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Everything posted by CCTC

  1. Plus, I suspect even if they might not have been happy with how the writing was in the later years, they have mainly fond memories of the show and what it did for them, and do not want to bad mouth it.
  2. A kid showing up with a bowl cut, talking like a little wise-cracking adult, from some never before mentioned relatives was always a bit ominous for a show. Poor Cousin Oliver, compared to other precocious of kids of the 70's and 80's he was fairly unobnoxious, but he is the one everyone remembers.
  3. This show has always had some corny dialogue, but it has been especially cringe-worthy this year. Almost every word Regina says is a speech of platitudes or clunky exposition. I am assuming they did not have access to the interiors of the house they used for Regina's house in the past. The living room seemed much more generic and less grand.
  4. That's right - season 1 ended up being some other vampire At the time of season 1, since Mina Harker was a victim, I assumed the master vampire was Dracula. I forgot Dracula actually came on in season 3, which I barely remember (loved the show, but it got a bit off track as well). Aside from Regina being crowned Queen of all things, the whole merging of realms seems a bit too complicated for the time they have left. In two episodes they need to introduce WishRumpleas the big bad, he has to quickly do something that will threaten all realms, the heroes will flounder, they will have to make a rash decision to merging all the realms,, they will have to fit in all the cameos, and they will have to have time adoring Regina at the end. I suspect it is going to seem rushed and not make a lot of sense. Too bad, I would love to see Caryle really get some good time to dig his teeth into being the big bad, but in the end, his reign of terror will probably be like the other villains - illogical, fast, and in the end thwarted quickly in a two minute scene.
  5. I kind of feel the show has gotten a lot more plot driven than character driven, plus they seem to have characters do things largely so it will create conflict with another character rather than if it makes sense for that character. Yes - in some ways they seem to have dumbed her down. She is pretty reckless and really should have been caught by now, and probably would have, but they are most likely saving it for the finale. You can see her plans have potential disaster written on them about ten miles away. I don't necessarily dislike the girl with the zombie immunity, but she reminds me of the standard young precocious character they used to bring onto shows as they were aging. Usually not a good sign for the show.
  6. Even in Penny Dreadful, they did not decide Dracula was misunderstood at the end of Season 1 and bring him into the fold the next year. I remember thinking back when I was watching season 1 really looking forward to see how Regina would get her comeuppance. I never dreamt she would be reformed. They also like to see the villain to eventually pay the price. I remember thinking back when I was watching season 1 really looking forward to see how Regina would get her comeuppance. I never dreamt she would be reformed.
  7. The sloppy thing about the wish realm inconsistency, is not that there were consistencies in later seasons, but they already had a major inconsistency in the very episode it was introduced. Regina is the one who was causal about killing the fake Charmings because they were not real, and then failed to return to the son she loved so much because she was enchanted by seeing Robin who she eventually brought back with her. She certainly did not treat him as if he was not real, even though she had no problems murdering other people in that realm.
  8. I agree, I meant it would have been nice if there had been a more gradual evolution instead of Henry out of the blue becoming a major cheerleader in season 2. If it would have been done over time and felt earned, it could have been a moment that had an emotional impact. Instead it was just a very predictable scene with some creepy undertones.
  9. I can actually appreciate how they did that to show the evolution of their relationship - although it would have had more impact if you saw it evolve instead of Henry just doing a 180 in season 2 or 3 and go from being wary of her to her biggest cheerleader. Maybe show Regina slowly earn his respect and an unconditional love over a handful of seasons instead of one episode. It also did not help that Henry showed a lot more emotion and passion in that scene than he ever did with Ella. Maybe if there would have been some more impassioned scenes with his wife the Regina scene would have seemed more parent-child.
  10. Plus they love to book-end things or have parallel scenes, and this did that for the breaking of the first kiss. I thought it would be either Henry and Regina or possibly Hook and Alice.
  11. It seems like a villain who has been plotting for 1000 years and has been built up as the big bad for about the last 15 episode should have been a little harder to dispatch. They have done the two people shooting magic light at each while everyone gets in a circle and watch as their final battle one too many times. Regina and Henry might have shown a bit more passion than in any scenes he has had with Ella. Probably not what they were going for. I had to laugh when Ella, Tianna and Naveen burst into Facilier's office trying to look heroic and he simply poofed away leaving them with a bit of a dumb expression on their faces. It is too bad they did not wrap up the Gothel story earlier to give more time to Dark Rumple. It does seem like a bit of a cop out that they are using Wish Rumple to finally have the character to go full out Big Bad, but should be fun to watch. They need to tone down and ease off a bit on the inspirational speeches. Shouldn't Henry have been a bit creeped out by his phone conversation with his older self. He had no idea who he was talking to - how often do you have a stranger talk to you and go on and on about personal issues without identifying themselves except a vague I am friends with your mother. It did irritate me a bit that there was no doubt in Henry's mind that if someone asks about his mother, it is Regina. Emma seems pretty marginalized as one of Henry's parents. Granted that is largely because she is not on the show, but even when she is referenced it is more as Emma and not his Mother. I suspect she is largely going to have a cameo in the finale. I do think the second half of the season has been better, but the defeat of each of the villains has been a bit anticlimatic.
  12. Which might be part of the reason he and Jacinda do not generate a lot of romantic heat. Henry is still kid of being written and played like that. It almost has some Big elements to it with a boy trapped in a man's body, and I know people were a little weirded out when the Tom Hanks character had an adult encounter with Elizabeth Perkins.
