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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. I’m nearly done with Do You Want to Start a Scandal by Tessa Dare. I read it because it featured Piers the rejected suitor from Book 2 in the Castles in the Air Series Say Yes to the Marquess. I didn’t realize until I was reading it that this book also connects to Dare’s Spindle Cove series which I haven’t read. In this book, Charlotte and Piers get found in a compromising position while in the process of trying to avoid getting caught in a compromising position. While trying to solve the mystery of who is to blame for their predicament, they fall in love, but Piers has some potentially dangerous secrets. I’m enjoying the characters although Charlotte’s mother was so obnoxious which was intentional. The bits I saw of the Spindle Cove characters make me want to read that series as well.
  2. I found it really compelling. I look forward to watching it again in the future knowing what the outcome will be because it will recontextualize some scenes. The murder of Jack was justified. The other murders were going too far. I did sympathize with Sandy’s trauma. I hope Mackenzie gets an Oscar nomination.
  3. I liked Christmas in Harmony . I enjoyed the cast including the side characters. There was one scene when a side character was eating popcorn while clearly enjoying the drama between the characters and I just loved that moment if humor. I am always happy to see Loretta Devine. One thing I liked was the lead character was allowed to return to New York to follow her dreams. I liked the characters had personalities and that there was touches of humor.
  4. I’m reading Wayword Son by Rainbow Rowell which is part two of the Simon Snow Trilogy. It deals with the question of what happens after the chosen one has fulfilled the prophecy. Simon is completely lost especially since I am so happy to be reading about these characters again. They have flaws but at heart are good people. Reading them get into trouble and find their way is always entertaining.
  5. I really appreciate shows that are realistic about characters reusing clothing.
  6. There’s an episode of Scrubs where Jordan does something mean and then claims she had a terrible childhood as an excuse. Then she admits she had a great childhood and she genuinely doesn’t know why she’s so mean. I was amused by that. My favorite villain origin story ever is Debbie from Adams Family Values Sometimes there’s no reason for evil. Sometimes people are just awful human beings.
  7. Hilarie Burton tearfully credits Moira Kelly with giving her the strength to leave the toxic One Tree Hill It’s sad that there were people trying to pressure her into staying and great Moira gave her the encouragement she needed to leave.
  8. I really enjoyed The Santa Stakeout . I appreciated a different kind if story with the mystery and the humor. I thought Paul and Tamara were a good combo. I wouldn’t mind another movie of them working another case.
  9. What the Bashir Family Tells Us about Ableism and Star Trek Star Trek’s Autistic and Neurodiverse Representation
  10. Dune Director Denis Villeneuve Breaks Down the Gom Jabbar Scene
  11. Some movie recommendations on Hallmark Movies Now (I subscribe through Amazon because using the hallmark app was a horrible experience). Fallen Angel Saint Maybe Hitched for the Holidays Rose Hill A Season for Miracles Follow the Stars Home What the Deaf Man Heard Once Upon a Winter’s Date In From the Night Loving Leah Smooch The Magic of Ordinary Days The Outsider An Uncommon Grace Smart Cookies Cupid and Cate Bridal Wave Surpised by Love A Stranger’s Heart The Love Letter The Lost Valentine Remember Sunday Our Son, The Matchmaker
  12. I’m reading Something In the Blood: The Untold Story of Bram Stoker by Davi Skal. I was on the fence about reading it at first because reviews were divided. Some people really enjoyed it and others felt the author spent too much time discussing other contemporaries of Stoker particularly Oscar Wilde. Since I was interested not only in Stoker but others I decided to read it. I am 37% through according to my Kindle and am finding interesting. The authors tangents work really well at making me understand the time period but sometimes he does go on a little too much about others and Stoker gets a bit lost. The author really is pushing the parallels between Oscar Wilde and Stoker. They do have people in common but so far don’t interact directly. So my feelings are mixed. The information is engaging but sometimes the tangents are a bit much.
  13. I love Jeanie in Ferris Bueller. She’s totally right about Ferris. It sucks that she’s genuinely afraid of a prowler and no one cares but Ferris’ fake illness has the whole town sympathizing with him. I don’t think I would love the movie with a different cast. I am trying to imagine the version where Anthony Micheal Hall is Ferris and Emilio Estevez is Cameron and I just don’t see it. I remember an interview where Sting expressed confusion about “Every Breath You take” being used at weddings.
