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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I hate to say it but I'd be even more scared of Nathan than Jenelle. He's got ongoing aggression and alcohol issues out the wazoo. Alcohol is one of the scariest drugs around. Combined with the PTSD and the steroids, as well as his size, he's a rage machine. Not going to start arguing about one POS vs another as that's pretty pointless, lol-- neither is fit to parent. But this does lend credence to the fact that he physically abused her. Clearly he did. Clearly he's a woman beater. Nathan has always struck me as pure evil; I never saw the good in him that others claimed to. Just beady shark eyes. Scary. Hopefully Jenelle really is off the drugs. At this point if Kaiser isn't being beaten, that's all we can hope for. :( This level of DV requires a deadly weapon or an imminent threat of death. What a scary fucking person.
  2. She's not an attractive woman but I think her butt looks awesome, lol.
  3. Nathan was arrested on the 21st for burglary in the first degree and "domestic violence of a high or aggravated nature." Guess Jenelle wasn't his problem after all. He's a POS. http://starcasm.net/archives/356288
  4. Yes. Despite everything, I do feel very sad for her.
  5. Yeah, the thing is, Leah actually DOES have a super stressful life. She did bring it on herself, but she's encouraged by everyone around her...and it took two to make each of her babies. Really Leah's trajectory just shows us what happens when poverty and lack of education are passed on through generations. Corey is lacking in some major areas (cheating on Miranda, his and Leah's neglect of their disabled daughter) but is overall a pretty good guy. I'd only say 'great' in comparison to Leah. Jeremy, as far as I'm concerned, is a POS. And Leah is too. But then again, neither of them had to carry the children or have the hormonal/physical changes of pregnancy. I can't imagine so many hormonal upheavals, divorces, and moves before age 23 or whatever she is. She's kinda the worst, but I'm more horrified by the culture that produced her--to be a skinny cheerleader who gets pregnant, marries whoever asks her, and not much else at all. It's incredibly toxic. Women are clearly only valued in her family/culture for looks and ability to get guys. And she's not overly bright or motivated (though literacy isn't a strong suit of anyone around her either---if I have to read one more Mama Dawn or Jeremy post I think my own IQ will drop) and was skinny and blonde. This was all pretty inevitable.
  6. I call pre-bullshit on whatever Javi says too. The real reason is that they both suck and it was inevitable, regardless of who cheated or texted or looked at the other's texts or got plastic surgery or said abusive shit or whatever...they're both emotional abusers.
  7. I have to say that unlike Leah's situation, Kail's husband seems equally ridiculous. Leah and Corey rushed into things, but Leah cheated. With Jeremy and Javi, though, they both seemed really into the "fame"/"girl on TV" aspect. Those marriages as a whole were ridiculous...the dudes are ruining their kids' lives too. Of course, it starts with just using a damn condom. #condomsareyourfriend #dontbenatural #beprotected
  8. They are literally releasing dueling divorce books. That is happening, y'all. "She got a bigger butt and now she a ho who hos it up, had nothing to do with my aggressive pursuit of a single mom at age 20 or our mutual love of emotional manipulation" - Javi "He wanted me to be a third time baby mama and I was like nah women's rights, brah; the general shittiness of our marriage and behavior wasn't a factor" -- Kail
  9. And oh Lord, that article -- he's waiting to release the secrets in *a book?* How convenient. I can never decide which one of these famewhores I hate more.
  10. I actually think Kailyn is a hard worker, just VERY immature. My dad grew up extremely poor and once he made it big he developed a gambling problem. Now he hasn't gambled in years (thanks to Gamblers Anonymous), and luckily he had enough that it didn't set him too far back. It's really common in people with unstable, impoverished backgrounds not to know what to do with all that cash once they get it. Hence Kail's current state of affairs.
  11. Lol forever at #benatural after talking about tanning spray.
  12. Airlines have never given us trouble about paying for the parts they broke, but mostly because we always document it at this point--it's very clear that they did it. And they know it happens a lot and they don't train their employees. But yeah, I agree that while I have NO doubt the airline broke it, Leah uses Ali's disability very conveniently whenever *she* feels like it might look good for *her*. Ali should be using that constantly. *sigh* Both are definitely true. She doesn't act responsibly about her disabled child, but I know United has an especially bad time with it; they've been sued and lost several times for violating the ADA. The only one losing out in all of this, as usual...is Ali. I wish Leah and Corey could go to some kind of 'parent of disabled child' classes. I'd pay for them, lol. Right, I totally agree. I was just shedding some light on 'did they really break the wheelchair' and 'why can't she just get a new one.' The approval process is TOTALLY ridiculous. None of this makes Leah any more of a responsible parent of a disabled kid...she's just factually not one and it's abysmal. Just giving some info on those questions in particular.
