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Everything posted by Nutjob

  1. Yes to all of this. Unless Kimmi had previously expressed interest in breaking from Jeremy and Stephen (which it doesn't seem likely at all), Monica was thinking way too far ahead and badly misread the situation. There is no reason to talk "women's alliance" while you're still in separate tribes unless you have a) other interested women and b) enough interested women to form a real alliance. For all her looking ahead, Monica tipped her hand too early. I also don't think we have enough information to know what kind of game Kimmi might play after the merge. I've already seen it suggested that she might go UTR, but her move on Monica, to me, suggests exactly the opposite--that was a power move on her part, and it only solidified her loyalty in Jeremy and Stephen's eyes. She didn't last long enough in Australia for us to know what kind of post-merge game she might have.
  2. Me too! I was hearing Alicia say it in my head every time Kimmi was on screen. Exactly. Other than "OMG! GIRRRRRRLPOWER!!1111!!!1!" I'm not sure what Monica was thinking even bringing that up at this stage. She had a strong four with Jeremy, Stephen and Kimmi--to suggest at this early stage that she might want to throw the guys over later on, without knowing Kimmi's feelings on it, was just bad game play for the sake of... well, I'm still trying to figure that out. Unless you know a bunch of men have allied specifically to ditch the women, trying to form alliances based on estrogen is pointless, especially at this stage when you still need strength in challenges and you weigh 90 lbs. soaking wet like Monica.
  3. I think that's all kind of the point, though. Ed and Peggy aren't professional criminals--he's really only doing all of this for her, and so while he might think he's covering everything up, we can see all the mistakes he's making that will likely get him caught by both law enforcement and the very professional crime family who is also looking for Rye.
  4. So.... Peggy took all that TP. Now I really am wondering what's up with her, what with her being all OCD, then stealing TP, out by the Waffle Hut for some unknown reason and not willing to call in hitting Rye with her car despite it being an accident, etc. Just what, exactly, is she hiding? I was waiting for a call back to the wood chipper--looks like we got in in the form of a meat grinder. The scene with Hank, Mike and the twins was pretty tense, especially at the end when Hank turned his back on the car and walked away. I was afraid he would get ambushed, and glad it didn't play out that way.
  5. I'm interested in why Grayson is back on this season...
  6. Nutjob

