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Everything posted by CCTC

  1. I saw a behind the scenes pic of Drusillia and Anastasia. For a second I had to remember who Anastasia was and what role or significance she had to the season. There were certainly a lot of false starts and change in focus, so much of what occurred earlier in the season (or even fairly late in the season) really did matter to how the season 7 arc wrapped up and were not needed for the big bad's ultimate plan. That could have been really interesting,
  2. The Colonial Sanders thing reminds me of some of the things they did as AMC was circling the drain to try to bring in some extra revenue. They had Greenlee go to work for Revlon, although at some point Revlon must have had realized how bad the show had become, because suddenly she was working for some fictional company. It seemed like there were some other awkward product placements, but I have blocked a lot of the final years out of my head. I could tell you more what happened in 1987 than 2007. Needless to say, the gimmicks did not help save the show.
  3. That would have been such a good way to bring Gilligan and company in for a story arc.
  4. The little look that Charming gives when he sees the wardrobe is empty and it being the last things as he passes out thinking he is about to die was well done. A subtle mixture of grief, loss, but a hint of hope that Emma is safe and will maybe everyone else will be saved (he most likely thought he was about to pass into the great beyond.) I am guessing Josh was largely cast because he looked like he could be a fairy tale prince, but he could deliver acting wise when given material.
  5. The scene of Snow knowing she had to send her baby a way was pretty powerful with the follow-up of her still weak from child birth finding Charming dying or dead and unable to revive him added to show a true tragedy and loss
  6. Maybe it was really James.
  7. Yes - as much as I have made negative posts regarding her character in later seasons, I can see why she took off. Both Regina and Mayor Mills were compelling to watch, and were complex characters, but still portrayed as a villain who we were supposed to love to hate. It really was a well done pilot and you could tell they had a little more money than the premier of season 7. The overhead shot of Charming's horse back ride is a little more epic than They really did do a good job casting this show. This is really petty of me, but there were a few times during this season that I noticed how Robert has aged. Not that he looks bad now, but you really notice his face is fuller and his longer hair style now seems to be compensating that it is not as full.
  8. Anything in the episode foreshadowing that Regina
  9. I think Josh Dallas would prefer people watched first movie.
  10. Thor Ragnarok did not take itself too seriously, and because of that it was more fun than a lot of the other recent superhero movies. Somewhere along the way, Hemsworth developed some comedic timing. The most recent Ghostbusters was not great (or good), but he was actually pretty good with his comic relief role. I would also say Black Panther is one of the better recent hero movies. I liked The Last Jedi, but it was not great and definitely had some flaws. It never would have gotten the great reviews and all the adoring press it did if it was not part of the Star Wars franchise. In someways each new movie further dilutes the greatness of the original trilogy (not that they were flawless themselves).
  11. I rewatched it last night and caught a few things I missed due to following the live thread. The coronation aside, it actually did a pretty good job of ending things. They were not logical, but the spirit was right and there were some nice moments (Hook-Alice, Hook-Robyn, even Hook-Rumple, the Charmings rescue of Regina and actually being efficient, RealHook and Emma looking like slightly overwhelmed by happy parents of a new born etc). Things I originally missed due to following the live feed that make more sense now - Alice having the hook appear in the snow globe via magic. I was originally wondering why WishRumple was so careless to leave that lying around there. They were consistent with showing Henry as an inept hero - he would have been run through in his bungled attempt to rescue Regina if his grandparents had not shown up. It was a nice entrance by the Charmings and was nice to see them lead the war room. It does make one wonder why people would choose Regina to lead them later, but it was still to see them get to do more than just a short cameo. I would have liked to see them a little more, but due to their restricted schedule, they did a pretty good job working them into the plot as more than window dressing. Between that and Robyn and Alice contributing, it felt at least the heroes's actions were not completely futile and useless like the season 6 finale. This time I caught that the Charmings and Zelina were out in the Wish Realm warning people which is why they were not present during the portal scene (in reality a way to work around their limited shooting availability). What I noticed this time around was that Ella and Lucy were also not there. You would have thought they would have down a companion scene to Hook and Alice with Henry desperately trying to hold on to his wife and/or daughter (esp. since they were on contract and would have been available for shooting). They really were completely sidelined for two characters that were supposed to drive the reboot. While I thought Rumple's redemption was not deserved, I thought they did a pretty good job with him and Hook and at least trying to play it like Rumple did not think he would get rewarded by joining Belle when he made the sacrifice. Why did he think losing the Guardian would prevent him from joining Belle in the after-life. Wasn't the Guardian mainly going to be a way for him to lose his immortality, which he no longer had, so he really no longer needed the Guardian. I will be honest, I never really understood what the Guardian was supposed to be or do. It is still really weird Rumple did not mention either of his children once during this. While the Regina coronation and adoration (esp. from Wish Henry) was a bit stomach turning, I did appreciate at multiple times that Regina credited others (really her victims) for the reason she was able to turn it around. One of the things I found hard about her redemption in season 3 or 4, is that people she had been horrible to were trying to help her and she still would be condescending and snarky when talking to them. At least they made it seem like she does now appreciate them. As corny and cliche as it was I did like the implication that people's stories would continue and adventures would still be happening, even though we would not be seeing them. I would be shocked if it happened, but two hour movies a few years down the road could be fun. It would be short blocks of time where they could just focus on fairy tale adventures and not get completely bogged down in a mythology that is supposed to be played out in a ten episode arc. The united realms really seemed to be a lot of urban sprawl with not much magical forest or green space between kingdoms. I am assuming that Story Brooke joined those realms on some other plain and that they are not all in Maine.
