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Everything posted by Nutjob

  1. God help me, I like Lenny. When he stepped out of the SUV rockin' a faux Nudie suit and huge buckle I nearly died. I like Loreal, too. The whole lady butcher thing is a different angle for Food Network, and her attitude and Bettie Page/Suicide Girls style would be pretty appealing if packaged correctly. Christopher reminds me of Sean Patrick Flannery. IMO, Luca on camera doesn't live up to how they all talk about him, but I have a feeling he's probably mega hot in person. I still need time with the rest, I think.
  2. I assume the episode title has to do with this.
  3. This episode. THIS FREAKING EPISODE. I was gutted right along with Will by the end. It was so brutal, so visceral, and I couldn't look away. The Bedelia reveal at the end really surprised me, and has me still wondering if she was in on everything all along, or had somehow been lured back by Hannibal after truly wanting to get out. I also deeply enjoyed watching Will struggle between Hannibal and Jack. He loves them both, feels the pull from both, knows what's right, but knows what his changing nature wants him to do. Ultimately it might have gotten everyone he loves killed OTHER than Hannibal.
  4. I agree with the notion that Caleb and Jena would both do better fronting bands. I will say, though, that I disagree with the comment that Caleb is not current. If you're talking about mainstream pop music, then no. But if you're talking about modern hard rock, which seems to be where Caleb would fit best, bluesy bands are absolutely a current trend. Black Stone Cherry, The Sword, Kyng, California Breed, Monster Truck--all are up and coming hard rock bands (well, BSC have been around for a bit) that are totally blues influenced. Going that direction wouldn't make Caleb a megastar, but it sure would secure him a good living as a professional musician in a band.
  5. Leave it to Mason to refuse to implicate Hannibal in what happened to him. I get it--he tried to kill Hannibal, so any finger he points will eventually circle right back around to him. Which is also another reason, IMO, Hannibal left him alive. If he's dead, others will control whether or not his murderer is found. Hannibal knew that Mason has too much of his own criminal baggage to implicate him, so leaving him alive was the perfect foil to everyone's plans except his own.
  6. This thread is the BEST. My list: Bronn (Game of Thrones)--because who couldn't use a guy who can not only handle a sword, but offer up a witty quip and sage life advice at the same time? Molly Solverson (Fargo)--just in case anyone in the group engages in malfeasance, she'll be the one to figure it out. Cordelia Goode (AHS:Coven)--cuz she could just magic all the walkers into oblivion. Daryl Dixon (TWD)--because he's a proven walker-killer. And I love him. Ichabod Crane (Sleepy Hollow)--he's already used to dealing with supernatural forces and is a badass. Also? DREAMY.
  7. I consider Malvo to be a Coen-inspired, low-key version of Nolan's Joker. An agent of chaos without a conscience, albeit one who wants to keep the money. The rich man parable reminded me of the beginning of A Serious Man, with the dybbuk.
  8. I exclaimed, "Oh, thank GOD" when Freddie popped up in front of Alana. I was truly ready to stop watching if Will really Went There, because what reason would I have to root for him if he's as cold-blooded as Hannibal? They had me doubting for a while, though, until she showed up, so nicely played on their part. Agreed. She is very well-respected and well-regarded in her field, and is used to being right. How could she ever trust her own intuition again if she's so woefully wrong about Will and Hannibal? I waffle on whether or not I like the character, but I do root for her to live and realize that you have to question yourself sometimes, because no one is always right.
  9. I cannot stand Russell Hantz. He is, in fact, the only returning contestant who has made me not watch an entire season (that would be Redemption Island), and he is, without a doubt in my mind, one of the most entitled, yet worst players to ever be in the game. My favorite of all time will always be Sandra. I liked her on PI, but on HvV? She reached new levels of awesome for the way she nearly single-handedly, with everything working against her, dismantled Russell's endgame and wound up beating him herself. It was a thing of beauty to watch, and remains probably my favorite Survivor season ever. Plus, I can't help but respect someone who was so painfully underestimated, but who wound up winning both times she played.
  10. What fake death plots? We still don't know if Chilton is dead or not, and everyone else who has been suspected to be dead has...been dead. Unless I'm forgetting something. I love this show, but if they make Will into a full-on, cold blooded killer, I'm out. Even Dexter had "the code," whereas it now appears Will is just killing for the rush and because he has "transformed." I think it's a mistake if it's real, and will leave no one on the show for me to root for.
  11. I don't know it to be true, but it would make sense at this point in the story for Gabriel to enter. They're currently without a moral center since Hershel's death, so he would be a welcome source of light.
