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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. My theory is that there’s going to be a huge disagreement over Rebecca’s treatment and/or where she should live as her condition deteriorates. I could see Randall being overbearing and condescending about what he thinks is right for Rebecca. I wouldn’t be surprised if he insisted she and Miguel move back to the East. Randall took on this role as Rebecca’s protector after Jack died and I can see him being resistant to Rebecca staying in California . I could see Kevin and Kate feeling like Randall doubts their competence to support Rebecca. I could see Randall trying to push Miguel to do thing his way regardless of what Rebecca and Miguel decide for themselves. I’m also hoping we get flashbacks to Rebecca and Miguel’s love story.
  2. I’ve started deleting 20/20 without watching lately because they keep redoing cases that have already been done hundreds of times.
  3. I really resent the trope that a woman has to be a physically strong character who can fight to be considered tough. Other types of strength aren’t valued enough. A woman can be strong in ways that have nothing to do with physical skill. Also I don’t think a woman has to be tough to be interesting. I just want dynamic female characters with depth. I want them to be who they are not who they represent.
  4. Seeing Diane Keaton and Keanu Reeves present together gives me flashbacks to my bitterness over the ending of Something’s Gotta Give.
  5. I was on the fence about this movie because I was unhappy about the exclusion of Batgirl/Oracle, but it won me over. It was so much fun to watch. I’m hoping for a Greatest Showman situation where at first it appears a flop but the word of mouth is so strong it ends up a hit over time.
  6. I found Matching Hearts boring. It just did not spark for me. The leads had some chemistry but something in the script maybe was lacking. I used to think Ryan Paevy was nice to look at but wooden as an actor. He has improved a lot. I noticed the mini blink and you miss it romance between the two guys. I wish they’d done more with it but the little they did is a lot for Hallmark. It’s a shame what little bread crumbs same sex couples get.
  7. I really enjoyed Love on the Air. I think I tend to like Alison Sweeney movies. I also liked The Irresistible Blueberry Farm.
  8. I wasn’t surprised that Leoni didn’t return for the sequel. She was miserable working with Michael Bay. I think there was an incident where she was injured and they argued over whether or not to let her get medical treatment or continue shooting. She ended up with a concussion.
  9. I really liked A Valentine’s Match. It included the tropes but managed to be charming. The chemistry with the leads was great.
  10. The current Hallmark wouldn’t be capable of making a What the Deaf Man Heard, Follow the Stars Home, Back When We Were Grownups , Saint Maybe, A Season for Miracles, etc... Imagine how cheap looking and generic Sarah Plain and Tall would be made today versus in the past. The current Hallmark could never get talent like Glenn Close and Christopher Walken. So I’m happy for a new person to run the company. I’m hoping it’s a beginning of making better movies again and a push for diversity not only in ethnicities but in the type of stories being told. I love romance but Hallmark used to make movies with various genres. It doesn’t have to be different variations of the same generic romances over and over. At minimum, they need to make more of an effort to improve Hallmark Hall of Fame films. They used to be event movies that were fantastic to watch and could be conversation provoking. There isn’t much difference between their weekly cookie cutter romances and the Hall of Fame movies which has made the Hall of Fame movies loose their specialness. The Hall of Fame should be distinct and more of an event.
  11. Women and the Oscars: What’s Going On https://youtu.be/cg2pUhHf46U
  12. You aren’t overthinking. Ruth Bader Ginsberg spoke about how she would say something in a meeting that got ignored but then a male colleague would say the same thing. Then suddenly the group would take the idea seriously. It’s something so many women have had to deal with that doesn’t get addressed enough.
  13. I agree. Carrie was obnoxious about the scrunchie. I also found it cringeworthy that they made the woman wearing the scrunchie from the south as if south = low class. I found that bit from the writers offensive. Harry, Steve, and Smith were favorites for me. Harry and Charlotte really captured that love is beyond the grand gestures and is about making through the everyday troubles.
  14. She was eight months pregnant when she moved to the US and the baby is now 20 months old.
  15. I thought Don was pretty good to Lane when he discovered the embezzlement. He covered the money Lane stole from his personal account. He didn’t report what Lane did to the partners or the police and have him fired/arrested. Don told Lane he had to make up an excuse to resign which was the mildest of the outcomes for Lane. Maybe Don’s compassion made it worse because Lane was forced to see he didn’t have to steal and could have simply gotten a loan from Don.
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