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Everything posted by CCTC

  1. As someone who watched Once this made me laugh -- as well as it must be strange for him to have a conversation with his wife that involves more than just finishing her sentences while standing by her side as if they did not have separate identities. Grace was also not exactly thinking either for not realizing confronting Ben about the shoplifting would make it clear that she has been talking to Danny, and it maybe should have occurred to her that it also meant Ben was probably reeling from the fact Olive called Danny before him as a parental figure and he was obviously still part of their lives. Although to be fair to Grace, she does seem completely overwhelmed about the situation and not know what to do. Not that it excuses all of her inaction, but it helps make it understandable. I like how they are not just doing a love triangle, but showing how he was also an important figure to Olive. It was a nice touch that Ben first sees Danny with his daughter and not his wife. It really showed how deeply this man had replaced him in the family as a whole and was a more heartbreaking moment than if it had been a jealous husband seeing his wife with her lover. This is one triangle I could actually see go either way (although I suspect in the end they will break up), unlike Jared and Michaela where everything seems to be pointing to them not being done.
  2. Daniel Sunjanta. Josh Dallas's reaction shot when he was him was some nice acting - nothing too over the top, but effective. It is not the world's greatest show, but I am enjoying it, and I think it has improved since the pilot. I thought this episode also did a nice job of showing how everyone is messed up by the missing five years and how things are not easily put together. I thought the mystery of the week was better than other weeks as well and felt for the nephew at the end.
  3. I still enjoy the show. It still has some sharp writing and a good cast. However, it still is a high concept show and if it wanted to go out on top, probably should have had the series finale with them being sent back to earth and maybe having a closing shot of Eleanor and Chidi etc. bumping into each other. Even though they have rebooted the show a couple of times, a number of themes have remained the same, so there is a bit of a been there done that as they repeat the cycle in a different location. Great show, but as with a lot of other shows that have a unique concept, the longer it remains on the air the harder it is going to be either to not go completely off the track or become redundant. I might be ready for the Jason and Janet running joke to end, and while Jason is endearing and can be funny, he is a pretty limited and is better as a less is more character. The show has clever writing, but sometimes overplays some of their jokes. Although Blake Bortles/ Jaguars might never get old. Still has better writing than most sitcoms. It is great with little throw away lines - such as the indirect Tom Brady reference, and the condolences for winning $18,000, and the quick shot of the AUS Weekly cover. I do like Simone, and am fine with no one ending up as a couple (I think sometimes there is too much emphasis put on romantic couples in a lot sitcoms in general when it is not needed), but would be fine if she was the one Chidi actually ended up with. The earlier comment speculating if she was possibly something other than a regular mortal woman does seem like a possibility. As for the recurring bad place characters, I do kind of miss Micheal's boss, but suspect he will show up again at some point.
  4. Yes - just caught episode one on PBS tonight and found that distracting. I don't necessarily need everyone to look like they bathed once a year, but I have noticed in the last ten years or so, the PBS/BBC dramas have really thrown out any historical accuracy for women hairstyles and they almost all now have their hair down and curled like they are part of the Celtic Women singer/dancers. It is distracting enough when it is some 18th or 19th century country estate, but that is magnified ten fold when they are in an early, muddy, 17th century colony where they would not exactly be living a life of leisure.
  5. CCTC

    S01.E01: Pilot

    It was fairly subtle, esp. compared to other moments in the episode. The daughter seemed pretty sympathetic and supportive of her mother instead of the cliched "you cheating on dad" which gives me some hope that post-pilot there might be some nuance and shades of gray. I thought the episode was a little clunky and heavy-handed, but they did try to introduce a lot. This scene showed that there is some potential for some more complicated emotional fall-out from the situation that they can better flesh out in later episodes. Unpopular opinion, but I think Dallas is a decent actor.
  6. CCTC

