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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Nathan already rehomed him once before (and rehoming is demonstrably traumatizing for dogs), leaving him in Ohio. Then he got him back and Nathan made a huge deal out of getting him back from Jenelle so he could give him a better home. And now he's giving him away, what, less than a year later? It makes me sick what that dog has been and is about to go through. Neither Nathan nor Jenelle (though granted, she's not directly involved in this particular situation anymore and it's not her dog, but I will never, ever forgive her even slightly for how she treated him when she was pregnant) should be allowed to adopt or purchase pets...or breed themselves. A dog, like a child, is a lifetime commitment. But then again, this is Nathan we're talking about.
  2. I do wonder if most of the divorce crap is hyped up by Kail and Javi to get more attention on social media. (For someone on deployment, Javi has a ton of time to tweet). They've both given statements either on social media or to media outlets. Makes me think it's either one of their usual fights exaggerated, or an actual thing but they're exploiting it...?
  3. My eyes!!!! Why does Kail have to be in a bra and panties?! And why does Javi have to be shirtless for a pregnancy shoot??
  4. Couldn't they be hiding Javi's truly cruel behavior during the miscarriage too, though? The anecdotes we got about how he acted were bleak. They've never made Kail look like a saint like Tyler and Cate, I doubt they'd start now. She's gotten quite a bit of unflattering footage shown of her. I doubt they were "fighting" much in the hospital. She had to physically heal for quite a bit afterwards. A miscarriage is extremely traumatizing and private already. If your husband is cruel about it I can't imagine the level of trauma. I wouldn't want that on TV either. It'd be humiliating for everyone to know he cared about me so little.
  5. He doesn't deserve props for doing something so cruel as to rehome a dog that's supposed to be part of his family, and now that I know it was his to begin with and not Jenelle's it's even worse. He was there and participated in the abuse of the dogs. He treats his dogs no better than his daughter, apparently. Just pass them off when you're done. It's not an abuse competition, it's just abuse. Jenelle is obviously an animal abuser but that doesn't make Nathan any less of one. If he doesn't feel he's giving the dog enough attention, he could...give it more attention? Dogs feel traumatized when they're abandoned, too.
  6. Nathan posted on Facebook that he is putting the dog he used to share with Jenelle (don't know if it was originally his or hers, but whatever) up for adoption...after making a huge deal about getting him back/away from Jenelle. Sound familiar? He says he needs someone to be more active with him, give him more attention, and give him the life he deserves because he knows he's not giving it to him. I'm sorry, what the fuck is he doing all day that he can't play with a dog?! Certainly not a job. He also says that if it's convenient he'd love to visit the dog once he's adopted. Oh great, and just make him think you're actually going to be a dog owner again and re-traumatize him every time with his new family. What a useless, selfish piece of crap. People who abuse animals deserve a special place in hell.
  7. But literally making up that he blamed her for the miscarriage because of CrossFit? That sounds like something only Javi could dream up.
  8. I would expect that the vast majority of the conversations we see are prompted by producers, so we aren't getting the full story on most things. I will say that I wouldn't expect Javi to need a real reason (like doubting he was the father) to be a selfish, controlling, misogynistic ass, because he seems to do that just fine on his own.
  9. If they cheated, they cheated, no excuses morally, as they both knew the deal and agreed to be married. But in some ways I can at least understand both of their reasons...if I was Javi and lonely/deployed, I'd want to step out on judgy, grumpy Kail too (but then again, wouldn't have married her) and if I was Kail, I'd want to find attention from a guy who wouldn't blame and shame me for my own damn miscarriage. Before that I was a tad more understanding of Javi, but he showed his true colors with that shit. What a douche.
  10. Javi looks like he has had a girlfriend or at least a hook-up for a while based on Snapchat.
  11. Drug issues are especially rampant in rural West Virginia, and everywhere where there is widespread poverty, unemployment, teen pregnancy, and lack of education.
  12. He was a coal miner at one time though, right? I really hope I'm not just making that up, lol. Speaking of Mama Dawn, I'd pay to see her reaction to T.R. Dues.
