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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. @DoctorWhovian, Adam has also actively complained about Chelsea "nagging" him about Aubree and contacting him too much, to the point that she didn't have his number for a while. So she's just supposed to know exactly the right amount of contact that wouldn't disrupt/disturb his Highness, but also push him to be a decent father and human? That's just too much to ask of anyone when you're not even with the person. And you're right-- women don't inherently know more about their kids' activities than men. He could just as easily figure it out if he had any interest at all.
  2. @guilfoyleatpp, bingo. Self involvement everywhere. Why get married??
  3. @BitterApple, it was to look good for the cameras and girlfriend-of-the-moment, nothing more.
  4. @SPLAIN, I used to like Maci, but she became insufferable. I thought she had a lot more substance than she does.
  5. @SPLAIN,yeah, I liked him too and thought he was too good for Kail. But he's just a different brand of asshole. Ah fil ack Leah is finally getting a tiny bit of 'reality' shown. Just a bit, though.
  6. @SPLAIN, I agree it was heavily edited. But they are as likely to edit out Javi's nasty remarks,as you say, while she was going through a traumatic time as they are to edit out any possible cheating. I just think it's unrealistic that they are editing it to make Javi look bad and Kail like an angel--they've never made her look that good and he's always gotten a decent edit. He's the military man who swooped in to 'save' them, etc. They've sort of been middling in terms of MTV favorability...Leah's always gotten a lot of slack until recently, Jenelle is the train wreck, Chelsea is presented as perfect, and Kail/Javi are somewhere in the middle. But they've never been able to hide their marital issues. I think whatever happened around the time of that miscarriage was NASTY. I also think it's highly unrealistic that she actually got pregnant by another dude. She/he may very well have cheated, at least by now, but she's not an idiot. She'd wrap it up with another guy, at least. Far likelier that they conceived, miscarried, and that tipped off the very worst of their already awful, awful marriage problems, whatever those might be. I think both of them are deeply damaged and capable of real cruelty. I think we haven't seen nearly the worst of their fights.
  7. It's not Chelsea's job to make sure Adam knows about a father-daughter dance at all. He's a freaking adult. Why doesn't HE know about school events specifically for fathers? I'm sure he could get text alerts from the school, as others have said. Sign up for the school newsletter, look at their website, speak to teachers when he picks her up, give them a call to see how she's doing and what's going on at school if he's never around during school hours. Why should she have to text him at all?
  8. So, this was not decided by a judge. It was decided and signed off on by Jenelle and Nathan. So much for Nathan's big talk about fighting to the end for full custody. Can't say I'm surprised.
  9. Is he going to claim he has primary custody like Adam?
  10. I've thought about this before and the only ones I truly, truly hate are Jenelle, Adam, and Nathan. The others all have some redeeming quality or another (though Leah's getting on up there, tbh).
  11. I think they were doomed to divorce with or without the miscarriage. But thinking it wasn't his when they were actively discussing having a child and young, fertile, sexually active married people? That's way too much of a stretch for me. Especially since he is NOT shy about expressing his jealousy about every little thing (texts, Tweets...), and fighting about it on camera and social media, but magically maintained total public self control about a child with another man? To the point that he was able to deliver a fictional monologue about blaming her for exercising and not bat an eye? That takes a lot of mental leaps. He's a selfish person and they have an awful relationship. It's not hard to imagine that, in an already toxic relationship, he was unsupportive after a period of stress and trauma like a miscarriage. That, to me, is quite plausible and realistic. Doesn't mean that was the beginning of their problems...those began at the start of their relationship. But, seems realistic to me. A symptom of their larger ongoing problems.
