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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  2. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  3. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  4. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  5. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  6. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  7. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  8. Do they all use the same idiot dictionary, like Jenelle and Nathan with "dramastically?" They kept using it over and over and looking at each other like they'd just learned the word together!!
  9. People are pretty open nowadays. Personally, I'd be a lot less embarrassed about talking about a showerhead on camera than I would about everyone seeing how awful my marriage was. Now THAT is truly embarrassing.
  10. This was actually the one thing that made me sort of cool with Kail, lol. It was pretty funny. Everybody would ask about celibacy! That's a long ass time. Some people are more sexual than others. The issue with the texting is a catch 22. Kailyn is showing she doesn't care about Javi's feelings by texting the guy. But at the same time, he's acting like an 8th grader in the amount of jealousy he displays. The whole environment is kind of encouraging dishonesty. I don't know that I'd tell my friend I couldn't text him anymore because Big Papi Javi said no, like I was his middle school daughter with a boyfriend. Come on. I'd probably just do it behind his back. Those two are just horribly suited.
  11. Yeah, unfortunately what Barb, Jenelle, and Nathan are doing/have done to those two kids is NOTHING compared to what CPS deals with on a regular basis. It's not illegal to be a truly awful parent, or far fewer people would have custody of children.
  12. It's so true. Mr. White Knight Respect Women Jeremy has had a few choice words to say about the mother of his own kid.
  13. Jeremy has always been an idiot. Corey doesn't seem much smarter, but he has the sense not to post long rants. I don't have the best body in the world, and that's fine, but I don't subject others to lots of online bikini photos, either. Jesus. Learn to read!
  14. I actually think it would be great and interesting to have a disabled kid like Ali on the show, and show the struggles and triumphs alike, and just the everyday reality too. But as you say, her parents don't take care of it, so it's just horribly depressing. Why is she pushed to do so many physical things? Why is she never in her wheelchair? It feels like watching child abuse. I think there are a lot more "praying for her recovery" or "waiting for a miracle" (while ignoring the doctors and science) conversations among Leah, Corey, Mama Dawn, Miranda, etc., than MTV can stand to show us. It was understandable for a minute right after her diagnosis. Now it's just totally irresponsible. Who the fuck stays with someone who calls the cops on your mom? Don't they all hate the cops by now? Haven't they been arrested enough not to think they're their buddies or something? Just waiting for the DV charges. Should be any day now.
  15. @SPLAIN, the only possible act of kindness in this particular situation would not be abandonment or continued abuse/neglect; it would be for him to use his ample time and resources to become a better dog owner and less abusive person. The abandonment is a natural consequence of his generally abusive and reckless approach to life, and a continuation of his selfish approach to both pets and children. But maybe some people are truly just abusive by nature and Nathan realizes that he is, at heart, a piece of shit and could never become a decent person with any sort of therapy or help. But that would be too much for me to expect from him, honestly. He's probably just too lazy & busy at the gym. Count me in as thinking Jenelle is pregnant...God help that baby. Each one just has it even worse.
  16. Hypersexual just means overly sexual. They make extremely sexual comments towards him.
  17. @SPLAIN, Nathan has no "circumstances" besides being a useless piece of shit who doesn't take responsibility for the humans he creates or the animals he adopts. He has none of the excuses you describe, just laziness. Being "better" because you didn't allow the animal to be euthanized but are just abandoning it to a stranger instead when you chose to adopt it is like being "better" because you only sent your adopted kid back to an orphanage, you didn't stab them or anything. I mean, sure, technically. It doesn't make it a "good" choice or you any kind of a decent person, though. And dogs do develop and are diagnosed with PTSD after being abandoned by caretakers.
  18. I agree that there are a very few legitimate reasons to rehome a pet, but they are VERY rare. 99% of the time, the person had some idea they were not going to be a good pet owner when they actually got the pet, or never thought of it as a lifetime commitment to begin with. Rehoming, the vast majority of the time, is the result of irresponsibility or selfishness. And even if it is not for a selfish reason, it is still traumatizing for the animal--the person might not be selfish or cruel, but it does still hurt the animal and that's worth noting. Even if you have a terrible parent, it's traumatizing to lose them. I don't think it's vilifying to note the harm done to the animal, no matter what the intentions were. After all, the animal doesn't know those intentions. The most common reasons people give are getting a new boyfriend or girlfriend or moving. Not serious illness or something extreme enough to warrant rehoming. It would be nice if they gave Kaiser up for adoption...although unlike Mugen, Kaiser isn't old enough to really know the difference. And it would have been much nicer if they'd just not had a child or if Nathan hadn't adopted a pet at all, so it's not really "kind" to do it now as much as just further proof these people never deserved pets or children.
  19. Javi wasn't interested in being with someone on TV, though? I thought the TV thing was always a factor for him. He certainly seems to enjoy and court the attention. Corey is the only one who never seemed all that interested in the show factor. Even Jeremy seemed pretty into it. Kail never loved Javi. I don't know if he ever really loved her, but I doubt it. This whole marriage was a sham.
  20. @leighroda, yes, that can be true for some people. But it's not for Nathan. He has precisely zero reasons not to be able to take care of a dog. He has money, no job, space, and time. He's not sick or isolated. He's already done this twice and has a history of abusing him, then made a huge deal out of what a great dog owner he was and how much better he was than Jenelle at dog ownership...only to give him up to a stranger 6 months later but ask to visit. It's abusive and gross. IMO it's apples and oranges. Nathan keeps showing how immoral he is at every turn.
  21. I think Jo is pretty much a loser, and one of the laziest people I've ever seen, but he is Isaac's dad and he loves him. It'll be interesting to see how Javi's relationship with Isaac changes once his ego is bruised and he's not Big Papi Javi. I actually believe Javi cheated. I think he was doing so for a long time. Just a gut feeling. He's seemed checked out for a while and always needs to feel like his version of a "man." Maybe Kailyn cheated too (I find her really hard to read), but I think Javi definitely has. If not, I think he'll get a girlfriend in 2.5 seconds and start the thing all over again.
  22. @SneakyCentipede, The vast majority of people who were forcibly sterilized were not white, unless they were in prison or institutions for "promiscuity," disability, or mental illness. In the 1960s, there was a forced sterilization campaign against Latina and black women throughout the U.S. but primarily in California. I'm sorry, I thought that's what was being directly referenced. The history of forced sterilization is a history of racism.
  23. They're white. They'd never have been forcibly sterilized, no matter how many children and pets they abandoned.
  24. Kail's comments about this are exceedingly odd. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/05/13/kailyn-lowry-responds-to-javi-marroquins-heartbreaking-divorce-tweets/
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