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Everything posted by CCTC

  1. It did seem like while the Frozen characters were well-cast, this was the point where much of the original cast got sidelined so they could focus on the latest new toy and the new characters were just Disney characters and not original and creative interpretations of Brother Grimm characters. And I know it was a nod to the character, but did she really need to come in that red jacket. The jacket was no where near as interesting as A&E thought it was. Was original recipe Blue at the coronation? Did all versions of her perish or just WishBlue?
  2. They were both filming their pilots and flew in for the last day or two of shooting. I am not sure how much more they would have been used, possibly the Rumple death scene. I did like seeing the original characters one more time. I wish they would have toned it down a little for Regina at the end, but was expecting it. I did like the montage shown during her speech. So was Jared playing original Henry in the last scene or Wish Henry? If original Henry - does that mean two time line characters can exist at once? Couldn''t Jared Henry mess up thinks for Andrew West Henry if he does something that messes with his future. If Wish Henry - should he be calling Regina Mom? Are there still different versions of the same characters out there - but now their realms are in the same land. If they were merged, doesn't that mean some versions of the characters were pressured even they might not wanted to have been merged. It seems slightly convoluted and not sure everything is logical.
  3. Shocking the show ended on a cliche ridden speech.... I did like all of the shots played during it though.
  4. the ending montage is nice if you take it by itself.
  5. so original Henry both old and young will coincide? Isn't this against every time travel story out there?
  6. I am guessing her whole appearance is going to be a cameo at the end, and they already teased half of the one line of dialogue she has.
  7. It does kind of look like Belle and Rumple are in Hell - so I am going to go with that. As soon as the kiss is over they are going to have to run from some demon.
  8. You think they could have at least had Snow and Charming in the scene where Rumple dies. I know scheduling etc., but still.
  9. I am just not buying Gold's redemption, it is contrary to everything we have seen for 6.5 seasons. A&E seem to think action-packed finales should have a lot of talking and speeches to break the action.
  10. That would be acknowledging Henry has a mother besides Regina.
  11. I noticed they must have filmed the portal scenes before the guest starts arrived since Josh, Ginny, and Bex seemed to have taken a lunch break.
  12. Charming taught her how to fight after he taught her how to dance.
  13. It really does seem a bit odd that Emma and Original Recipe Hook would not have joined this rescue mission. Maybe they are babysitting all of the kids.
  14. It would have been nice to show them try to explain it to Charming and Snow - but I suppose that would have ruined their entrance.
  15. I really need the author to erase this image from existence.
  16. Man Rumple has been a drip this past season. Funny how he never ever mentions his very much alive son.
  17. It makes sense of Henry to want revenge against Regina, it does not make sense that he would want to crush other heroes. I suppose he was seduced by Rumple's Emperor Palpatine imitation.
  18. Did I miss how Robyn and Alice showed up? I suppose the bean - but not a lot of time in Story Brooke. Wish Rumple is really careless in leaving them a way to escape the globe.
  19. I am going with Robin being completey Regina's imagination and this shows that she really still has a big ego and thinks she is the world's most special person. She has been pretty whine free the last season, so good that she could get one more in. Why would wish-Rumple give them a cabin in the globe? Seems a little too nice.
  20. I want to know why it sounds like he got a bit of an English accent between the time he got friend-zoned and now. It does not seem like too much time had past because otherwise he would look like Andrew West. Not sure Granny and the Dwarves would have been so dismissive of a curse warning. Is it there job to chase any strangers from town. Almost has a backwoods horror feel to it where outsiders end up as dinner. Too bad, A&E could have done a bit of a Sweeny Todd plot with Grumpy and Granny as one of the arcs.
  21. Yes - 7B was better than 7A and much of season 6, but it is all relative. Objectively it was not great. I am trying to think of the last time they had a good conclusion and climax. As early as the Season 4A Frozen arc they were already rushing through the climax so they could start the next story (I actually thought it was a decent arc until all the build-up ended up going no where and was treated as literally a laughing matter). 4B and 5A had interesting cliffhangers (Emma being the dark-one, going to Hell), but the episodes themselves did not resolve the previous arc in an interesting or compelling way. There finales are often pretty low-action with people waiting for the bad to happen until the last three minutes.
  22. In some ways Henry got the Regina treatment, where we were supposed to think everything he did was great, even if it was sometimes the opposite of great. In the long run, him always being right did not help the character, because he became annoying (he became a little judgmental) and was harder to relate to as a real person/adolescent.
  23. I kind of thought they might do that sort of thing in Story Brooke for Season 6 with the Land of Untold Stories, but the Land of Untold Stories maybe lasted two or three episodes.
  24. Yes- like was said earlier, she was not around long enough to care about. The whole plot seemed especially manipulative, and while the acting of the last scene was not bad, the writing was cliche and music just added to that and made it almost seem like a spoof. I agree it did not help that she was pretty obnoxious that episode. She saw how upset her fake death scene made them, so she kept doing it? I know it was a coping mechanism for her, but it just made her seem cruel and thoughtless. It was also a big flag that there was going to be a scene later in the episode where she would actually be dead. I would have been surprised if she had not been dead at the end of the episode. I know it is probably a budget probably limits the number of extras, but it really cuts into the effectiveness that the cult has a ton of followers. Hopefully that story line will end with the season finale. I am hoping they can reset a few things with the finale.
  25. First show of the season I rewatched. Did they say how WishRumple was able to pop in and out of HH? They definitely set it up so the opening scene seemed to be original recipe Henry, from how he acted in the opening scene, and from WishRumple reminding Adult Henry of their talk with his "younger self". In retrospect it was worded in a way that could refer to WishHenry, but it was a bit of a plot hole that Adult Henry never commented that he did not remember the conversation. While I originally laughed at Regina's entrance foiling Prime Rumple stabbing Wish Rumple, it is really Rumple Prime's fault. He knew there was limited time, but he still took about two minutes to pontificate and brag. If Regina would not have come in, Rumple Prime would have probably kept talking until the ink wore off. While using the bean to drive the food truck to Story Brooke did not make a lot of sense, it was kind of a fun image. I am guessing the town will probably be excited to see some dining options other than Granny's coming to town. I kind of wish that next week was two hours so they could really play out some of the adventure before the closing wrap-up scene. It seems like a lot to wrap up in an hour and still do whatever montage they are going to do at the end.
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