  14. The General Hospital Story That Needs To End Immediately, If Not Sooner — Plus, the Plot Point the Show Should Never, Ever Break Out Again Soaps.com has some strong opinions about Peter and I think they are right.
  15. Sleepaway Camp Boy: Eat shit and die Ricky: Eat shit and live I love that response so much.
  16. Luckylyn

    Author Antics

    So Amazon regularly has authors make a list of book recommendations. Normally authors recommend other peoples work but Alice Hoffman only suggests her own books. It bothers me. I enjoyed looking at authors like Stephen King and Alyssa Cole highlight authors I may not have heard of before. Maybe I am overthinking it. Authors who already have a fanbase promoting others seems like a great thing. Listing only your own books seems like a waste because the people looking at the list are probably already fans. https://www.amazon.com/amazonbookreview/read/B09J77RKMX?ref=tsm_1_fb_s_kin_5746715233&fbclid=IwAR08WHUBA_nE2FNUFzG9dB7vBi5oBipo8TmVa_WVVAcgIh9f8uQ1uKvf1xs
  17. Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller is one of the great casting choices especially because he’s the reason Alan Ruck was picked to play Cameron. John Hughes had met Ruck before in Breakfast Club auditions and didn’t think Ruck would work as Cameron but Broderick advocated for Ruck heavily. Ferris can be an arrogant jerk but the movie works for me because at heart it’s really about Cameron. I think Ferris primary motivation for that particular day off is Cameron. In his asides to the camera Ferris talks about Cameron more than anyone else, the parade scene happens specifically because he’s trying to impress Cameron, Ferris has a whole scene monologuing about his concerns about what will happen to Cameron after high school graduation and the big emotional moment at the end is with Cameron and his abusive father’s car. Ferris is worried about his friend but has no clue how to talk to him and thinks the solution is to get Cameron to cut school and try to get him to have fun. Ferris is flawed but he’s has more depth then he appears to. He isn’t always nice to Cameron but he does care about him even if he doesn’t understand how to express it directly.
  18. Triangles I liked: General Hospital - Jax/Brenda/Sonny ( the first time around. After a while of repetition I stopped caring) Daria - Daria/Tom/Jane this one will be unpopular Friends - Joey/Rachel/Ross - I thought Joey’s growth and realization of love were sweet. Joey could be one note and the romance with Rachel livened the character up. I hated Ross by the end. 90210 - Brenda/Dylan/Kelly
  19. I am a fan of Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changling series and have decided to give her Guild Hunter Series a try. I am reading Angel’s Blood where Elena is a vampire hunter. She searches for vampires who attempt to escape their Angel masters who created the vampires. The world building is intriguing. I’m not getting attached to the characters as strongly as I have with the Psy/Changling books but the story is compelling.
  20. I am reading The Taking of Jake Livingston by Ryan Douglass. Jake is a high school student who can be socially awkward and feels stress from being the only black kid in his class. Jake also can see ghosts. The dead he sees linger in time loops where they recreate their deaths over and over. For the first time one ghost breaks free of his death loop, begins killing people , and terrorizing Jake. Sawyer is an angry ghost who killed his classmates and then himself. Jake has never been afraid a ghost could hurt him until now. The book alternates between Jake’s pov and excerpts from Sawyer’s diary before the murder/suicide. It’s heartbreaking because Sawyer is aware he needs help but he doesn’t have the support system to get it. It doesn’t justify his actions but makes me understand how things got so bad. I see Jake and Sawyer as two sides of a coin because both are socially awkward, get bullied by people, and struggle making friends but Jake doesn’t have the urge to do harm.
  21. I’m reading The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling. A nineteen year old witch who was new to practicing magic curses her ex after getting her heart broken. She doesn’t believe it will actually work because she and her cousin are drunk, they didn’t use a legitimate spell, and they used a candle from Bed Bath and Beyond. Nine years pass and when her ex returns to town the curse takes effect causing harm not only to her ex but also the whole town. Now she and her ex have to work together to reverse the curse. So far it’s a light, entertaining romance with humor.
  22. I love Blackpool. It’s the origin of my David Tennant love. The Gambler https://youtu.be/GA35wBW1fvU The Boy With the Thorn in his Side
  23. I’m in the middle if Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It’s one of those books I feel like I knew well before reading it because it’s so much a part of our pop culture. But the adaptations are so iconic that that’s what people think of; not necessarily the book itself. It’s interesting to compare the original material with the adaptations. I find myself visualizing things from movies. BTW, here’s a clip from Drunk History telling their version if how Mary Shelley came up with the story.
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