  13. Airlines actually break and lose wheelchairs A LOT. It's so common that we always take photos of it before and after. Once, they left my husband's just sitting out at baggage claim unattended for days. 3 out of the last 6 times we've flown, we've had parts broken--footrests completely broken off, the entire joystick broken off and dysfunctional, things bent and snapped in half. 2 of those times it's made it less or totally unusable. Airport employees are often not trained at all on how motorized wheelchairs work, and they aren't very careful with them. I'm actually kind of surprised at the responses--it takes a LONGGG time to get approved for another wheelchair even if you're buying it outright, so she couldn't just 'go buy another one.' That's totally impossible even if you are paying out of pocket. You have to go to all the appointments all over again and there's a lot of red tape and back and forth in between each one. It took my husband a year and a half, with a great insurance plan, last time he needed another wheelchair. I've cried because my husband's wheelchair has been made less functional and we were in a desperate situation or stranded because of it...I don't think it would be 'whining' to cry about that. I don't think there's anything wrong with crying about something you need and that you spent months and tons of money obtaining being broken. If they lost my wedding ring, I'd cry too, and I don't NEED that, nor does my child (but of course this is all pretty hypocritical because Ali only 'needs' it when Leah decides she wants her to need it). It's really awful what people in motorized wheelchairs have to go through at the airport. Every time you fly you wonder if you'll be able to go to work or even get out of bed when you get back. That said, I'd have a lot more sympathy for Leah if she actually FUCKING MADE HER KID USE THE DAMN THING. United is the worst, though--we never fly on United. Seems like she wants to use her kid's disability to get attention for HERSELF. But complaining about United (or any airline) and disabilities, yeah, that's totally legit. I don't have any doubt in my mind that they broke it. Happens often enough that there's no need to lie about it.
  14. Motorized wheelchairs are pretty much night and day from manual ones, which is why they're covered by insurance. Manual ones are much more uncomfortable even short term, and dangerous, not safe for those without complete hand dexterity, and can cause pain, pressure sores, and muscular issues. Besides offering independence, motorized wheelchairs are generally fit to the person's body and needs and prevent injury, back problems, joint issues, wear and tear on shoulders, and skin breakdown. They can also move up, down, and backwards these days, allowing for actual functionality. And manual chairs, even if you're being pushed, are frequently not safe for going over any sort of even tiny barrier or threshold. I think the entire idea was not just to have Ali be in a wheelchair, but to learn to be a functional wheelchair user and have MORE independence, not less. If she learns to use it now, she'll have a better chance of being an independent person at school, home, and work. A manual wheelchair which would require her to be pushed would take away any chance of that, or any semblance of choice on Ali's part, whereas the manual wheelchair would give her more. Ironically, walking so much now actually gives her less independence too because it'll hurt her in the long run. That said, they don't use it, so the point is moot. I actually don't think it's laziness... it would be less work for the parents for Ali to use a chair. It's that they're ignorant hicks who are more embarrassed of having a wheelchair using daughter than they are of their actually embarrassing lives. Cheating, teen pregnancy, illiteracy...that's all fine. Just don't be disabled! As for the love posts on FB, I actually really enjoy them! Just not from Leah. I know a lot of people don't, though. Might be my generation-- it's just normal now, like having a photo album. If I think it's too much, I just block the person. It's just that Leah's always seem so irritatingly fake.
  15. Re: the miscarriage, they had several nationally televised conversations about it and agreed on all the details-- that's what I meant by "deciding to lie together." By definition, if it's untrue, they had to do so. Pretty unlikely. And I think anybody who was shitty to a person who was miscarrying looks pretty awful, so not sure why he'd accept that with his massive ego. That said, definitely agree that his last ditch at manipulation was "have more of my kids." She saw a chance to get a sense of stability and show off a two-parent home, he saw a shot at fame and a chance to play Big Papi to a damsel in distress, boom, their marriage was born. Wonder what Jo and Vee think. Not that their two unemployed, uneducated asses are worlds better. All these people love to spend money without earning it. It's like a game to them. And the fact that Javi and Kail should stay together because they deserve each other? Well, that's the truest thing I've read today.
