just isn’t enough to even indict him. They couldn’t even get a search warrant. Having an instinct that tells you someone is guilty isn’t the same as having evidence. They let themselves get distracted playing cat and mouse with Sparma instead of zeroing in on the important details.
  3. We’ve had Enough Sex and the City Her perspective on the show as someone who loves it while recognizing it’s flaws is one that matches mine. Some shows are so much of their time that they don’t translate well in the present. Also it drives me crazy that Carrie is so ignorant and prudish about sex when it’s her job to be a sex columnist. I still think waiting ten more years and doing a show from the perspective of Brady, Lily, and Rose with a fresh diverse writing team could be interesting.
  4. I really appreciated this YouTube video talking about an issue the film displays but doesn’t really dig into. The Little Things: How to Accidentally Stumble Upon a Great Point Without Realizing It Normally the hero cop narrative has the police detective break the rules, and the narrative rewards him for it. They can do illegal searches and use physical aggression on suspects, but it’s okay because they get the bad guy in the end with these tactics. The detective never faces consequences for blatantly using illegal tactics. The subtext is police who use illegal methods are justified because it’s assumed the cop is good and right and that those whose rights are violated probably deserve it. This movie contradicts that. We don’t know that Sparma is the bad guy and in fact it’s very likely he isn’t in my opinion. But not only are they not rewarded by the narrative claiming they were right about Sparma’s guilt, but it displays the system within the police force protects them when they break the rules rather than allow them to face consequences when they screw up. The focus becomes protecting their own over protecting civilians. At the end of the movie Denzel decides reassuring Jimmy he was right was more important than finding out for sure who the killer is. Jimmy needs to believe Sparma is guilty to live with himself and Denzel decides that’s the most important thing. Justice for the victims and the fact that one woman is still missing becomes an afterthought.
  5. Apparently the script was written in the 90s and it was decided to keep it in that era. It makes sense because DNA not being a source for evidence adds to the uncertainty.
  6. If you were on the jury and given the evidence they had would you be able to convict Sparma? There’s no physical evidence. He’s a creep who gets off on murder pictures and clearly enjoys the attention from police. I don’t think they even established whether or not he had an alibi and the trinkets (rabbit’s foot and watch) hidden in the floor of his apartment don’t connect to the current murders. He either fetishizes the crimes of others or is guilty of a different murder than the one he’s being investigated for. At one point I thought they were hinting that Sparma’s father was the killer for Denzel’s case because the projected picture of father and son was on the wall while Denzel Washington was looking at Sparma’s secret stash of murder newspaper clippings. I was thinking maybe the reason Sparma was able to give such an accurate detailed fake confession years ago was because he knew the killer personally but they never pursue a family angle. I think there’s reasonable doubt and that’s intentional. We’re supposed to be left wondering who the serial killer really is. I think it’s two different killers. One drives a blue car (opening sequence)and the other drives a tan/gold car (follows jogger/missing woman). I feel like the movie went off the rails when Jimmy got in the car with Sparma. I wish they’d found a different more realistic way to get to the shovel outcome. I actually laughed went he wacked him with the shovel because I was thinking “Just hit him with the shovel and go home.”
  7. The writing and acting for Nadine is just terrible. I don’t understand what they are doing with her at all. The episodes are better now that they are linear but they wasted a ton if time focused on style over substance. So much character development was glossed over in the first episodes so it’s more difficult to be invested now. Nick’s death had no impact because I never had the chance to get attached to this version of Nick. I only care because of the book and the original miniseries. If I came to this series with no prior knowledge to fill in the gaps, I don’t think I would have any investment at all. I am hanging on because of my preexisting love of the material not because they are telling this story well. I am really curious to hear the perspective of someone totally new to the story and whose only knowledge comes from the current series. Am I overly critical because I can make comparisons to prior material? Is this miniseries good for someone new?
  8. Don’s expectations of his wives was always too much. He thought some perfect woman would save him and he wouldn’t have to do the hard work to improve himself. Don didn’t know how to cope when the women he married didn’t fit his fantasy of them. He was so focused at on what a woman would do for him that it didn’t seem to occur to him that Betty and Megan had needs of their own. There is no perfect savior woman but he kept looking for one. He needed a therapist not a wife.
