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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yeah, don't think there was ever any love there on either end. @configdotsys, I get that, maybe? I just don't see that Javi was any unlikelier to cheat. He does love his online flirting. And he's bitched about her publicly and gotten 100% support MANY times on social media. I don't think there would be major backlash. He has a lot of fans. He'd be lauded as a hero. Every time he's bitched about her, justifiably or not, that's what's happened. And he's never been shy about it. Plus, if she'd actually physically cheated at the time they were filming, I don't know why he'd be publicly freaking out and getting support from fans on Twitter just a couple weeks ago over a text she sent or a photo with her and another man. The timeline just doesn't make sense. They break up because she had an affair, but even now he continues to flip out about a text or two and who she currently hangs out with? I'm not defending her, I just don't see the logic is all. @starfire, since it was a Snapchat video, it's hard to find. You can find some chatter about it on Twitter and Inquisitr from folks who follow him.
  2. The clip looked pretty sincere to me on both their parts.
  3. But they vilify their talent all the time. They show tons of drama. That's one major point of the show. Kail has never gotten the angel edit. Neither has Javi. It would probably increase ratings. Right, but Corey and Leah are very different from K/J. If anything, they seem to love airing their dirty laundry. They've had all kinds of fights while I get the sense that Leah hush hushes her men so they make her look good. Javi did tell us to watch the show and we'd see the truth. If he'd been cheated on, hoo boy. No silence from him. Every fan would get a personal note from him alongside a shirtless photo.
  4. I just don't think Javi would hide the cheating if there was any, or that MTV would, when jealousy has been a major part of their storyline. It wasn't with Leah and Jeremy, so it didn't fit in the show. If anything, a cheating narrative would complete their arc. MTV would be all over it. Divorces are rarely about one dramatic event. I doubt there was one. He was deployed and they finally realized they suck together and bring out the worst in each other. Happens every day. Especially in the military.
  5. That sounds completely like Javi to me, and appropriate/the first good decision they have made in a while. He wants a submissive housewife and she wants a much more independent party career lifestyle. Nothing wrong with either. They just never should have been together. Kail doesn't look blameless at all. They both look like dumb kids who got married for sex. I don't think MTV entirely manufactures storylines like that. They edit heavily and cut a lot of things out (TR Dues), but this storyline seems entirely in line with everything we know about both of them.
  6. @laurakaye, part of the issue with blaming Kody IMO is that he is such an obvious asshole and awful husband that it's just not that nuanced or interesting to talk about. At least Meri has some redeeming qualities, etc. It's like when my students write theses that say racism is bad. Cool, maybe say something that requires a little more thought! Haha. (Not criticizing you for bringing him up BTW, he's just such a dick I find it hard to know where to start). I think he actually treats Christine with the least respect of all of them.
  7. Marijuana is no big deal, way less of an issue than alcohol honestly. A good habit for anxious people if, as in anything, in moderation. That's the least of their problems. What the fuck is this business they started?!
  8. @StayingAfterSunday, I agree that she's depressed and I have a lot of pity for her. But that doesn't excuse abusive behavior or make those around her with any complaints about her incorrect. She wants Mariah to fulfill the role Kody has in this-- to suss it out with her emotionally. Mariah is allowed to be angry about that, the lying, the humiliation, and being raised in a cult. I do hope she learns to direct more of that at her father, but I get the sense they really don't even speak or interact. He is very against her political views and doesn't care about anyone but Caleb and Robyn's kids. Meri was abusive to Janelle long before any kids. She was downright cruel to her and still treats her with disdain. She took money repeatedly from the other families that they needed. Seems like she wants to blame everyone (the catfish, Janelle, Robyn, Mariah) but her own mental health problems, the cult she was indoctrinated into that devalues women, and her dick of a husband. It also would have gone better had she sought out someone her own age, maybe a bachelor or divorced, maybe a single dad, with a normal job and life, who would really want and need love himself and a giving person. She apparently felt entitled to a 50 Shades of Greyesque billionaire/vegan/young/Catholic/6'6" fantasy, who is so perfect as to be quite literally impossible. For that, too, she has some culpability, and that wasn't all out of depression, but partly selfishness and materialism. Once it happened, though, I truly believe she desperately wanted that love, and I deeply feel for her on that count. So yeah, I don't think she's evil and I see her suffering, but I also see her causing it in others.
  9. @NikSac, I'm just saying that if that child wasn't his, Javi is the one person I'd expect to definitely know and let us know allllll about it. Back to Chelsea. I do think she has the right to make her own choices. I'd love to see her with either a little more ambition or a little more interest in hobbies other than praising Cole, though. Maybe that will settle down over time.
  10. She was in ninth grade and described it as intense pressure to the point of feeling like she had to do it. Emotional coercion can certainly be violating. She said he had to put on a condom, but when it came to the moment, he wouldn't and continued anyway. She says that he knew she did not want it and did not care whether she enjoyed it. I would definitely describe that as rape. Especially if you're 15.
  11. We also saw Chelsea's therapy, which was truly hilarious. "I want you to go home and just do an Internet search for boundaries."
