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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. @TwirlyGirly, I think that's also related to the abusive relationships she saw at home, bipolar disorder, and abandonment by her father. Perfect cocktail for "if he loves me, he'll hurt me." Just add addiction, pseudocelebrity, and a low IQ, and voila. Very codependent. And there are treatments-- therapy, CoDA, among others. But Jenelle would never ever use any of those kinds of resources (ever). I don't think. I forget how young they really still are.
  2. Even well before all that, though, when she had much more of a chance, seems like she went out of her way to find the most toxic people possible.
  3. I do feel for her because I think she has a very severe untreated mental illness. Doesn't excuse her behavior though. But yeah, if she'd just slept with tons of people it'd have been much less harmful for everyone.
  4. One thing I've noticed is that she's never picked a decent guy. Even Gary, who is supposedly the "nice guy" in her lineup of bfs, is a total douchecanoe. I used to follow him on Twitter (now it's private) and he posted the most vile, misogynistic and racist crap daily. He made Javi look like a women's rights activist. And I don't mean political stuff, I mean positively disgusting bullshit about women's bodies and sex. Then a couple years ago in between stints with Courtland, they got back together while he was dating a girl name Jade and there was all sorts of drama because he'd brag about banging Jenelle on social media and sent them both the same Valentine's gift from the same florist. I think they were still hooking up right after the Nathan breakup. I guess like attracts like.
  5. Right. I don't see him personally as that amazing of a dad, but that's neither here nor there/ not what I was responding to-- I was responding to that because often what's brought up when talking about him is other dads, as if that makes him somehow "better" or EXTRA special in comparison. This often happens with fathers, especially young ones. Because many fathers are uninvolved, fathers who are decent are put on a pedestal, and I don't see the same dynamic with mothers. They are expected to be good mothers because women are considered to be naturally maternal. So yes, it doesn't make him NOT a good dad (I didn't suggest that), but it's also unrelated to what other fathers don't do. Their inaction doesn't matter in terms of what he does. Anyway, it's starting to go around in circles, so I'll bow out. Just clarifying what I initially meant.
  6. I mean mothers in general, not specifically Leah. And of course, like I said, everyone should be grateful for a competent father. But no more grateful than for a competent mother. And that word is generally thrown around in reference to fathers: "She should just be grateful to have a good dad for her kids." No, she shouldn't, any more than he should be grateful that a mom is competent. It is not extra special, more special than motherhood, to be a decent father.
  7. Everyone should appreciate everyone who is a good parent or spouse, but I don't think women (especially the mother of the same children) should be especially "thankful" for dads fulfilling their children's emotional and physical needs. They chose to procreate, now they owe that to their kids. It's not a usual thing for men to be expected to be hugely "thankful" because their ex or current wife pays attention to her children, loves them, and fulfills their needs. Instead, she just gets vilified if she makes mistakes.
  8. That's pretty much every dad I know except for the very rare exception. Basic dad duties. But maybe I'm lucky.
  9. Yeah. I've just even seen commenters (not here) say that Kailyn and Chelsea should just be happy that Jo even wants to see Isaac or that Adam wants anything to do with Aubree and not ask for child support/employment/whatever, and even that Jenelle should be grateful because Andrew sent a few packages once for Jace and many fathers don't send anything or pretend the child isn't theirs. Um, no. Corey is not a great miracle dad, neither is Jo. They're normal and basically doing the minimum to be decent, with some flaws, some major, and one or two things in certain cases that are above the basic requirements (like, love your child, spend time with them, pay for their needs, help around the house, don't be a total dick, etc). Of course moms end up doing most of the work a lot of the time, but that doesn't make the decent dads incredible. They are doing their basic moral duty for choosing to father children. Chelsea isn't the best mom that ever lived, she's just a good mom. I don't think of fathers any differently or give them a pass because so many fathers suck.
  10. I don't remember that but you could be right. I can't keep up with those two.
  11. But she doesn't comply. That's been the source of a lot of their conflict. He still doesn't have her passwords.
  12. I get that Corey is a good dad, but I don't think he deserves more props for that just because he's male. He's doing the basic, normal, decent thing (except for some things related to Ali's disability) by being a decent father. Decent moms are just sort of considered the baseline. I don't know that people can have no complaints about a baby daddy just because he isn't as bad as other fathers. That only says something about the other fathers, not that that guy is especially wonderful.
  13. It doesn't matter. If his demands are ridiculous, she doesn't have to abide by them.
  14. Eh. My husband has female friends, I have male friends, and I'd honestly let them stay at the house if I was away. Who cares? They're not going to have sex. Kail and Javi don't have a strong marriage, though, so....
  15. It's part of the overall trend of curviness coming back into fashion. In some ways it's nice because anorexia and bulimia rates have gone down, but people take everything to a plastic surgeon, unfortunately. I have a disproportionate butt and am so glad for this trend. It might turn back around, but eventually everybody's body type gets a chance to be in fashion, I guess, lol.
  16. Corey and Leah don't need no fancy book learnin' doctor to tell them what to do!
  17. Things are a bit different if you're bisexual. And she's always had male friends. It's not like she can just not have any friends to appease Javi. People are perfectly capable of hanging out and not sleeping together. That said, they have no business being together when their philosophies are so different. On everything.
  18. Oh God, not Leah's, lol. I meant Kail's. Most of the girls I knew in college hooked up with a different guy/girl every other weekend or more. They all turned out ok, most went to medical or law school or are professors now. I was pretty reserved and not into that, but that's the culture. Kailyn's sexual history seems positively tame compared to most people her age.
  19. Idk, still seems like a much tamer existence than most of the people I know, minus the kids.
  20. Hey, at least she admits it (re: reunion): https://mobile.twitter.com/KailLowry/status/724283183596867585 Lol!
  21. She's already been acquitted. Don't know why, but there was something about Nathan lying to the police in the course of the questioning. I fully believe she did it, but I also believe Nathan probably saw it as an opportunity and lied about witnessing it or the exact details of what happened. He's fought or threatened the local police at least twice that we know of, I would assume they're not overly fond of him. And they must know Jenelle's address by heart!
  22. To be fair, I think Jeremy is a hard working guy but probably an awful husband. He's emotionally distant, a cheater, rather ignorant, and rarely around. I get that it was for work, but I get the feeling he took more jobs than he needed to to get away from her, and anyone would find the situation she described (six days a week of work, one night where he drank and had sex with her and they barely spoke) terribly stressful and painful. He admitted he didn't like contacting them when he was away because he didn't like being reminded of what he was missing. That would greatly strain even the best of marriages, and their marriage was always crap meant mostly for lust and getting back at Corey (from both sides). He complained about her behavior but refused counseling. Leah is also a cheater, and emotionally needy, selfish, and an obsessive, materialistic spender. Very impulsive, very foolish, uneducated, etc. I also believe she has mental health problems, and quite possibly an addiction. So the combination of both of them, already with a baby and two other kids, after a couple months of break up to make up dating? Shitstorm. That whole thing was always a mess.
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