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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Agreed. I find him deeply emotionally abusive. Kail too, but Javi is no angel. He's moved on just as quickly as she has with flirting/dating, and I think he hitched his wagon to the MTV gravy/fame train a long time ago. If Kail saw military benefits in Javi, he sure did see Twitter fans in her. Guy has a massive ego. Nothing wrong with being a SAHM, but Vee (I think) quit school, moved, quit a job, etc., and basically just waited around for Jo to come around on the commitment. FINALLY she got a ring after a baby. I felt bad for her, but she did make some of those choices herself. Jo is a nicer guy than Javi, but l.a.z.y.
  2. The military spouse gets financial/housing/insurance/income benefits from being married, not just benefits for their spouse. He pretty explicitly said he wanted to do it as soon as possible so they could get the increased pay, etc. Jo and Kail were a much better match, and I weirdly second the fact that Javi and Vee would be great together. It'd be creepy now, but they seem much more similar. I think it's fine for Vee to be a SAHM, but she moved before she was pregnant, right? And left a job? When neither partner had a job besides MTV? Not super wise. But maybe I'm wrong on the timeline. Kail isn't a SAHM. She's a full-time university student, and Chelsea has a vocational degree and works at least part time. Leah and Jenelle are the supposed 'SAHMs.' Shudder.
  3. @Brooklynista, she seems to have a girlfriend at the moment, probably has for a while. I think Jo and Vee weren't solid at first, but they seem more so now...they seemed pretty shaky on Teen Dad. Vee is either a total idiot or has the patience of a saint to deal with Jo AND Kail AND Javi. I mean, they BOTH explicitly talked about wanting the military benefits that come for both spouses with marriage, so I'd say, definitely. I assume the 'fame' always interested him at least a little, too. I don't think it was all purity and angels on his end either.
  4. Yeah--although Javi was the one without any TM money yet, and getting married in the military also gives a whole mess of benefits to the person actually in the military, so it was to his benefit as well. Short-term thinking with long term consequences. Marry in haste...
  5. I think Kail loved the idea of stability after her screwed up childhood, and Javi loved the idea of settling down early with a military life and a family. But each other? Don't think so. They are so different, I'm actually surprised they made it work this long.
  6. They clearly haven't been together in forever...which makes that AWKWARD AS FUCK video chat 'while deployed' make a hell of a lot more sense. Whatever is happening now isn't cheating. They've clearly just been playing the viewers and waiting until their breakup was semi-public to be more open with other partners, on Twitter (Javi's 'you'll see what happens' several weeks ago, etc). That's show biz, I guess, but it's creepy. They were pretending to be married just a month or so ago.
  7. I 100% agree with this. There is no 'real villain' here except their awful marriage. At this point, they either both cheated/are cheating OR they both agreed to separate long ago and have just been keeping up 'being married' for the cameras. in that case, plenty of people start dating before the divorce is legal but after a legal separation. Doesn't matter who did it first unless it was some huge secret, but I assume they've both known for a LONG time this wasn't a 'forever' type of situation. Javi seems like he was with that girl before Kail was with someone else, but she also could have been keeping it under wraps until the divorce was more public. Who knows. Who cares. They're not together so neither one is cheating at this point.
  8. Of course. It's just that in and of itself is not a sign of neglect. She is used to the chaos her mother causes and knows how to get her attention.
  9. I definitely agree there, but if she was going to break it, she had a lot of other options as to how to do it. It's also sad because I think of how many lonely single/divorced middle aged men there are out there who would love a kind woman to be with, and instead we have Meri obsessing over some fantasy. Reminds me of men who go through a midlife crisis and try to be with some 18 year old model instead of a woman who would treat him well. It's not different just because she's female. If he hadn't supposedly been super hot, tall, young, and rich beyond her wildest dreams, would Meri have fallen for "him" at all?
  10. Looks like plain old short girl weight gain to me, thank goodness. Probably only about 10 pounds. She's also slouched down, which pooches your midsection.