    S01.E01: Pilot

    The daughter knows. She saw her Mom looking at her phone after receiving the text during game night and quietly asked her what she was going to do while her Dad and brother were in the next room.
  7. I agree with this. I thought it had potential and was decent. It had some of the clumsiness that pilots often have when having to set up a complicated premise. It made me think, for as much as Once's writing was criticized later on, they did a really good job with having a very watchable pilot. A lot of stuff to introduce with curses, dual personalities, their version of Snow White/Evil Queen, and they did it pretty smoothly.
  8. This made me realize, I have retained very little memory of the whole Black Fairy story-line, except she was responsible for Gidiot. His father spent time as a Victorian (or Edwardian?) fictional character, so Mary Poppins is not much of a stretch and she might have been more memorable. It would have involved tweaking time the fictional London time periods a bit, but her flashbacks could have contained London resident Cruella. She could have been coolly efficient with a stiff upper lip and quiet, smug air of superiority, rather than having another campy sorceress with cleavage of evil.
  9. Yes - the Mary Poppins trailer does not look bad, but it looks like the film is unnecessary and they are simply following the same pattern as the original movie which will just heighten the comparisons. Of the Disney characters, I could see Mary Poppins actually being evil not that big of a stretch. She was always gas-lighting the kids (we did not jump through chalk paintings - I heard she does this even more in the books) and was a bit manipulative in reaching her goals, could be judgmental, and had a large ego. I do like the movie and Julie Andrews did a good balancing those character traits with her charm and showing she does care for the family, Burt etc. and made the character likable. The rest of the cast was also good (I know Dick gets flack for his cockney accent) including the kids. Plus there is the right amount of humor and some genuinely touching moments to prevent it from being too corny or sappy.
  10. I do too -- I am not sure if it was played more consistently every year or continued to be played after they stopped playing Little Mermaid or I just liked the Mongoose, but I have stronger memories of this one. That production could be a little tense - those cobras were scary and the final battle was a little intense -
  11. I am a little older, and I remember in the 70's there was a cartoon version of Little Mermaid played every year where they did go full Hans Christian Andersen with the ending. Can you imagine if Disney would have done that at the end of their animation feature how the kids would have reacted if Ariel had at the end? I feel like this was usually shown with the annual showing of Rikki Tikki Tavi. Disney did have a animated short that did retain the book ending of Sleepy Hollow. Most of the movie is Crane and his comical horse getting chased with a lot of comic relief and then They used to play it on Wonderful World of Disney many years around Halloween. I definitely had some issues with the headless horseman for a long time because of that production.
  12. Yes - I liked it, but not sure it lived up to they hype I had heard about it. On the other hand, I watched Coco with not hearing much about it and it struck more chords with me (although the family hating music being so overdone did bug me a bit). Ginny does have a voice good for animation, and could see her doing more voice-over work in the coming years.
  13. I believe she actually cackled with glee when the nanny flew out the window. It was such a strange and pure evil reaction for someone they had receently been trying to redeem and were obviously planning on putting back on the redemption train before not too long. Even if she had sided with Cora and hated Snow at the moment, anyone with any trace of good buried somewhere inside them should have at least been bothered by Cora's act of killing an innocent - even if it was only subtext with a shot of Regina looking troubled or conflicted as she and Cora vanished in their purple smoke.
  14. I just watched this movie a few months ago and also really enjoyed it probably more than any Pixar movie in a few years. My biggest gripe would be the whole family being so over the top anti-music 70 or so years later seemed a little forced. So many of the relationships were beautifully done, that this plot device seemed a bit contrived and a clumsy way to drive the plot. Other than that I it was a nice movie that was beautifully done and had did a nice job creating a film set in a different culture than the typical Disney movie. I don't remember this at all, but I might not have seen the movie at this point. I do know they did a bad job in general of creating a Cinderella and corresponding realm that had anything different culturally other than the ethnicity of the actress playing the part. Everything could have been taken from the 1950's movie (or the season 1 through 6 Enchanted Forest). They did a little more with Tiana, but that is because any cultural element they used were actually part of the Disney movie. They did not create anything new for the show just used what was already part of the story.
