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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Aunt Martha in the slasher Sleep Away Camp The movie is campy as hell and a fun ridiculous watch.
  2. I hated Riley’s belief that she was the good girl and Maya was the bad girl and that the show validated Riley dismantling of Maya’s progress. They were actually acting horrified that Maya wasn’t getting in trouble in school and starting to get good grades. I don’t understand what the writers were thinking. In the end Maya was a much better person than Riley and yet we’re told Riley is a great person. Meanwhile there’s tons of examples of Riley being terrible but everyone around her indulged her. Let me add Riley forcing hugs on Mackle who made it clear she was uncomfortable with physical touch. And they never acknowledged how inconsiderate it was.
  3. Something New Romeo and Juliet Betsy’s Wedding So I Married an Axe Murderer
  4. Let’s talk movie wedding fashion Father of the Bride 1950 I love the top but am iffy on the bottom I loved the wedding sneakers in the remake The Princess Diaries 2 The Vow Sound Of Music Crazy Rich Asians Runaway Bride Coming to America
  5. How was the first one? Is the best friend relationship super codependent like the movie?
  6. I am reading One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston. August has spent her life avoiding connections with people other than her mother. Now moving to New York for school August meets the girl of her dreams but there’s a problem. Jane’s been trapped on the subway since the 70s and has no memory of how she got time displaced. Is she is a ghost, a time traveler, cursed? August is determined to help her. I really like the way August is opening up with her new roommates. I feel like Jane is too perfect in August’s eyes and so I hope as we read further she’ll get more depth. I think the premise is interesting and I am enjoying getting know the characters. I liked the authors previous book Red, White, & Royal Blue a ton.
  7. Iphone 11 0s 15 safari I’m not sure what theme how do I clear my cache?
  8. There’s a Steven Guttenberg movie where he’s Santa’s son and falls in love with Crystal Bernard which had a sequel. There’s a Cathy Ireland movie where she’s Santa’s daughter who falls in love with with John Dye which also had a sequel. There’s a movie called Annie Claus where she leaves the North Pole to find true love. Matthew Lawrence played a young Santa who finds love. There’s a lifetime movie where Lucas Bryant gets engaged and has to reveal his father is Santa. Santa and Mrs. Claus were played by George Wendt and Shelly Long. I don’t know if I should be proud or embarrassed I knew this information, lol.
  9. “Racism is what drew me to black people.” - Ellen Pompeo I don’t understand what she was trying to say with that. A YouTuber did a video going over Pompeo’s history of discussing race. Sometimes it sounds like she means well and then at other times she’s very tone deaf. She speaks with authority while saying ignorant things. I can see why people find her off putting. I don’t think she’s the type to learn from mistakes but instead walks into situations thinking she already knows everything.
  10. I was attempting to reply in the royals thread but keep getting pushed out. It’s not happening in other threads I have responded to.
  11. The way I see it. Volume 1 was about Starlord’s Mommy issues, 2 about his Daddy issues and so I anticipate 3 will connect to the family he has on Earth somehow. I feel like if his family on Earth isn’t dealt with it’s this huge hanging thread.
  12. Internet Slams Disney Guest Who Gropes Gaston Actor in Viral Video Groping people is just not okay. The man was just working and the woman didn’t seem to understand she was being inappropriate. It made me think of the harassment experienced by the actor who played Podrick where female fans would just grab him. Daniel Portman, AKA Podrick From "Game Of Thrones," Says Fans Sexually Assaulted Him I feel like some people think men always want sexual attention even from strangers and that somehow they can’t be harassed too. I don’t think men want to be groped because of their work anymore than women do.
  13. The YouTube channel Be Kind Rewind did a great video covering Deborah Kerr’s career. It’s a great channel with several videos about various actresses.
  14. I’m reading the nonfiction book The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shinning Women by Kate Moore. When radium was first discovered it was treated as this wonder product and used in various things from treating cancer to painting watch dials so they would light up in the dark. The book is about the girls and women who painted watch dials with paint that included radium and how they were poisoned by it. I have heard of this horrible wrong done to those women but the book really showcases the callousness of the people in charge. It’s so heartbreaking to read about the deterioration of their health which was incurable.
  15. I am in the middle of reading The Hunter and The Mage by Kaitlyn Davis which is second in her Raven and Dove trilogy. I find the world the characters inhabit fascinating. The world is divided between those who live on lands in the sky who have wings and people below. The world above is ignorant of the one below. The world below is in dire straits and they have a ruthless King who believes in doing whatever is necessary to save both worlds which he believes are in danger becoming of a prophecy. We also have romance, spies, and betrayal. I really am invested in the characters’ storylines.
  16. The book’s a standalone. Even though it’s part 3 of a series you don’t have to read the previous books to jump into it. I do recommend the whole series because they’ve been a good read for me.
  17. I am reading When A Scot Ties the Knot by Tessa Dare which is book 3 in her Castles Ever After series. Suffering from severe anxiety, Madeline makes up a fake Scottish fiancee to avoid being forced to into society. To sell the lie, she sends letters to a made up name in a made up regiment. But there’s a real Logan Mackenzie who shows up years later holding her letters and insistent they get married for his own reasons. I do enjoy the characters in this series. There’s a lot of humor and vibrant personalities.
  18. I hate that Thanksgiving just gets skipped. There are family plots that could be done set around Thanksgiving that could make good movies. They used to try to do one Thanksgiving movie but they just dropped the holiday altogether.
  19. I just can’t with Hallmark starting Christmas programming in October. I love Christmas and yet I don’t like that Christmas programming starts so early.
  20. Some characters have an expiration date and become less compelling the longer they are forced into the narrative like Sylar in Heroes. Better to have a character gone leaving the audience wanting more.
  21. The Most Difficult Shot in Movie History (And Why It Matters)
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