  11. @Christina, that's relieving and good to know. Thanks for sharing. Glad they at least worked something out.
  12. @Granny58, agree with that totally. It's not that simple. However, having an affair and then lying about it probably isn't part of her covenant either.
  13. And yet he treats her like total crap.
  14. Well, certainly agree there. I feel for her.
  15. Or heavy alcohol use...or steroids...or rampant irresponsible procreation...or Teen Mom. Lol!
  16. He really is. Speaking of this, do you know if any of these claims are valid? https://alltheteenmoms.net/2014/03/12/did-nathan-griffith-lie-about-military-awards/
  17. Oh yes, I know you can still work-- my husband gets disability payments for quadriplegia to get an aide in the mornings but he works more than full time. I just didn't know if veterans' disability payments were based on income at all. Based on the general trajectory of his life, I would assume that Nathan not showing up is not only possible, but expected.
  18. Wouldn't surprise me. I can't imagine he'd want to be evaluated or drug tested (if that's part of it), keep up with it, etc. Isn't he also technically employed by MTV now? My understanding is that you receive the payments if unable to work or less able to work, or if you don't make enough income. Regardless, Nathan not following through with something wouldn't exactly be a shocker. Some sites are claiming he moved back in with his mother and quit school as well. Don't know if that's true though. These people live such vagabond lives. How many times do they move or quit and restart school?
  19. According to the child support media coverage, Nathan's income is from MTV and he no longer receives disability payments. No wonder he wanted custody. Gotta keep that MTV dough rolling in. I wonder how much he pays his daughter's grandparents monthly. Jenelle should be helping Babs live the high life, setting her up in a nice place and paying for all food, activities, and clothing for Jace at the very least. Not a measly $30. I wonder if Uncle Dave pays any child support at all or if he's jumping on the MTV gravy train like The Nathan and others before him. God, all these people are so gross.
  20. Never thought of this, but yeah-- a way to be the victim longing for her son.
  21. Omg thank you, this killed me. #amazing Only the kids and occasionally Babs would be able to appear...not Jenelle or anyone she's ever been with. The thing is, it makes no sense that these girls get so pissed about how they're portrayed. They know it's a show about drama. Even if you have a relatively drama free life like Chelsea, they'll mostly show whatever drama you do have. So either don't sign up for another season or shut your mouth and cash your checks.
  22. She don't need no more babies! I do think Gracie plays up her brattiness around her mom, perhaps for attention. The episode where she was demanding drinks in the fridge-- clearly there was water, so that wasn't about neglect, but wanting soda or juice or fruit punch or something. I'm sure she can sense the atmosphere of the shitstorm and pushes the envelope to get attention. Leah and Corey have both practiced and promoted spanking with her...I'll never forget the creepiness of the episode where Leah spanked her semi on-screen (hearing the hits, really?!) or when Corey told Leah Gracie needed more spanking and Leah said she "pulls her pants down and wears her out" and he was approving. Ugh. It makes me wonder if Ali gets corporal punishment, which wouldn't be good for her, but if she doesn't it's also unfair to Gracie. What Gracie needs are fun activities and an atmosphere of calm, not spanking.
  23. Promotes? That's a bit much. He said whenever he has free time, which people generally use to mean "recreationally"; I would assume he wants us to believe he doesn't have much. Of course, we know the truth. Even being an enormous stoner (which I believe they are or at least were) wouldn't be "just like" being a violent, abusive crack addict. Marijuana legalization has significantly lowered violent crime rates in Colorado. It's not a positive thing to smoke that much weed, and can screw with your ambition levels and be a big ol' waste of time, but still not a Butch or April level issue by any means. Marijuana addiction is so rare that specialists don't even all agree it exists.
  24. He was trying only to pay $100 a month? I understand that Jenelle has plenty of $, but that's not relevant. It's about equal contribution based on income. For a second there I really thought Nathan might actually get it kinda sorta maybe a tiny bit together and display a teeeeeny tiny bit of concern for one of his two neglected children and fight to get custody. Nope nope nope.
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