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Everything posted by Luckylyn

  1. After reading his biography, I need someone to make a movie about General Alexandre Dumas. I’m starting The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez. It’s described as a comedic romance about a woman on the verge of surgery that could make her infertile who starts falling for a guy who wants kids.
  2. Randall was insufferable trying to pressure Beth to agree to baby #3 when they haven’t even had gotten baby #2 home yet. Even when she says that she doesn’t want to discuss it that soon, he persists. Then he lays the “I’m adopted “ guilt trip on her. Sometimes it’s hard to remember how much I adored Randall in season one.
  3. This video is really interesting and shows the development of twin special effects on screen. How Hollywood Twins Have Evolved over 100 years.
  4. One of the tropes I hate is the scene when the villain tells the hero to put down his weapon so they can fight hand to hand as if giving up the advantage in a fight somehow makes you a better hero instead of an idiot for throwing away your leverage. So I loved when the villain tries to get Carol to fight without her powers and she’s says “I have nothing to prove to you” and then she blasts him.
  5. What made it worse was the facial recognition was an urgent issue but nobody was working on it and basically goofing off with Max. They should have had them meet him during their line break or after work. I hate how Zoey handled the Tobin situation. If she felt “Slumdog” was wrong than as a boss she she have spoken up to put a stop to it. Instead she talks to Tobin privately and puts the responsibility on his shoulders instead of publicly supporting him. We’ve seen Zoey not hesitate to shutdown sexist bs (ex: softball shirts). If one of the guys had used a derogatory nickname for one of the women Zoey would have spoke up. Because she can identify with dealing with sexism she’s better at recognizing that issue but she has a blind spot with race. Even with the growth we saw from her this episode her handling of Tobin shows she still has work to do but I feel like the script doesn’t acknowledge it. Like the writers think Zoey pressuring Tobin was the right thing since it does lead to him speaking out which then leads to the company agreeing to make changes. I preferred the scene with Simon and Tobin. I thought Simon making it clear that privately supporting him while publicly going along with the wrong being done had more impact.
  6. Questions I have: -Who is Ralph? Does he really exist? I think he’s real. Could he be Pietro? -Why hold so many people hostage in Westview when managing that many people leads to glitches? I think the people could be being used like batteries . -Are some of the people in Westview already dead? -Who/Where is Woo’s missing fugitive? I can’t remember of the fugitive was male or female. I keep thinking it’s Dottie or Ralph -What is the significance if the hexagon shape? Is it supposed to be like a play on words? Witches hex people. -Are the boys real or will they disappear outside of the Hex? I think they are real. I think they may have been one if Agnes goals possibly. I think she was waiting for them to mature more into their powers and use them for some purpose. Killing the puppy was supposed to stress them in aging faster but that did not go as she intended.
  7. What’s your head-canon for Madison’s family background? They aren’t a part of her life and I wonder if the show will address it. I always imagine background like Brooke Skylar who was a teen who was put on trial because it was believed she killed her baby to hide her pregnancy. The murder part has nothing to do with my idea for Madison but Brooke’s eating disorder and how her narcissistic mother enabled it are how I imagine Madison’s relationship to her mother. There was an unhealthy dynamic where Mom would encourage the use of laxatives and unhealthy things to lose weight. She’s send her daughter text messages telling her daughter she needed to look good in order to be the girlfriend the daughter’s boyfriend deserved. She also had this telling tendency to accidentally type “I” or “we” when she meant “you” in messages to Brooke. I imagine Madison as someone who had to separate from her family for the sake of her mental health and to get help for her eating disorder. I wonder if the show will ever delve into it. I wonder when we will finally get the Rebecca/Miguel love story. I would hate for them to rush it in the show’s final episodes or wait until something horrible happens to Miguel. I hate that Miguel hasn’t been in the flash forwards yet. I am not a fan of the flash forwards but I accept they are part of the show’s fabric now.
  8. I’m a big Edgar Wright fan. I haven’t read The Running Man and only vaguely remember the Arnold Schwarzenegger adaptation. So I don’t have any particular preconceived notions.
  9. A really great analysis of how My Best Friend’s Wedding subverts traditional rom com tropes. I think 500 Days of Summer tries to do the something similar.
  10. It’s possible that Wanda started out as a hostage and then gained control or was given the illusion of control. What is the purpose of the hostages when it’s a strain to control that amount of people? Why not just have Vision, the twins, and maybe a few friends? Why an entire town? Wanda does not remember how this started but is aware she has control. Why doesn’t she set at least some of those people free? It isn’t clear if she started this or not but it is clear she has a certain amount of control over it. Is the control complete or limited because someone else is in charge? Is Wanda a battery and someone else influencing her or did she conciously choose this? Are the hostages batteries? I keep thinking of the Yo Magic commerical where the shark offers something that supposed to save the kid on the island but the child ends up unable to access it and starving to death. Did someone powerful make an offer that seemed like help but was actually causing harm? I can’t give Wanda a pass on the hostages because she hasn’t presented a good reason to hold these people against their will. Even if she’s a hostage herself, she has power enough to influence things and has used it only to benefit her fantasy rather than help the others trapped in the Hex. I don’t think she’s irredeemable because I don’t know the full story yet. When we know the whole thing she may be a villian or she may have been controlled too on a subconcious level. I still think there’s a chance that she thinks the Hex is somehow saving the hostages like there was an attack and they were seriously injured or killed so the Hex made them survive. It’s the best scenerio to redeem her if she’s completely in charge for me. The real test of Wanda will be if she decides to set the hostages free and finds she can’t revealing she doesn’t have the level of control she thinks she has. I’m hoping we get Desperate Housewives as the next parody. Was that show 90s or early 2000s?
