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Everything posted by Nutjob

  1. Exactly. He was sitting by that time, and showed no signs of getting in Mike's face. Honestly, I liked the way Mike handled it--he spoke up to Will, diffused the situation so it wouldn't prolong the bullying, and got Shirin out of there. I'm not Mike's biggest fan, but I do like that he stands up for the women in the game against these jerks.
  2. Will took his comments outside of the game, where he doesn't know Shirin, doesn't know her life, doesn't know what kind of person she is, and has no clue what she's been through. Survivor might be an immersive experience, but it's still a GAME. I was estranged from my father for years before he died because he was a raging drug addict and alcoholic. If I accused someone of bluffing at poker (which, in reality, is comparable what Mike and Jenn were doing to Will in the confines of the game), and they got mad about it, then started raging at me because I have no dad and half my family hates me and so forth, you best believe I'd be hurt and offended. Will not only crossed the line, but gleefully danced over it and then tried to justify it while claiming he's a Christian. None of that is acceptable.
  3. This season is like having a whole cast of Hantzes. Mike and Shirin are the only ones left I can even tolerate, and if they both go out, so do I. HEE! Will is heinous, and as a Christian I'm embarrassed that he identifies himself as one. What he said to Shirin went far beyond the game, and was completely uncalled for. I'm not her biggest fan, but I felt horrible for her.
  4. I think they mean for the deal with Juliette to be that she can't really control it, because it's so powerful. I don't think they've done a very good job of fleshing that out, though. Outside of the Juliette stuff, I really liked this episode. For some reason, it reminded me of the X-Files, which is never a bad thing.
  5. Yeah, I agree with your take. It does feel unfinished. I honestly think Norman will only care about Emma if (when?) she and Dylan get together. It'll be just one more thing that contributes to his spiral, especially if Norma supports the relationship.
  6. Caleb and Norma both need extensive therapy. It seems to me that while Norma puts on a tough girl image and tries to micromanage every aspect of her life and Norman's, Caleb's outwardly the opposite--floating around with no purpose, shiftless, openly needy and looking for acceptance. Caleb doesn't hide like Norma does, and is trying to face the situation rather than running from it--and it's making him regress even further while he works it out. The title of this episode intrigues me--at the Last Supper, Jesus identified the person who would betray him, leading to his crucifixion. While all of the disciples with pure intentions worried it might be them, Judas had already set the betrayal in motion and knew exactly to whom Jesus was referring. Are we meant to see Norman as Jesus, with his mother being the ultimate betrayer by welcoming everyone else into her life?
  7. Add me to the list of those wanting Dylan and Emma to run off together, as far away from Norman and Norma as possible. That scene in the bathroom? The chemistry was outrageous--I'm not usually a shipper, but I feel so sad that I know things won't ever work out for those two crazy kids. Mostly because I expect them to die very soon. Vera.VERA. Good gravy, she knocked this one out of the park. I also immediately thought 70's hooker when I saw her new clothes--the fun fur coat made no sense for her! And Freddie channeled her so well in The Scene--it was subtle enough so that it didn't veer into camp, but strong enough to be unsettling and scary. The final scene with Caleb really got to me. We still don't know if he raped her, took advantage of her, or if their physical relationship was consensual, but he seemed genuinely remorseful. And yes... Norman was the outsider, and already seething. This show. THIS SHOW.
  8. The Haitian! Yay! I could see Bennet seeking him out if he needs help.
  9. I have been going crazy trying to figure out who Clark reminds me of, facially, and I've finally got it--a young David Gilmour! Whew... that was driving me nuts. His performance was, for me, clearly the best last night.
  10. I was literally telling Hayley to shut up through my t.v. about 3 minutes into this episode, desperately hoping she'd hear me. Whether or not Blair is actually a nice guy is irrelevant to me at this point--she shrieks, she freaks, she is always right, and she will NOT SHUT UP. I would probably tune her out, too...right before I dumped her out at the nearest gas station. I did think it was nifty editing to show the Blair TH about how he is in it to win the Race, regardless of his partner, transposed with Kurt and Bergen giving up. Blair and Hayley couldn't be more mismatched, yet they're both still trying to win this thing even though they clearly want to throttle one another. Kurt gave up, Bergen whined and cried, and I'm glad they're marching their separate ways into the sunset.
  11. Why, thank you Nerdist for this little gem: http://nerdist.com/the-walking-dead-corey-brill-sings-the-ballad-of-porchdick/
  12. You guys... Mike doesn't have sex. You can't bro up with a dude unless he's out there hittin' it on a regular basis, amiright? (Good grief, Rodney is a moron.) Every time I look at Joe, I feel like he should be playing in an alt-grunge band in the 90's somewhere, like he's the lost member of Pearl Jam or Blind Melon or Screaming Trees or some such. Same here. I still can't really say I like any of these people--Joe is probably the most benign of them all--but they sure are an entertaining bunch of dingbats.
  13. YES. He looks like Donnie in The Sixth Sense!
  14. I loved this, too, and that he didn't bristle at making a sparkly pink mermaid. Really, all the contestants were great with those kids, so kudos to them.
  15. Agreed, except that I also think Stephanie needed more actual make-up for hers to work. Her story would've been easy if she had just thought about it a little more--she could've sold it as a woman in a post-zombie apocalypse world who was bitten and found she was partially immune. She keeps her humanity, but suffers some of the physical attributes. Her immunity is her superpower, because she can help everyone fight the zombies without fear of being turned herself, so she becomes this bad ass zombie killer. Yeah, it's Blade meets 29 Weeks Later meets The Walking Dead, but at least it would've given her a viable story.
  16. Nutjob

