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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Big Papi Javi doesn't claim responsibility for anything. I wonder if he feels the same way about the people who didn't tell Kailyn he was cheating...? Or is that cool because he has a penis and she didn't want to get impregnated immediately upon his arrival back from overseas?
  2. She has always been bi...I'm hating the biphobic/homophobic headlines about it, like it's so much more sensationalistic and sexual than if it was a guy. *Sigh*
  3. I definitely don't feel bad for her, and Jenelle is equally verbally abusive, especially to Barb. That WalMart comment still makes me ill. But the comment on his part is definitely still abusive and speaks to his total, utter lack of character.
  4. He appears in court tomorrow. I don't want to hear anymore from him about what a great parent he is...he's a shit, neglectful parent to two kids just like Jenelle. And an addict, clearly. Can MTV just create a Jenelle/Nathan/Adam/Leah shitty-person intervention and make THAT a show?
  5. Misdemeanors. Neither one is a felon, nor is Uncle Dave--not sure how they all get off so easily when they've gotten arrested so many times for serious crimes. I believe they tried to prosecute her assault on Jessica as a felony, but she was never charged with one. Same thing with the DUI Nathan got while on the show--it was his third so could have been charged as a felony, but wasn't.
  6. ...he was sober?! Jessica bailed him out. Wonder how long that relationship will last...I only hope it doesn't end in an abandoned kid like his other ones.
  7. It's on InTouch now! It's true. Disorderly conduct, public intox, impairment and endangering himself/others, resisting arrest. Myrtle Beach yesterday. Why does this dude ALWAYS resist arrest? He got convicted of physically threatening one of the cops last time, too. What does he think that's going to accomplish?!
  8. She's definitely trailer trash who won the lottery...and he's trailer trash that was mooching off her lottery money and living in the house she bought with it. Looks like he isn't going to clean up his act for Kaiser's sake either.
  9. Work schedules, custody arrangements, sickness, sleepless nights, a fussy baby, a tantrum, or just general crazy schedules could lead to a night or two of an 11 pm dinner or bath. I don't think a few late nights make you selfish garbage/a shit mom. Moms already get so scrutinized. That doesn't apply to Leah, though. She has consistent issues. The timing is the least of them though. By far the worst thing she does are the stuff with Ali, texting and driving, talking shit about their dad to them, ignoring them, and already starting Gracie on the path to obsessed-with-boys-land.
  10. In a different setting, she could probably at least have gotten treatment earlier, etc. The fact that both her siblings are like that too makes me wonder if it's a product of a group of 'bad eggs' from mom & dad down to all three kids or if it's the way they were raised. Classic nature/nurture question, I know. No way to tell, really.
  11. Hmm. So was Javi cheating overseas/had a girlfriend and used the push for more babies thing, which he knew wouldn't go over well, to bring them to the brink of divorce? He should get to see Isaac, but he has absolutely no legal right to him. This is gonna get ugly.
  12. @GreatKazu, so true, they SERIOUSLY need to stop claiming that this show curbs teen pregnancy. Someone has to sit Dr. Drew down, apparently, and explain to him the difference between causation and correlation. I understand the girls not getting it, but seriously, you're a doctor, stop playing dumb. @vmcd88, to be fair, I think Jenelle plays the victim to Barbara's villain (and the two of them are just codependent as fuck) with every guy, and the dolts feel like they are 'protecting' her by yelling at Barbara. That said, even if they truly feel Barbara is some evil witch, it doesn't give them the right in any way to treat her the way they have...especially Nathan and Dave. I have a verbally/psychologically abusive parent, and my husband finally stood up to that parent once I said it was OK to do so, but he only did it when I was directly being mistreated and it was calm and polite. Unless there is actual physical abuse going on that you need to protect your girlfriend from, you need to calm the fuck down around her older mom and stop physically intimidating and cursing at her. That's just insane. Shows how little breeding both Nathan and Dave have. Javi's obsession with controlling Kail with even more babies just after a miscarriage he was a dick about is incredibly disgusting.
  13. We all know the show is fake. It's entertainment. They don't owe me anything as an audience member/consumer. I'm choosing to watch and it's a narrative arc that is already inherently manufactured by MTV. Lives don't operate in narrative arcs. So it's my choice to watch and understand that it's not reality because reality is not linear. If someone has a personal issue, they can keep it to themselves, lie to me about it, just keep it between them and their doctor, whatever. I'm a viewer of a fictional show, essentially. And I understand that going in. Maybe they shouldn't lie, morally speaking, but I'm essentially watching to watch them or people around them be immoral, yes? That's what reality shows are. @Tatum, definitely agree that Leah patches up her problems with men. Unfortunately she learned that from Mama Dawn, who learned it from her mother, and Leah's already passing it on to her children with the cheer BS. And yes, Jenelle should win a fucking award for how fucked up she is.