  16. Javi has been very open about the fact that she had a miscarriage and he was a dick about it and blamed her. This from the guy who was perfectly willing to eat Chik Fil A while driving and yelling on camera and have enormous fights on national TV and in front of his wife's friends over a text. If there was even a slight chance there wasn't a miscarriage, that would not be a person who would ever keep quiet about it. Ever. And if it isn't true, they decided to lie together, both when he repeatedly said he wanted a divorce over not having more kids and when he talked about the miscarriage and his behavior afterward. Why would he lie about that--especially now-- and make himself look awful on purpose? Especially with how image conscious he is, and how often he's bitched on social media, and how often the dads complain about MTV, etc. He'd be the first to let us know. It would take a major mental leap at this point, given all evidence, to doubt the fact that there was a miscarriage and Javi was unsupportive afterward. I know Kail is a jerk, but that just doesn't make logical sense.
  17. Hmm. It was pretty dang assholeish for him to decide he wanted a divorce (or even be open to it) because she didn't immediately want to get preggo after a traumatic miscarriage in her 20s when she's finishing her education. Especially when after the miscarriage she did have, he admits he was a huge dick. I used to think Javi was kind of a good guy but he seems to like the barefoot and pregnant, trapped at home stereotype, and to want ultimate control. We don't know what really happened, but he seems a lot more shady than he lets on. Someone who made his wife feel guilty about a miscarriage is the ultimate in trash. I wouldn't be that surprised if Kailyn cheated, but I'd honestly be even less surprised if he did and then played the victim (he just wants more kids! Sad emojis!). From everything we've seen, he wanted a divorce and basically informed her they were getting one. We might not be getting the full story, but while Kail is pretty openly sucky and gross, he seems like an undercover creep who treats you like shit behind closed doors. Which might be worse. We won't ever truly know what happened though. All we know is that they ultimately both agreed to the divorce so are equally responsible. I assume both of them will immediately move on, ignoring what's best for their children.
  18. Wait, is there some indication she's asking for that for free? I don't see one but I don't put it past her. I took it as interviewing freelancers for a gig. Her rant about welfare was disgusting. I am very pro welfare but it's there for those in need. It's not a "perk" and that isn't how people on state aid feel about it.
  19. I don't think it's weird to post that you love your kids, spouse, mom, etc. It's the norm now. If people post that and I don't want to see, I'm free not to look. With Leah it always just feels at least somewhat manufactured because of the product placement, which I find extremely irritating. I'm glad they at least BROUGHT the wheelchair.
  20. When all is said and done, sure looks like Javi is the one who made the final decision to move on and either cheated or is ready to date others, party, etc etc. Not sure why he's adding all those sad emojis as if he's a victim...just for attention, I guess. I swear I thought he was a little classier than the rest. #totallywrong
  21. Yeah, I know it's a maximum. I just feel sorry for the SC cops who have to respond to his calls. And those are just the times he's been convicted; we've seen him fight cops at least one other time on camera when they were pulled over, and his own lawyer said he acted like a total asshole and she couldn't help him when he got his third or fourth DUI with two resisting arrest/threatening an officer charges attached. The resisting arrest wasn't dropped in this case, so at least he was convicted, but considering the number of times Jenelle could have gone to jail but didn't, it seems to be a pattern that nothing they do will ever get them real consequences. Sad, because *maybe* that would get them to be better for Kaiser. Maybe.
  22. For public drunkenness, yes. For resisting arrest... it can be up to a year for that. And it's his third or fourth threatening an officer or resisting arrest conviction. Not to mention his fifth or sixth drinking-related offense. He doesn't just get drunk, he also fights the cops when they get there. All I know is, if I ever want to abuse or neglect a kid, drink and drive, or become a drug dealer with absolutely no consequences, Horry County, SC, will be my first choice.
  23. I checked up on Nathan's latest for drunken disorderly/resisting arrest -- he's gone to court now. He pled guilty, so the charges stick and get added to his long roster, but got off with time served. Do any of these people ever have consequences for anything?! P.s. "no no I have land my child can be abused on so it won't be a public bother"
  24. Apparently he already has a new girlfriend. No new kids, I beg of the TM gods.
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