    S06.E02: JSS

    I have to respectfully disagree with this--Morgan went to the aid of several people in this episode, including Gabriel after Carol told him to let him die. The way I see it, Morgan is trying to be Batman. The problem is that if you can't even secure your own walls, how are you going to build holding facilities for every psycho that tries to kill your group and have enough man power to ensure they don't get free and, well, kill everyone in your group? When people in a situation like this are intent on killing you, they aren't going to give up. That's the lesson Morgan needs to learn. Now, is there some racial bias that has lead Kirkman to giving Morgan this trait? I don't know, and I don't think there's any way to know. Noah certainly didn't fit this mold, and I'd also compare Morgan more to someone like Dale at this stage. I also think, though, that we will see a transformation--Morgan and Rick have been two sides of a coin on the zombie apocalypse learning curve, and I think we'll see Morgan catch up in the coming episodes. I also don't begrudge Carol her badassery. It's nice to see a middle-aged, non-traditionally attractive woman given the role of butt-kicker on a show like this, where usually she'd be relegated to caring for the children and baking the casseroles. Carol just gets to do both! I enjoy her immensely.
  7. Manny Minotaury is one of my favorite things ever on this show--I loved me some Cig Neutron, and I'm not even playing. I'll add to the "Scott was ROBBED!" chorus...I was really surprised when they called Evan's name, because it seemed to me that Scott's was the one with the least problems initially, and that fit the challenge best. Evan's, to me, still looked like his dog character from the wedding challenge.
  8. Yeah, I don't know if I can stand watching him again, even for my weird love of Matti Hixson (What? I think he's cute!) and massive respect for Cleen Rock One. Wait... Cleen. Yeah, Cleen will take St. Douche out. I might be back in. Speaking of douches, I am of two minds on Kruseman's win (he's not the douche of which I speak). I'm glad he beat Chris because Chris is a douche, but I'm just not sure his overall body of work justified it. I guess I should look at is as a gift until Chris inevitably shows back up in a future season.
  9. Aw, I have to admit I will miss mocking Tyra and all her made-up words.
  10. It's definitely Merline's... it's full of what whatshername called the "manatee penis."
  11. My favorite thing was Nick Offerman's Walter Sobchak-inspired character. Everything could use a little Walter. I'm totally in. Loved Wilson as young Lou, loved that we're seeing little Molly Solverson, and finding out now that she comes from two lines of law enforcement--probably why she is so awesome at it. Jean Smart's character is fiercer than we realize, I'm sure, and her sons are going to screw everything up, I'm sure.
  12. Yeah, this was a disappointing episode all the way around. Regarding Tim's outburst, I get it. I do. I do believe there was some frustration behind it, and possibly something behind the scenes that we weren't privy to. That said, what bugged me about it was the abruptness with which he trotted Swapnil's client out of the room without giving them a chance to "mind meld" the way he did with Ashley, Merline, Candice, etc. No matter how angry he was, it was still Tim's job to mentor Swapnil, and instead he left in a huff without really giving him a chance to work with his model to fix the situation. I found it unfair and, frankly, immature of Tim to let his emotions get in the way of him doing his job.
  13. Because of what I wrote here: This episode had almost no plot. Add to it no characters to like or root for (I'm not sure if it's an acting choice on Bentley's part, but Lowe seemed part robot) and nothing to lighten the mood at all, and it was all just torture, porn, and torture porn. My opinion, of course, but previous seasons started with at least one or two characters I thought I might want to see succeed. These "people" could have all been sucked into a vortex and I would have been just as happy, Lowe and his sad-sack wife included.
  14. I checked out the first episode just to make sure RM hadn't somehow righted this ship back to the first two seasons before I totally dismissed it, and I was right in my assumption. I felt like I needed a shower after watching... the only word I can use to describe the amped up level of violence, sexual and otherwise, without a sufficient amount of plot to justify it is "vulgar." I won't be tuning back in after this episode.
  15. This season has shaped up kind of weird for me, as I'm still not seeing a clear top 3. And I thought Scott was a bottom look for sure--his cockroach hybrid should've been there over Ben's, I thought.
  16. I thought I heard that... thanks for confirming! Now at least I know I'm not totally losing my mind.
  17. Dustin may be as boring as a bowl of vanilla-scented oatmeal, but I'm just thankful I don't have to listen to Bello or Stefano again. Those boys... geez. Nyle continues to be oh, so very pretty. And huskies are my favorite, so that photo was destined to be made of win.
  18. I always thought it was more that people think Savage likes to bully skinny, geeky types like Fishbach and Fairplay. Maybe I'm the one reading it wrong, though. ;)
  19. Totally agree with this. For me, the moment is when Fairplay came and "robbed" their camp, and Savage just went on that rant about how they were going to get back at them for it. Their tribe was so beaten down at that point, and he single-handedly won that next challenge for them. (I believe he called Fairplay a "pissant," which I could never be mad at.) This time around he's skeeving me out. I will say, though, that Fishbach needs to cool it with the open paranoia until he can get his alliance more established. J.T. isn't here this time. I'm someone who both can't stand Abi and thinks that Shirin terribly misplayed the situation with her. If you're going to make Abi your goat and align with her, then you have to understand that you're going to need to coddle her and put up with her behavior unless you're willing to cut her loose before the finals. She is a Russell Hantz. She is a Coach. You can't upset her enough to make her flip unless you're sure you still have the numbers even if that happens. Laughing openly at her with all of her other alliance-mates was the worst possible thing Shirin could have done. That said, I also love Jeff and hope he doesn't drag her along so that I have to watch her for a long time. She is so exhausting.
  20. I can't help but think that Vytas might still be around if he had worn less... aggressive... shorts.
  21. I might sub Jordan or Ben for Scott, but I think Evan and Nora are locks. Mr. Nutjob, who hates... I mean HATES... competitive reality shows because of all the sniping and interpersonal drama actually sat and watched the episode with me last night, and admitted he enjoyed it. It's a Face Off miracle!
  22. Can we get Christopher Walken to do a reading of it? That would be AMAZING. "Smell... my fiERce... Touch... my BOOm?"
  23. This. SO MUCH THIS. Finally I just had to start viewing them like parodies, like chocolatine said upthread, or I would have thrown up. That said, GOOD GOD, Nyle is sexy. I just... I mean... I can't even... The other good thing that came from these "commercials" was, indeed, Tyra's impression of Devin trying to be manly and fierce. That was hilarious and made me giggle like a fool.
  24. Yes to the Rammstein. Otherwise, I think this season is just going to have way too much Gaga for me.
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