  12. @DangerousMinds, income, yes. But a job isn't just for income--even if he is truly too disabled from his PTSD to work (but apparently not too disabled by it to film for money...I wonder how he gets around that?), and even if they don't need a single cent for the rest of their lives (which is unlikely, because the show will end at some point) don't Jo/Nathan/Leah/the other hang-arounders want to model some sort of productive daily activity for their kids besides extreme gym time/steroid use? Whether it's volunteering, participating actively in some sort of political or cultural group or interesting hobby, reading, taking classes or getting a degree, cooking well, hiking, gaining practical skills, learning about financial health, being involved in a religious/spiritual or humanist group, doing things with/for the community, building or fixing things...something? Jo, for example, just sort of seems to 'hang around,' chill with Vee and the baby all day, wait for MTV cameras to show up, etc. He might be involved in things we don't know about, but it sure doesn't seem like it. Even if I had unlimited free income, I'd want my kids to see me actively involved in SOMETHING on a regular basis. I know plenty of people who've gotten graduate degrees or gone back to school just to show their kids the value of an education unto itself. Leah just sort of sits and waits to whine about Corey/Miranda as publicly as possible. Nathan plays sports and does his 'me' time at the gym, so I guess that's kind of something, but he doesn't even currently have custody of one of his children, so he's got quite a bit of free time and doesn't seem to do much else with it at all. He's too traumatized to take on a single shift somewhere but he can spend hours daily getting ripped and take steroids? Jenelle hosts drunken parties and pretends to try to go to school and posts photos of herself. I just don't get it...don't these people have a single real interest? They don't even take care of their pets, for God's sake!
  13. Oh, of course, there isn't a difference. I'm just saying that I don't think Ali herself was lying or manipulating. She really shouldn't carry the backpack, and it probably really is heavy for her. It's not like it has the same exact thing in it every day; you might need different school supplies for different days. I don't know why SHE would lie about it being heavy (and this poor child gets accused of lying so often...by her own mom :( ) But Leah has no room to talk when she and Corey do absolutely nothing her disability requires except show up at appointments and not follow the advice.
  14. Many students don't have kids at all and have plenty of tuition money and don't do as well. I know because I teach them! So, meh. You can do many other things in communications besides go into TV. It's a perfect degree to set you up for grad school or law school as well.
  15. @Uncle JUICE, she's getting a liberal arts/humanities degree in communications from a decent four year university, which means she's had to take courses in everything, and she has excellent grades. To me, it doesn't matter if that leads to a career in the field. That takes brains, drive, and work. It's good for her kids to see that. Certainly not "nothing."
  16. @Uncle JUICE, it's not different in terms of money, but Chelsea and Kailyn have actually gone to school and done things with their time, unlike Leah, Jo, Nathan, Jenelle (except for a degree she cannot use), and Vee. Even Adam and Farrah have done SOMETHING to further their careers, even if you don't personally respect their careers. Easy money is one thing. Sitting on your ass is another. If any of them volunteered, etc., I'd think differently. But some of them have truly done absolutely nothing for years...I'm thinking especially Jo and Leah here.
  17. Totally, that was a lightbulb moment for me too. Especially when Kailyn asked if he'd get a job there and he said no, he was just going to stay home and hang out with Isaac (not knocking stay at home dads, but neither he nor Vee work). So he never even had a plan to work. They moved out there to continue their MTV careers.
  18. Dave is supposedly a pipe fitter/welder. Could very well be untrue though. Nathan and Jo don't work except for TM.
  19. I don't know. Javi has always struck me as naturally illogically possessive and self absorbed. I'm sure the relationship exacerbated those issues, but I assume jealousy and control are regular problems for that guy. He was a total dick about the miscarriage because it made him feel out of control. "You shouldn't have done CrossFit, it's your fault because ____"--classic controlling rhetoric. To be honest, if someone acted like that about my miscarriage, I'd have a hard time acting all wifey and weepy about their deployment too.
  20. @GreatKazu, you'd think so, since I'd assume a kindergarten backpack would be very light, but Miranda seems to imply in the preview that she usually has to help her carry it, so something must be in there. I see no reason to assume Ali is lying or lazy, and she is very physically weak and falls often. Miranda's note actually supports what Ali said. A simple routine change would fix that minor issue. One simple little conversation. But noooo it has to be an MTV worthy drama.
  21. @charmed1, exactly. I saw no reason to assume Ali was "lying" or "manipulating." Her feelings are valid. They're not unimportant just because she's not an adult. If Ali usually needs help carrying the backpack, which Miranda says she does, I assume there are things in there of some kind.
  22. If Jo had a job or went to school, he couldn't have moved so easily. Nice for Isaac, but not the greatest role model all around.
  23. @truelovekiss, I would love to know what Jo does all day!
  24. Yeah, she is the primary breadwinner here. Jo doesn't work at all or go to school except for his stints on Teen Mom, so I assume he'll keep them. Javi likes the fancy side of things himself.
  25. @CofCinci It's true that she shouldn't carry the backpack and they need to come up with some routine so she doesn't have to, but Leah is just blatantly using Ali's disability to make Miranda look bad. Suddenly she understands the implications of her daughter's disorder when she can blame Miranda for it?
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