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Everything posted by EtheltoTillie

  1. Wow! I had stopped watching The Millers in disgust, and I noticed that there was virtually no posting on the Millers thread.
  2. Howard Stern has been hawking Squatty Potty nonstop for months. He claims he uses it and loves it. Since it is paid advertising, it's a bit suspect, although I have no doubt that he may really like it. He has always been famous for obsessing over toilet issues, which is probably why they selected his show as an advertising medium. His is one of the few outlets left where there is old fashioned live advertising read by the hosts. There's something about it that grosses me out, though. I could think of a number of reasons why Heidi Ho was not a good name. I would be curious to try the cheese. Medical device: so they want insurance to pay for it? I have done litigation in this area. It might work. But it would be a long haul and a ripoff of taxpayers if Medicare had to start paying for it, or Medicaid. They'll start charging way more than it actually costs.
  3. I liked Sutton Foster. She didn't seem diva-ish. I thought the vow renewal bride looked terrible. It wasn't the butt sticking out but the stomach. Yes, I too noticed that they aren't using that interior room anymore. I also noticed that they have eliminated more of the lame "theme" conference they used to have at the beginning with all the consultants.
  4. Yes, you are adding part 2 of the equation. Bees can swarm anywhere, but that's why they weren't supposed to be kept in an urban area.
  5. I don't think it's that the bees got loose. Bees are loose. They live in hives and fly around at will. It came out that defendant was not supposed to be keeping hives in his urban area. So he was irresponsible, not obeying the law.
  6. Sad because in some videos it's clear he is so angry underneath. He's so full of overcompensation.
  7. I don't know if you have found the YouTube video of David and Priscilla's wedding, but it is a must-see. Fast forward to the scenes of David conducting the audience in singing from the stage. It's jaw-dropping.
  8. I'm glad you brought up that texting. I noticed it too. I hope she remembers after she gets off the drugs.
  9. Speaking of grammar, Josh and Anna repeatedly said things were "doing good" when they meant " doing well." yay SODRT! This error really drives me nuts. I noted that the visiting car mechanic said "doing well" even when Josh said "doing good" right before.
  10. Are we now to assume that both brothers are gay based on previous post? Caroline has a gay brother. Why would this be so outlandish for the family to accept?
  11. Wow, a new addition to the Apollo "poor me" lexicon: depravating (as spelled by closed captions). Kandi sounded odd being all superior on her prison visiting experience. While I agree there is racism in prosecution and sentencing, I do not think Apollo is caught in that net. He admitted he was addicted to fast lifestyle. Odd that Kandi and Todd want to visit him instead of distancing themselves from his fraudulent ass.
  12. It was such a sad episode I stopped wanting to snark about the red hair. But that was crazy hair. She went to the same stylist as Bozo-haired fortune teller from Judge Judy a couple of weeks ago.
  13. Thanks. I had looked him up in . IMDB last night, and I realized I'd seen all those things, but he still doesn't really ring a bell. Sandra B I've really known forever, even before King of Comedy.
  14. Love me some Sandra Bernhardt! I really don't know the other guy (Root).
  15. Why would the Americans argue amongst themselves in that conference room after the Pakistanis left? Wouldn't the room be bugged? Or wouldn't they at least be wary of that? I don't think they were actually trying to plant that conversation. I am actually liking this season, but I have to suspend disbelief quite a bit, as there are some logistical problems like the above that seem that they should lead to more failures/problems.
  16. The dog business seemed like a massive liability risk. Just wait till the dog attacks someone's child, or whatever. Aside from the lack of scalability, this was a real problem.
  17. I was surprised that I liked this too. I originally saw no connection between Jessa and Ben, but i think that really changed somewhere along the way.
  18. Wow, so sorry to learn that Playing House won't be back. Is that final?
  19. I really like this. I also do poverty law (civil not criminal), so this adds to my admiration. They have really have gotten right the injustices faced by our clients. I was very surprised to see in the new issue of People that they called this a must skip.
  20. Creepy, indeed. I had never heard that story before about how Jim Bob sort of stalked Mechelle for a couple of years before she worked in his mother's yogurt store. He kept praying that she would become his wife? Was I hearing correctly? I skipped the part about the overseas travels. i had avoided those episodes when they first ran, and I have no interest in seeing them.
  21. Yes, missed Barba, but in NYC the DA does not prosecute kids. They correctly showed the NYC Corporation Counsel's office in Family Court. If they wanted to do a story about minors, they couldn't use Barba. What were we to make of the ending? Is there going to be a follow up episode? Carisi saw them link fingers.
  22. Great episode. Great acting and writing. Minnie Driver is one of my all-time favorites, but that kid can really hold his own.
  23. As it turns out, they are already showing it On Demand. I saw part of it last night, and you are all correct. Josie really did sing on key. Boy, those kids looked goofy 10 years ago.
  24. I completely missed this ep. When was it on? Will they repeat it?
  25. It's just that she was doing it in two earlier episodes. Always cleaning the kitchen like a good Italian wife. It was so noticeable among the boring activities, that we were snarking on it.
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