  13. @lezlers, I think that's true, but I don't think Miranda or anyone she is around (as you say) is a feminist in any sense of the word. She probably just got what she felt was a reliable, respectable job and promptly left when she found a man. That would seem, in her cultural context, to make sense, I guess? And the reality show $ probably helps, as it's not like she NEEDS to work. I think the politics of what you're saying are dead-on though. What is Corey's job? Coal miner? Or is that just a stereotype I made up?
  14. I mean, it was her right, she was married. What did they expect? That they'd use birth control down in the holler? But what kind of parents consent to that marriage? They needed to, in order for her to marry at 16 in WV. Just bizarre. So much ignorance. It'll take several generations before any of it gets bred out of that family.
  15. @SPLAIN, wow, I didn't know that about Mama Dawn's marriage. Makes me feel really sad for her.
  16. Remember the "gym time" Kaiser fight last season? Dead on. This version of events is more confusing than, say, Chelsea and Adam, because Nathan and Jenelle are evenly matched in terms of manipulative and dishonest nature. And if Nathan gets Kaiser, he will parade him around on social media and make some people believe he's a good person, like Jenelle does now. But neither of them can fool me. Case in point, Nathan is to his daughter what Jenelle is to Jace, or even LESS involved. Why should we believe either of them care about the roll when their older kids are essentially their siblings or baby cousins?
  17. It was one of her friends who told the story for money (or just 15 minutes?). It was a pretty detailed account and seemed very real/plausible. Not that her reaction was in any way OK, but I knew there was more to that whole trip situation than we knew. The friend also claimed that Nathan paid for his friends' trip with Jenelle's money to show off his new lifestyle, that Jenelle had bought all the cab rides, and that they'd gone to the resort bars without her at night and spent a huge chunk of change on her dime. Knowing Nathan's gold-digger status, it seems pretty plausible to me. And instead of leaving or calling the police, true to form, Jenelle said a bunch of the meanest shit she could think of to hide her feelings of betrayal and because she has the emotional awareness of a 10 year old. Jenelle is really a very bad person, but honestly when I see her I just see this gaping emotional void.
  18. It was reported afterward. Their trip wasn't filmed very much. Of course it could be untrue, as any of these stories, but I'm inclined to believe it. There was a reason for the fight, after all, and Nathan's friends are likely freeloaders just like him.
  19. Jenelle has a habit of doing this. She, more than any of the others, basically invites people to take free rides with her MTV money. Tori, every single boyfriend she's ever had, her boyfriend's friends. Even when she and Nathan went on that horrible engagement trip to St. Thomas and his friends came and she said she hoped one of them (his brother?) died, it turned out that the fight ensued because her credit card was on reserve at the hotel and Nathan's friends, who she'd just met, spent well over $500 on a few nights of partying on her dime without asking. Whenever there's a distinctly silly reality star, people will try to take a free ride. She meets these people and basically begs for this. It's still wrong for them to do, though, but man, she's got to stop being so stupid.
  20. She did not ever cheat on Jo. There were rumors about both of them cheating during the early part of their relationship. We don't know if they are true. But she didn't cheat with Jordan. Jo had very explicitly said he did not want to be with her and they were not together, he was single, etc.
  21. I think it would be normal for a 16 year old girl to get back at the dad of her kid for unceremoniously dumping her right after they had a baby by going out with some other guy. Not a good choice, very immature, especially under the circumstances when living in Jo's mom's house, but not evil or something like that (no more than breaking up with your girlfriend a couple months after she gives birth, which he technically also had the *right* to do, but still really shitty). Even Chelsea slept with Adam's best friend in high school to make him jealous. Eh. Very silly, but not the worst thing in the world. They were kids. *shrug*
  22. @GreatKazu They could just do a reel of both of them butchering the English language and I'd be set. Dramastically, paranalia, parental ellenation, "That's all he knows what to talk about."
  23. They both loooove to post "I'm an amazing parent" photos on social media. Kaiser is basically a selfie generator to them.
  24. I think he has now done this, but he certainly waited until he got a girlfriend and was back on MTV to do so. His motivations are anything but pure. The only thing he needed to do if she kept his son from him for months upon months was file a complaint, MUCH earlier. Instead, he posted about it on Twitter. Did she file when he "kidnapped" Kaiser? Nope. Just bitched. It's clearly a back and forth dick measuring contest with them. That's all.
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