    S05.E15: Try

    That's how I took it, as well. Nicholas sabotaging the runs makes sense to me, because I can't figure out why else he would want to keep doing them considering he's a big old coward. When Eugene is more collected than you are in the face of a bunch of walkers, you have courage issues.
  17. County Sheriff is an elected position in most U.S. states, and in Oregon they are elected for a four-year term, so the election will happen even if Romero runs unopposed.
  18. So that's Rodney, Dan, and Mike that I absolutely cannot root fort. The former two are sexist jerks, where the latter totally lost me with his "white collars live off the backs of the hard-working blue collars" bullcrap. Hey Mike? I'm white collar, raised by blue collar parents, and I work just as hard as you do in a job you would never be intellectually equipped to do. Jerks, all three of 'em.
  19. Nutjob

    S05.E14: Spend

    IMO, I think Maggie desperately wants to be team Deanna. She wants this idea of a "normal" community to be real so she can allow herself to think about a future with Glenn. Whether or not she can keep that idyllic image of ASZ is a different story, especially if these people continue proving themselves ill-prepared and living in a bit of a fantasy world.
  20. Nutjob

    S05.E14: Spend

    Sam trusts Carol because kids can tell a "mom" when they're around one, even if that person at first tries to hide it. Carol is a nurturing mom type at heart, and Sam is drawn to it because of the turmoil in his own house. I definitely think Pete is the abuser, although I don't think he really knows about the kiss or anything else--he just sees a hot, new guy in town in a leadership position and worries that he'll take his woman. Agreed fully. I think what Deanna will realize is that her zeal to make the "perfect" community has closed her eyes to the cowardice of the people in ASZ. She's not nearly the leader she has deceived herself into believing she is.
  21. I definitely fear for Emma, and wish she would get far away from the Bateses. I realize she probably doesn't have long to live because of her CF anyway, but it would be so horrible to see her meet her end because she trusted those two crazies. That said, Norma's freak out at the overpass was THE BEST. Vera Farmiga is a treasure.
  22. I don't know that Hayley will ever be satisfied with Blair, no matter what he does. I don't really see him as thinking he is superior--I just don't think he can figure out how to handle her. And really, how do you handle someone who almost always contradicts you or thinks the opposite of your suggestion is the right way to go? And then if you're wrong, you hear about it from them every five minutes from now until time immemorial? I'm not exactly sure how you'd work cooperatively with her, and I think Blair isn't either--and he's having to figure it out on the fly, during the race. Pretty much all my sympathies go to him. I'm sure Harley and Jonathan are both nice people, but Harley looks just like Chris Kattan, and it was driving me crazy.
  23. I also don't think they'll have Judith die as long as the group is in the ASZ. Even if there is a walker invasion (or the Saviors, or whatever the wolves are), someone can be designated as the one to make sure they get Judith to some sort of safe place. If they didn't kill her when the prison went down, then I think she's going to hang around for a while. I also don't think Negan is coming up just yet. I'm also leaning toward them giving that death to Daryl when it finally does come, though--what would be more of a gut punch to the audience than that? As it was, I had to put the comics down for several weeks after reading that part because it upset me so badly. I'm also thinking that Noah will die because of something risky Aidan does.
  24. If Tyler and his wife are more conservative, she might not be OK with some woman parading her vag around in front of her husband (it wouldn't thrill me if I was her, either). I don't think it's immature of him to want to respect his wife by trying to avert his eyes, especially since he knows this will be aired on national television. YES. Mike was being obnoxious, but it was like watching a message board thread happen in real life--no one could stay on the topic, which was Mike being obnoxious, and they instead started insulting him personally to try and make him back down. It was ridiculous.
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