  9. Mandy Moore Was Going To Have Surgery Before She Realized She Was Pregnant Imagine being about to have surgery to improve your fertility only to find out you’re pregnant already.
  10. This is a really interesting character/fashion analysis about Betty and Megan. At times, I feel like Megan didn’t fully have an individual identity but adapted to those around her.
  11. I know I am years behind but I just watched. Three things in my opinion made law enforcement getting involved warranted. First, he used the police database to look up victims addresses. Two, he shared pictures and details about women he knew with his cannibal chat friends. Three, the trip to Maryland that he told his chat friends he planned to use to gather intel on a potential victim was a clear sign of escalating to me. He went beyond just writing fantasies in the chat. The way he seems to have so little self awareness or remorse of his actions make it clear that he would probably do it all again if he could get away with it. He speaks of the situation as if it were an inconvenience to him. I saw no empathy towards his wife are the women who he targeted. It would have been better if the police had put an under cover officer in the chat to see if he would further implicate himself. Still I can understand why they didn’t because he was aware his wife knew everything and would have been on his guard. His wife was potentially in danger from him at that point because of what she knew and so I get law enforcement moving quickly to apprehend him. I keep thinking of that military guy who started out breaking into women’s homes to steal underwear and then over time escalated to rape and murder. Some predators don’t start with violence right away but over time start crossing more and more lines. I think in Gil’s case he was becoming dangerous because he was going beyond to chat to real world actions.
  12. I’m starting The Rise of Magicks by Nora Roberts which is the conclusion of her Chronicles of the One trilogy.
  13. I think if they waited a few more years that a Sex and the City reboot featuring the children of Miranda and Charlotte could be good.
  14. Having just finished A Promised Land by Barack Obama, I am very much looking forward to part 2. I started A Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory. This one features Vivian whose the mother of Maddie in t by is book series. I’m looking forward to a book with a guaranteed happy ending. I suppose that’s what I love about romance novels.
  15. Part 3 How to make a Martha https://youtu.be/RflVJW_MRbs Zach Synder - A World Based on Spite ( this goes in depth into the connection between the director and Ayn Rand) This was quite informative. https://youtu.be/hdxk7dB9yeU
  16. So video covers a disturbing fan page for Chris Watts. It’s really horrible that he has fans who feel more sympathy for him than his victims.
  17. They could have done so much with Dayna in Vegas. It was such an opportunity to let us know how things work there while also showing how cunning Dayna is getting in close to key people. In the book it was clear she gathered a ton of information and that Lloyd and the others were clueless she was a spy until Flagg demanded she be brought to him. She only got caught because Flagg was magic. Also I loved the detail in the book that she was always armed with a stiletto hidden in her sleeve but instead she grabs random scissors in the bathroom and had no self defense plan at all. I’m very worried about how they will handle Trashcan Man. It’s weird that we haven’t seen any of that storyline yet.
  18. I agree. Harold was something they were getting right until this episode. Exactly, despite the restrictions of broadcast tv and less time the 1994 series did so much better with character development and overall telling a coherent story.
  19. I hated this episode. Harold basically had a neon sign on his head saying “I’m up to something bad.” There should be things about him that make him appear suspicious but it shouldn’t be so blatant. It makes the people who aren’t suspicious of him seem like idiots. I don’t understand why Nadine/Harold is a secret when in the book they were openly a couple. There’s no logical reason why they can’t just be dating. That would make their evil plotting easier because they can be seen openly together. I felt nothing for Nadine and Larry’s scene. The show hasn’t built up their feelings for each other adequately. Just like Tom leaving Boulder in episode 4 lacked impact because the show runners didn’t bother building up the relationships between characters and also took short cuts with character development. So as a result we don’t get to know characters or get as invested in their journey. Imagine if in the movie Shawshank Redemption they just skipped to the end. The journey is as vital as the destination in storytelling. The show has taken so many shortcuts. The momentum has been lost and the characters have not be developed to their full potential. One thing I liked was Flagg playing dead. That was well done. They have a fantastic (mostly) cast and have wasted them. I was so excited for this miniseries. I’m really disappointed.
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