  12. I'm also a mental health clinician and I certainly wasn't shading myself. But people do jump to massive conclusions and hand out medications too quickly, and not always for health insurance. I've seen many people do it out of impatience or a lack of knowledge. That's all I was saying. *shrug* You do need an initial diagnosis, but it can shift and change after more time with a solid doctor/treatment plan, obviously, and get more specific to your needs. Often, patients are just bounced around to different doctors, because of their own issues, financial concerns, unreliability on either end, etc. I would assume that Jenelle doesn't stick with one for long, although she'd have NO financial problem with paying one even with no insurance. I assume she has no real idea what a solid treatment plan would look like at this point. It's really sad because it affects not only her but her children and those around her, and she has sooo many more resources than so many people with mental health problems. Most, actually. She has access to the BEST treatment around to become a happier person, overcome her past, and become a better mom, and instead just gets crummy boyfriends.
  13. The doctor diagnosed her onscreen. Which is super creepy. I don't want to see these people's therapy! I guess MTV pushes for it but you don't legally have to show that, I don't believe.
  14. She was in an intensive rehab center for a fairly long time. It was there that she was diagnosed. I would assume she doesn't want the stigma of bipolar disorder and that's why she's now claiming not to have it. Young women do tend to be overdiagnosed with it, however. I just hope that she is receiving outpatient treatment, but that's like wishing for Leah to give Addy a vegetable. Ain't gonna happen.
  15. Diagnosis has many flaws, that's definitely true, and it doesn't define a person, but it certainly matters. It matters in terms of the medication they will be prescribed by current and future doctors, how they will be perceived in society, how criminalized they are likely to be by law enforcement, the kind of treatment they seek for themselves, the kinds of support groups they attend, the kind of therapy that might work for them (DBT vs CBT, for example), the kinds of stigmatization they will experience, how they perceive themselves if they do their own research, and how they will be treated if ever institutionalized. That's unfortunate because it would be better if we didn't have diagnoses based on the DSM at all, in my opinion. I did not throw any shade, that's your perception. I had no idea you were talking about yourself, I actually thought I was underscoring your point. I was responding to your statement that young people are given 10 or more diagnoses (I have seen that often) and have been thrown around to different doctors, and felt that you were saying that people throw out random inadequate diagnoses without spending enough time with patients for the purposes of health insurance. That's never appropriate.
  16. By all accounts, Jo was as well, so who knows, but that's neither here nor there. I will say that there are plenty of STDs one can get while wearing condoms, and Kail was on birth control at that time, so if she didn't use them she was still preventing pregnancy with at least one method. What I meant by the condoms comment is that if she was off birth control in order to conceive with Javi (which obviously she was), she certainly wouldn't have been using NO birth control with the guy. She's always used birth control responsibly except when she was 16/pregnant with Isaac. She's also not an idiot with her womb like Jenelle or Leah; she wouldn't risk having a child with another man while trying to get pregnant with a different one.
  17. There's no way for us to know unless we see her medical chart. We don't have access and it would require a lot more than TV observation to know the complexity of her everyday symptoms, as well as her interiority and motivations. Psychiatrists' diagnoses are as valid as any other doctor's, and mental health diagnoses are medical like any other, but they can shift, just as with other diagnoses, when new symptoms emerge or existing symptoms increase or decrease. Unfortunately some psychiatrists and mental health clinicians do approach it as "just a code," but those who are responsible do not. I'm not comfortable commenting on her potential mental health issues any more than I would be on any other medical problem, especially due to the stigma and misunderstandings associated with certain diagnoses, except to say that she is clearly suffering and causing others to suffer, and I hope she gets it in her head to seek treatment. Though I doubt it.
  18. Here are a few of him and the girl. I'll have to find the rest later, I'm on my phone. We've discussed it here before, don't know if someone else linked to it. https://www.google.com/search?q=javi+snapchat&client=ms-android-verizon&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWqZn7tYrNAhVM6GMKHboaBlEQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=J8JkcOtnBUCslM%3A
  19. @lovesnark, right, but that doesn't take away the doctor's diagnosis. She likely has both. High levels of comorbidity.
  20. Oh yeah, there were tons of them, and a video of them in the same bed. I believe it's Googleable. I know I saw many when they were making the tabloid rounds fairly recently.
  21. No, she just moved out of her mother's home after that note and into an apartment with someone else (or by herself, I don't remember). This was very early on. They never mentioned domestic violence, just single mothers. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/04/mtv-didnt-show-teen-mom-2-kailyn-lowry-hid-homelessness-cheating-medical-scares/ I remember it from the episode, too. She just had to be a young single mom with at least a part time job. The thing with her mom was later. I don't blame her for that (moving out)-clearly a major past there, with an addict mom and a series of boyfriends a la Jenelle. Kail's mom specifically told her she cared more about her boyfriend than her, on camera. Yikes.
  22. If every adulterous person in the military was kicked out, there would be very few left! Happens constantly. Both military personnel and their spouses.
  23. @starfire, yeah, that wasn't a scam. It was a private housing program for single moms and she had a job.
  24. @Brooklynista, yeah, Javi's never been one to worry much about "proof." The texts he freaked out about were "what's up" and "are you going to class today" (even he said so). They had nothing to do with cheating or even personal stuff, yet they led to a season of heated arguments. That guy is definitely never going to keep quiet because he doesn't have categorical proof. Plus, they were in the ICU together. I'm pretty sure they'd been to doctors' appointments together. He's the kind of guy to demand prenatal paternity testing. Just really unrealistic to think that Kailyn had unprotected sex (likely more than once) at the exact same time as she did with Javi in between full time school, two kids, and a tight leash from Javi, at the same time they happened to be trying for a baby, and then it never came up again, she happened to miscarry, and didn't consider abortion. That's...a lot. Also, she's no dummy. She'd use a condom.
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