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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. Good point but I didn’t count it because of the time travel factor. That version of John didn’t have the relationship with Chiana that our John does, but he will eventually in his future. But then our John knew about Chiana hooking up with other John and didn’t interfere. So maybe it does count. Time travel complicates things.
  2. I loved the friendship between Anthony and Susanne on Designing Women.
  3. I just remembered a great platonic friendship on Boy Meets World Corey/Angela. Angela was dating Corey’s best friend Shawn but they break up. Corey tries to reach out to Angela but she rejects him saying they weren’t really friends and only hung out because of Shawn. Corey spends the whole episode chasing after Angela trying to prove he can be her friend and eventually they bond. Their friendship was really nice to watch but unfortunately the show forgot about it after Shawn/Angela got back together. I hated that the revival show Girl Meets World forgot that Corey and Topanga were friends with Angela and she was just treated as Shawn’s ex who needed to go away to clear the way for Katie/Shawn. Corey and Topanga fit the childhood friends to lovers trope but the show had a tendency to retcon their history. Shawn/Angela were a great couple. I don’t hate Katie/Shawn (they had nice chemistry) but Shawn/Angela was more compelling. I just think too much of the romance of Katie/Shawn was about pushing things so that Shawn could be Maya’s stepfather. Katie/Shawn did have a spark though and with a better build up could have been great.
  4. Love, For Real definitely doesn’t measure up against I Want to Marry Ryan Banks. I also love Lucky 7. That’s another favorite for me.
  5. I’m reading the biography Shout, Sister, Shout: The Untold Story of Rock n Roll Trailblazer Sister Rosetta Tharpe by Gayle Wald. When I was on YouTube I got sucked into watching a channel called Trash Theory with a recommendation for a video about the legacy of the Spice Girls. It lead me to other videos on the channel like Before Black Sabbath: How Psychedelic Rock became Metal. Part of the video went into the history of Rock and Roll and I noticed a name pop up multiple times in the comments that wasn’t included in the video “Sister Rosetta Tharpe” who I had never heard of before. I looked her up and was interested to read a biography about a woman who was such a big influence in the development of Rock and Roll but who isn’t as well known as people like Chuck Berry.
  6. Why Can’t Fictional Guys and Girls Ever Have PLATONIC Relationships? Sometimes friends to lovers works really well but sometimes it does seem cliche and lazy. Some male/female platonic relationships I enjoyed: -Winston/CC New Girl -Ron/Leslie Parks and Recreation -Liz/Jack 30 Rock -Amy/Howard Big Bang Theory -Boo/Godot Bunheads (we only got one episode of this friendship before the show forgot about it but is was very sweet. Godot was introduced as the hot guy that everyone lusted after but Boo had no interest in him. I thought they had a nice dynamic and it’s a shame they show didn’t build on it. I love that he was the only one to call her by her first name instead of the nickname Boo) Friends to Lovers that worked for me: -Liz/Lucky General Hospital -Jake/Amy Brooklyn 99 -Felicity/Oliver Arrow (There was a point where the writing made me resent Oliver but before that this pairing was awesome to me) Then there’s the male/female relationship that wasn’t a romance but doesn’t quite fit neatly into the platonic category: John/Chiana Farscape - Sometimes they would flirt and at other times they would have a brother/sister dynamic. They weren’t each others endgame but were aware of each other’s attractiveness. They were close friends with some sexual tension that wasn’t consummated partially I think because John didn’t want to screw with the friendship but mostly because they were in love with other people. Flirting was one way they communicated with each other but they never tried to hurt each other’s romantic relationships.
  7. I didn’t hate or love Love, For Real. I thought it was okay. It reminded me of one of my favorite movies I Want to Marry Ryan Banks aka The Reality of Love which is a wonderful romance that I think was family channel. In that one, a contestant played by Emma Caulfield falls for the behind the scenes guy played by Bradley Cooper instead of the superstar Ryan Banks played by Jason Priestly. I recommend that one highly.
  8. That sounds horrible. I’m having flashbacks to a Stephen King short story “You Know They Have One Hell of a Band” where a character ends up trapped forever in a town filled with dead famous musicians.
  9. Regarding The Last Guard , I really think it’s a great addition to the Psy-Changling series. I like that although Canto is Psy, at heart he’s kind of a bear and Payal’s story arch was interesting. I’m really l hoping we get Arwen and Pavel’s story soon. Also I am kinda dying for a Nikita/Anthony novella.