  14. Depression and addiction also cause an inability to groom/clean. Messy houses are a red flag. Doesn't mean you're not responsible at all for that, but I saw/see that as further proof of an underlying problem. She's teetering on the edge. Lying about that is part of denial. Mental health issues can look pretty damn ugly and embarrassing when exposed. I also felt bad that Jeremy was essentially never home. He worked hard but he pretty much sucked as a husband. She's like, worst wife ever material, but he never seemed emotionally literate in the least either. I don't know who she could meet around her who would be, or if she'd have the sense to recognize it if she did. I can't imagine having a mental illness and being married to the bacon slapper and hoping for some kind of even minimal understanding. He seemed like he very much wanted a woman who'd just shut up, cook, and do him. That said, she definitely owes her *family* an explanation and is very likely not giving them one (though many of them are enablers or have their own major issues). But not the audience IMO. The worst thing she keeps doing is adding more men. Anyone she picks is highly unlikely to be well versed in emotional instability and distress, so it would be far better to stay single. But that wouldn't make no sense for Leah. If she was brighter or more self aware, she might understand that her behavior has a pattern and needs to be curbed, but I think it's easier for her to keep playing dumb cute victim.
  15. People do have different brain chemistry and responses to trauma, though. It's a nature v nurture thing, but not everybody can just "pull themselves up by their bootstraps."
  16. It's very easy to get hooked on pills, especially if you're not dealing with the underlying mental health issues. People do all the time and it's not some horrific druggie issue, just an everyday struggle. I feel for her on that count and don't think she owes it to the audience to be "honest" or not about that. If she wants to lie about it on camera, that's her right. And it's probably true that that's not *really* the issue deep down. But on a personal level I hope she is getting treatment and being open for her own sake, and I don't think she is, and that concerns me and it's irresponsible, but it happens every day. Leah's had a high risk life for that sort of thing and lives in a high risk area. I hope she matures and gets help and gets off MTV to do it. I hope she surrounds herself with people more equipped to deal with mental health issues than anyone she's ever had around her. But that's pretty much a pipe dream.
  17. THC takes a long time to work its way out of your system. And aren't they specifically testing for steroids because he was accused of using them? I don't know much about steroids though.
  18. Oh God, how will they ever pass those drug tests?! Do they have to do it regularly or just once?
  19. Jenelle's problems can't be boiled down to one factor. Genetic mental illness, childhood homelessness and continuing trauma, dysfunctional verbally abusive mother, abusive absentee dad, addiction, MTV, fame, series of fucked up moocher boyfriends, teen pregnancy, Daddy issues, sudden money after a life of poverty, generational trauma, lack of coping skills, lack of education, lack of self worth, and plain old assholery. All are involved.
  20. He likes super muscle girls. Maybe there was some truth to that gay rumor. I still maintain that he's potentially the worst boyfriend she's had. Every time I see him I think of "you're nothing special, you're trailer trash who won the lottery" to the woman who'd just had his baby and whose house he was living in, or that creepy drugged up time when he said he was out of the state and had actually been in the house the whole time? Uncle Creepy could unfortunately ultimately win, though. *shudder* I don't think he was any better with the dog but we'll never know because he rehomed it twice and has now abandoned it. It's a little like the Barb vs. Jenelle's dad argument...he's not a real dog owner, he abandoned his twice, so idk if he can be judged on that count at all. I actually think he's a worse parent only because he makes a huge deal out of how abusive Jenelle is and how much his ex sucked (probably both true, know the former at least is true) yet he's totally willing to throw both of his kids to the wolves just 'cause. While not working, no longer receiving disability, etc.
  21. Jenelle was definitely affected by her mom, but ironically far more by her absentee abusive father. She'll be looking for 'him' for quite a while in other abusive men. No matter how awful she is, she didn't deserve that weight comment from despicable Nathan. Nobody deserves to be verbally abused. Although I did laugh at "How MUCH pounds did you gain?" He seriously looks like he's on steroids or something. That hair is not normal.
  22. Nathan's weight comment in the reunion special is really disgusting. As much as I hate Jenelle, he is seriously verbally abusive. And what, like he's attractive?
  23. I don't think either Jo or Vee has had a job in quite a while (well, sure about Jo, but not about Vee). I wonder what they think will happen afterwards with two kids and zero degrees and very little work experience between them?? All four of them are hooked up to the MTV money caravan and will do as it dictates. Javi has a job, but I don't think he'll want to live on an airman's salary after moonlighting as Big Papi Javi for several seasons. Especially not with two kids. And Kailyn's just going to keep running through family fantasy after family fantasy with various partners. I feel for all of them, really, even though their own stupidity is to blame. It's a mess.
  24. Agree there. I just think 'promoting rampant drug use/a druggie' is a bit of a stretch for describing 'a stoner,' even if they truly are a hardcore stoner. It really can barely be considered a drug at all, and helps in many cases. He's lazy in general and stonerism is just one part of that, lol. I especially think Catelynn is self-medicating (prescription meds can suck, don't know if she's on them) and has severe depression and anxiety that can ramp up marijuana use that starts off healthy and then might become a bit of a crutch, and in general I just feel really bad for her. I mean, I fucking hate Tyler and 99% of what he does except for try not to be like his dad, though, so, meh.
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