  12. Oh, if only he had thought about that and started throwing a faux-Colin tantrum, I would have DIED. "My ass is BROKEN! This is BULLSH*T!"
  13. Brendan and Rachel didn't have to U-Turn anyone. In fact, conventional U-Turn wisdom would suggest that you only do so if you are lagging during a leg, and then you use it on the team you think is in last place to ensure you at least make it through to the next one. Is it right to do what they did? Sure... it's not against the rules or anything. But I do think using it just to make sure you finish a leg first is kind of... not good racing strategy, from a social standpoint. That said, while I still like Dave and Connor (and think Dave is suffering from a bit of the Killer Fatigue), Dave overreacted. Like WAY overreacted. Just put your head down and get the tasks done, people! And stop whining! Gonna miss the Trotters, but like others have said--they weren't racing very well this time out, and seemed to lollygag way too often for my tastes. So... go Cowboys?
  14. I remember reading about Michael Pitt being cast as Mason Verger a few months ago, and thinking it was perfect. He and Katherine Isabelle look like they could be siblings. This pretty much sums up how I feel about Alana as well. It's just so frustrating to watch a character who is supposed to be so intelligent and be able to read and relate to people fail miserably at it. Her own personal emotions have taken over and she does not have the ability to be objective anymore. As I said in an earlier post, I think she will only see Hannibal for who and what he truly is when he is actually trying to/does kill her. Either that, or if they come up with so much overwhelming evidence that she can't deny it. She seemed so quick to disbelieve Will, and yet Hannibal can do no wrong, and it frustrates me to know end. I still think Jack is using Alana's stupidity to send misdirection to Hannibal, or else he would remove her from any case where he or Will are involved.
  15. I don't think Jack thought Chilton was The Ripper. I truly don't. First, when he was discussing it with Price and Zeller, and supposedly "realized" Chilton was their guy, Alana was there. She jeopardizes Jack's entire case against Hannibal because she is personally entangled with him and tells him things she shouldn't. IMO, that was some misdirection on Jack's part aimed at Alana so she couldn't go tell Hannibal that he was still a suspect. Second, I don't think Jack ever had any intention of killing Chilton. He was trying to stop him from running, possibly so he could more effectively exonerate him, but I think Will called him because he knows Jack is on board with his Hannibal theory now and would take Chilton in for the purpose of clearing him. Third, I also think Jack now believes that Hannibal is capable of many things, including expert misdirection, i.e. the use of Chilton's voice that he probably stole from Chilton's files. We know Chilton records everything, so how hard would it be to get some audio of his voice? What Jack couldn't expect was Miriam shooting Chilton the way she did. In other words, I think id'ing Chilton was all a ruse on Jack's part to give Hannibal a sense of security and complacency. I don't believe for one second Jack thought Chilton committed those murders.
  16. Morgan's comments had me seriously flashing back to some of the idiotic things Heidi and Jenna said during the Amazon season. ("They don't like us because we're young and cute!" "We're handicapped by our beauty, and will say so right in front of our hearing impaired cast mate!" Yeah, that's paraphrased.) Still, I was rooting for her to stay over Kass, who, at this point, has annoyed me past the point of no return. Regarding Woo, I thought his ninja comments were totally tongue-in-cheek, and rather adorable. I'd rather have that than sour (Kass), conceited (Morgan), or ultra-spazzy (Tony).
  17. The mention of the census taker was my favorite thing in the whole episode. The fava beans can't be far behind! As disgusting as it was watching Gideon eat his own leg, it was a nice little shout-out to the book/movie Hannibal and Krendler. But still... so gross. And I still wonder if Alana wasn't just a convenient alibi for Hannibal. Yes, there was tension there, but it was awfully convenient timing in light of Gideon's "accident" and Jack's morning visit.
  18. This is really it, isn't it? She would have maintained her majority alliance without even breaking a sweat had she just voted Jefra. Now, she's either the outsider in an established alliance or will have to fight her way back into her old alliance and have even numbers. She let her personal feelings for Sarah get in the way of her gameplay, and I'll be surprised if she can better her position more than a spot or two.
  19. I haven't had trouble watching Hannibal eat his human-meat creations until this. I think it's just because we got to know Beverly so well, so it made me a little queasy to watch.
  20. Yeah, I kinda liked Daran, but DUDE. He TOTALLY gave up, and that "makeup" was embarrassing. I am also happy for Rashaad--I think he's going to take the whole thing.
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