  10. I’m starting Last Guard tonight. Overall I have enjoyed the Psy-Changling series. I think she’s been good at having an ongoing story so that the series isn’t overly repetitive. I do admit to liking some pairings more than others.
  11. The Goodfellas Copa Shot: As Told by the Guy who Shot It It really was a great collaboration. The cameraman had to sort of direct it. He had to consider pacing of walking, how to make the scene engaging when it was just walking, fitting himself plus the camera in tight areas etc…. It was a collaboration including Ray Liotta being the one to come up with the idea to tip people in the hall which lead to the cameraman suggesting putting more people in the hallway for Ray to ad libb with as he passed. I love the set design where they disguised the door so we don’t notice they pass twice. Directors are very important but the team on the film as a whole has a tremendous impact. Another cameraman and the scene could have been different. Select the right people and trust them enough to delegate. Scorsese didn’t micromanage and let the people he worked with collaborate to make the scene better.
  12. I’m reading Faithless in Death by JD Robb which is part if the In Death series. A murder reveals bigger secrets. I enjoy the series but sometimes it can be repetitive. The running joke about Eve not getting idioms has been thoroughly beaten into the ground.
  13. I always thought Miranda/Aidan would have been a good couple if they had met first.
  14. I’m reading Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade. When a fan’s cosplay photo goes viral leads to online harassment for her weight, the star of the show asks her out on Twitter. Both are unaware that they have been friends online writing fan fiction about the show. The fan fiction has been the actor’s way of expressing his disappointment with the show’s writing secretly. When the actor realizes the fan he’s having the publicity stunt date with is his online friend who has no idea who he really is the situation gets more complicated.
  15. One thing I loved about Speechless was that JJ wasn’t perfect. Sometimes he could make mistakes and be a jerk. Sometimes people were nice to him when he hadn’t done anything to earn it just because of his disability, and he resented that. For example, he got applause just for entering the classroom on his first day of school. I think he called it “Inspiration porn”. There was an episode where a guy exaggerated how close a friend he was to JJ to make himself look good to win a school election. So JJ and his brother Ray team up to use Ray’s connection to JJ to get Ray to win the election. In the end, Ray is so annoyed by JJ that instead if saying fake inspirational things about his brother he ends up listing all the ways JJ is a jerk. What really made it funny was how happy JJ was to see his brother talk bad about him to everyone at school. JJ would rather people say bad things that were true than fake good things. It was such a funny show with good but flawed people.
  16. I am currently reading the fantasy novel The Raven and The Dove by Kaitlyn Davis. In a world where people live in the sky and have wings unexpected events occur before courtship trails bringing characters together and unknown dangers are eminent. So far I am enjoying the world building and am intrigued to see where the story goes.
  17. Look at Mark Paul Gosselar who is half Indonesian. He is always cast as white based on his looks .
  18. Luckylyn

    The Star Wars Saga

    Carl Sagan Talks about Star Wars A New Hope Mistakes (1978) He makes some great points about the lack of diversity. I loved that moment he brings up Chewbacca.
  19. Unfortunately, there aren’t complete kindle versions of those books. So I haven’t read them yet.
  20. I’m reading the nonfiction book Stephen Sondheim and the Reinvention of the American Musical by Robert L. McLaughlin which analyses the musicals Sondheim has worked on. I appreciated the musical theater history lesson it began with. Some things I was already familiar with but there are some new info and shows I wasn’t familiar with that I liked learning about before the deep dive into Sondheim. Right now I am up to the part where Gypsy is being discussed. It’s not a book to get a lot of biographical information about Sondheim. This author sicks pretty closely to analysis of lyrics and structure of the shows. I was disappointed by that but it’s still interesting to go so in depth in the shows meanings and impact. I would recommend the documentary Six by Sondheim to get more biographical information which includes some wonderful musical interludes with some great performers.
  21. Renee Zellweger cast to play Pam Hupp in a NBc limited series l knew someone wouldn’t resist making a movie at some point.
  22. I’m reading a romance called Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare which is the first in her Castles Ever After Series. A scarred Duke and an improvished women fall for each other while entangled in a property dispute. I am intrigued by both their back stories and am enjoying their sparring flirtation.
  23. The narrator on audible Project Hail Mary is doing a great job. Sometimes the narration is flat or struggles with different voices in other books. The narration for Project Hail Mary has been very engaging.
  24. That’s my theory. I think the big boss is another Loki.
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