  15. I know they did a Halloween episode last year, but it would have been fun if they really would have gone all out in one of the early seasons and really embraced the Brother's Grimm to do a atmospheric horror episode one Halloween - complete with mood setting fog, shrouded moonlight, and some of the creepier fairy tales. Somewhat similar to Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow (before it went all action film the last ten minutes). Washington Irving had a number of creepy stories that would have worked for the small town "Maine" setting.
  16. The Charming/Emma dragon scenes stuck out for me partially because I thought they were well done and enjoyed the parallel father/daughter EF/SB and also after seeing a number of other season and half season finales it was nice to see two heroes Charming and Rumple kind of had an interesting dynamic, it is too bad I am really behind in my rewatching, but I had happen to have rewatched this episodes sometime within the last year. (I think I have probably season the season 1 premiere and finale the most.) I do think they did a pretty good job wrapping up the season. If it would have been done in later years, but, I will end on a positive note, it did make me wonder what was going to happen next and you did get some emotional pay-off with the Charming embrace, Emma/Henry, Gold finding Belle although and Regina finally losing with a hint she might be up to more trouble the next season,
  17. During one of their first conversations, I thought Regina/Roni said something that implied it she had been the Evil Queen at the time of their relationship. I think it might have been the oft-used "I was a different person then". I remember being confused at the time of where that would have fit in the pre-curse EF timeline, what the Facilier from this world was doing in the original recipe EF and was a bit curious of what they would reveal. Turns out, they never really explored their relationship at all - in the past or the present. It was all just a plot point without any explanation or any depth. We learned nothing of them or why they were or had been a couple.
  18. This probably is not that far off from what would have been done. I completely forgot about the Shears. In the end they did not really add much and just added to the convoluted mistake of trying to expand the Savior role into a whole mythology. The Aladdin story would have been much more interesting if they focused on having an exciting adventure with some fun characters in an exotic land. For some reason, I am not sure the word "fun" came up in their writing sessions.
  19. Yes - I felt it was more just "business" for her and she had no actual attraction to her, although I think there is a small group online that ship them together (as with every other possible combination - I am surprised there was not a Grump/Snow ship or a Grumpy/Charming ship for that matter). I was actually surprised (in a good way) how it did not drag out multiple episodes or actually have the seduction succeed. I was actually thinking that the events during the curse might have
  20. I do remember his episode being one of my first "Huh?" moments, because in the media they had been talking up this great twist of how Snow had some responsibility for the creation of the evil queen. I know Regina later Cora really was not the nicest lady or Mother of the Year, which is why later it is was kind of jarring
  21. I feel like none of the elements of that episode, the origin of dwarfs, Nova, the festival etc. was ever mentioned again. Also, having a big annual festival seems at odds with the curse where everyone had a ground hogs day existence, doing the same thing every day, until Emma came to town. The shunning of MM seemed a bit heavy handed. There would have been some angry glares and some whispers, but Not that Gold was a nice guy, and it was not inconceivable of him evicting a bunch of nuns, but it seemed rather random. It seemed like something
  22. Yes - each episode had some time spent in Camelot in a recent flashback - some time in present day Story Brooke - and some time spent in a flashback from further back in the past and then they felt the need to throw in an additional story line for Meridia. Too bad because the people they cast for the Camelot characters had potential. They kind of did the same think with 4B - they tried to cram in all four potential villainesses and a lost dragon child and half the characters were wasted. Cruella rose above the material and is really the only memorable character from that half season. The Faerie Realm could have been interesting, but it would have taken time away from Dual Reginas...
  23. Hope means never having to say you are sorry (for wiping out an entire village).
  24. I remember thinking in season 3 or 4 that I wish
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