  13. I remember being pleasantly surprised at the time that David relatively quickly said, thanks, but no thanks. I thought they were going to head farther down that road and things were going to get even soapier. I have no problems with soapy, but never been a big fan of the sleeping with someone when you have amnesia plot and do not remember your true love, then are guilt-ridden later. I am trying to think the last time I was actually surprised by something.
  14. I was not focused on the time for that - but just inspired by the epic scenes of the rebellion overcoming tyranny at all odds with moments scenes of valor and sacrifice for their victory (or they actually had most of the rebellion completely off-screen, one of the two). Rereading Lana's comment, I wonder if real Robin will somehow come back to live and they will do a quick reunion of Regina's happy ending. Maybe it will be a scene of WishRobin and OQ, although I would rather them not have two imaginary characters take up time in the reunion. Otherwise I could see it be some spiritual visit where ghost-Robin tells Regina it is OK to move on with Facilier (while she is using a pottery wheel). It would be fitting for the show to end by giving Facilier a happy ending just episodes after he killed someone in cold blood.
  15. That would have to be about 4 years after original recipe Henry drove off on his motorcycle, if Henry was 13-14 at the end of season 6, and Snowflake was 1 to 2 years old (assuming Henry was 18 when he drove off to be a hero). I am not sure they have carefully plotted out everything timeline wise....
  16. Really that pairing could have had some natural tension where he challenged her and made her evaluate herself and admit some hard truths. It would have been more interesting than him being her lap dog, more true to the character or Robin Hood, helped with Regina's redemption, and probably generated more chemistry between the two characters.
  17. I am not saying the change in designer has not contributed a lot to the decline in costuming, but I am guessing the new person has a much smaller budget to work with. It does seem like people are either wearing previous costumes that have been modified (I swear Henry is wearing some of Charming's hand-me-downs) or look like they could have been rented from a Halloween store.
  18. And the pre-season talk was going to be how Victoria was going to keep them all apart to prevent them from figuring out the curse, and they spent about a half of episode halfheartedly keeping Lucy from Jacinda. They really did nothing with the city environment. It all seems pretty generic - right down to Ronnie's Bar. Story Brooke had little touche that added some character, Granny's and Gold's pawn shop, but even little touches like Regina's wall paper that was a forest.
  19. Part of the problem with the Regina and Daniel episodes is she looked nothing like a teenager. If anything the hair style they gave her just emphasized that she was a thirty-something playing dress up as a teen. It might have been an episode to cast a younger episode, because while Lana is a good actress, she did not pull off the naive teen.
  20. Vickie (sadly I remember her name) was creepy, but efficient. She would have had everything solved and resolved by now.
  21. Growing up in the 70's and 80's, I do get sitcom flashbacks during Lucy's scenes. It was the ?golden? age of the precocious child actors. I am surprised she did not say "whatcha talking about Facilier?"
  22. They should have given up the need to have a flashback every episode about 4 years ago. Sometimes they can be useful, but often they just break up the flow, don't offer anything new, and take up time that could be otherwise better spent. I think I started feeling this during 5A. They had Camelot to explore and they were already splitting some of the time with Story Brooke, since Camelot itself was a flash back. Between spending time in Camelot of the very recent past, Story Brooke,, and the flashback of the week, nothing really got the attention or the time it deserved.
  23. I should have included this to my superficial comments about the prom dress, even if the episode had been beautifully written, I would have been taken out of the scene with the make-up and the costumes of the nymphs. The dead butterflies alone would have probably done it (it is like the raided a little girl's barrette drawer). They also probably needed to have Gothel have more meaningful interactions with her mother in order to make her death have more impact. Plus how the mother was lying there while giving a cliched death speech and then instantly dying after being able to speak with a fairly strong voice almost seemed more of a satire than what was supposed to be a moving moment.
  24. Thanks - that makes sense (well - in a bad plot sort of way). Although that means a thousand of years ago in Seattle - in the year 1017 there was a fairly advanced civilization where the decor of the castles would later influence whoever decorated Donald Trump's NYC penthouse. Yes - she was pretty unlikable even before she went all Carrie.
  25. Really superficial - but the mean girls and all the gowns looked like they were cheap knock-offs from the 1980s. Plus the party that she eviserated did not look that great. I am not sure the head mean girl really had much reason to be smug and condescending. The whole plot did not make a lot of sense. I must have missed how the mean girl was able to get to the nymphs. I did not really care for Gothel before she turned evil, so I really don't care for her now. The actress does have moments though when she does succeed at being sinister. All the coat hangers are basically anonymous witches who really could be played by coat hangers and it would not make a difference. I am not sure I am falling the time line -- Gothel and her first recruit went to the land without magic 1000 years ago. I am assuming she must have come back and forth because she had to conceive Alice in the disenchanted forest or the wish realm or where-ever she violated Wish Hook. Finding the glass slipper seemed a little convenient - and how did it make it to the cursed world? I suppose that is consistent with the story where the slippers survive the spell breaking at midnight. Henry is kind of playing his role like he is in some light romantic comedy with his facial expressions. I am OK with cheesy special effects, but I think Bewitched might have had better special effects in 1964. Endora also would have blown Gothel out of the water. It might not be the best pacing when you have your mid-season cliffhanger and don't revisit that plot line for close to 5 months. So are they going to just pretend Facilier did not murder Nick and play him off as a good guy who might end up as Regina's true love? They love their shock murders but never consider who it affects the character long-term. I bet they won't be mentioned again. When is the last time he has even brought them up?
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