  12. I think the scene was supposed to show that things are not resolved between them and how much they lost by the zombification entering their life. They would not have been play-acting being a married couple, they would have been living it. That said, I think the show completely miscalculated how bad it would look in regards to issues of consent and control. If the current boyfriend survives into next season, I suspect there will be some triangle tension next season, because the triangle is not the most overused plot device on television. Maybe because I am always kind of waiting for Liv's love interests to die, I don't get that invested in them, but I don't really see a great connection between her and Levon (I have also not watched every episode, so have missed things between them). I don't see them together at the end of the series, not that she should be with Major at this point either. They have some issues to work out... I agree with the earlier comments about the cure, when they showed Ravi being excited about the rat, I thought, haven't we seen this exact scene already.
  13. One of the bigger problems I have with Liv playing this Renegade role is that she has been foolhardy and reckless from step one. I am not sure how she had not gotten caught before this, because she certainly does not think anything through. Running this kind of operation is something that cannpt just be done on emotions and impulse. Ravi's role was pretty cringe-worthy at best, offensive at worst. Yes -- was hard to care they got engaged, esp. since every time we saw them this year they were having major problems. Probably not the smartest move to jump right into an engagement after being estranged for months, and not really together that long before the break-up and problems.
  14. I agree with posts that used to be made about Blue - that she had to actually be evil and was covering up by appearing to be inept. It should have revealed that she was the Black Fairy manipulating everyone the whole time (but with no Rumple-Gideon baggage).
  15. It really did have a lot of heart, the WWI setting gave it a unique feel, and they did a good job balancing the horrors of war without completely torpedoing the fun elements of a superhero movie. My only complaint is the final show down fell into the usual CGI slug-fest that went on a little too long and was a little generic.
  16. When Jen was posting old pics for her episode 7 x 2 guest appearance there was one where Lana had been in the original picture but was cropped out in the fall 2017 posting.
  17. I was waiting for her to bow to them in return as a show of respect. It was an odd little moment, and makes me wonder how longer before Regina gets corrupted by having all this power, "absolute power corrupts absolutely" and you cannot get more absolute than being queen of everything. She seemed to be enjoying the adoration just a little too much.
  18. Plus now she has two Henry's, one who she can be a clingy over-protective Mother, and one who she can be a clingy, inappropriate chemistry Mother.
  19. Being that Regina did not know there was an election or she was up for queen, he other candidates did not to a good job campaigning.
  20. Didn't the original creator of the show think it should be just five years and had a 5 year arc planned? I think he might have left at that point.
  21. I did not want the show to end at that point, but I remember thinking at that time it would have been a good series finale. Happy endings, but with some sacrifices, including some true sacrifices from Regina and Gold. Logical ending, for the most part people were happy, but everything was not all neat and tidy. There was a real emotional weight to it.
  22. Lana really was good that first season, playing both the over the top EQ (although more true rage and raw emotion and hurt - less camp) and the more subtle and clever Mayor Mills. As corny as the last scene was, I think a lot of the actors were a bit overwhelmed. I think that might have been Ginny herself choking up in the coronation. I wonder if Dru and Anastasia were there.
  23. Similar to someone like Robin Hood loving the Evil Queen -- the hero Zorro finds Maleficent the dragon lady burning things down bold and audacious (I cannot remember how evil Maleficent was in season 1 -- did she do great damage in dragon form in the Enchanted Forest?
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