  11. I had mixed feelings about Playing Cupid. I thought the leads had a ton of chemistry and really liked the characters. Overall it’s the best movie I’ve seen so far on Hallmark in 2021. I am a teacher so storylines where a teacher has a romance with a parent of their student make me uncomfortable. In real life this is a big no no. I didn’t like that the ethics of a teacher/parent relationship was treated as a non issue. It should have been a source of tension and an obstacle. Even becoming platonic close friends with a parent can be problematic. There’s a rule at my school that parents aren’t supposed to have the personal phone numbers of teachers and the idea of going to a child’s home and socializing outside of school with a parent/student would get a teacher in trouble. It’s not prohibited once the student is no longer in that teacher’s class.
  12. Linda Fiorentino in The Last Seduction Rose Mcgowan in Jawbreaker Joan Cusack in Adams Family Values
  13. I don’t understand why since controlling people beyond a certain amount and/or distance is an issue that those people who are frozen aren’t just set free to reduce the strain of controlling Westview. So my theory is that most of them are dead and so the only way to keep them alive is in the Hex. So setting them free would kill them. I think some people would prefer death over being a mind controlled hostage; especially the people who are frozen. Although there are some who would want to live regardless of the price of survival.
  14. Agnes continues to be at the exact right place at the exact right time. I thinking she was play acting for Vision to further push him against Wanda. Also since Wanda or whoever else is involved Is struggling to control people past a certain point why not just let those people go from the Hex? Are the people alive and taken over like Monica was or are they dead like Vision which means they can’t survive outside the Hex? Also who is Woo’s escaped fugitive?
  15. I had a theory that the Boulder group were decoys. Flagg was so focused on making a display of killing them to prove his power. In the book Trashcan Man is more prominent and there’s a mini subplot where he blows up Flaggs airforce planes after someone he works with is mean to him. Trashcan disappears and Flagg wants him dead. The arrival of the Boulder group shifts Flagg’s focus from Trashcan man who goes to get the bomb on his own with the intention of it being an apology for the aircraft explosion. When Trashcan Man returns with the bomb God makes it explode. For some reason this miniseries eliminated that. This miniseries was horribly handled and so much talent wasted.
  16. Justin Timberlake Apologizes to Brittney Spears and Janet Jackson I feel like this is a PR move more than anything else. He should have spoken out years ago.
  17. Gene Tierney in Leave Her To Heaven
  18. I started The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo by Tom Reiss. I am looking forward to learning about Alexandre Dumas’ father who lead an interesting life that inspired his son and how he influenced Dumas’ writing. edited to add: I had no clue that Alexandre Dumas grandmother was a slave and that he was 1/4 black. His pursuit of writing was criticized because of his heritage.
  19. I feel like Kyle’s death was this unspoken undercurrent to Kevin’s panic to get to Madison. Things can go wrong in child birth for the mother and/or children at the last moment.
  20. Wow this was aggressively terrible. I had high expectations of the Hand of God sequence. I expected improved special effects after all these years would improve on the 90s miniseries. But this was so cheesy. Glen speechifying was the best part but they ruined it by changing it. In the book, Glen gets to confront Flagg directly which is much more powerful. The fake trial was an interesting change but Flagg should have been in the room and not watching through a camera. I did not care about Nadine. The writing and acting for the character lessened her impact for me. They didn’t bother building the relationship between Nadine and Larry until too late and so I never felt a connection between them. Trashcan Man was never allowed to be a fully fleshed out character but was basically just a tool to get the bomb. That was potential squandered which should be this miniseries subtitle. “The Stand 2020: So Much Potential Squandered” Vegas never worked for me. It should have been by this authoritarian place where Flagg was working them hard to get militarized to prepare an attack on Boulder. In the book you could be crucified for drug use because Flagg didn’t want his people distracted from his goals. Vegas wasn’t a party place. It ran on work and fear. They could have merged both ideas with Flagg working his people hard but then providing them with brief party breaks where they can indulge with strict deadly consequences if you don’t get to work when your pleasure time is up.
  21. I think it’s a popular opinion that Jeremiah Crichton is a terrible episode but I have one positive thing to say about it. I like that John just loses it and tells everyone off. He’s been ripped away from all he loves and is familiar and has adapted quickly. It made sense to me that he would freak out and just need to blow off steam. Everything after he leaves Moya is where the episode goes wrong.
  22. I started How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole which is part of her latest series called Runaway Royals. I am excited to start a new series with Cole. I really have enjoyed her romance novels.
  23. "High School Musical" Star Monique Coleman Revealed That Her Character Wore Headbands Because The Movie Couldn't Do Black Hair I just will never understand hiring ahair stylist who can’t do a variety of hair types for tv and film. Too many times do we hear stories like this. A person hired for hair or makeup should be highly skilled. The fact that actresses of color have to take it upon themselves to find solutions is unfair.
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