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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Oh god, Dr. Drew's name needs a trigger warning. I think I hate him more than the actual people on the show.
  2. I just can't bring myself to trust copier-therapist-who-allows-filming. @MissMel, good points all. Cate has got to be the first person in her family and probably out of anyone she knows intimately who made even a tenth of this money and didn't have to strip or work 14-hour days. She's also gotten her family jobs. Her mom, stepdad, husband, friends etc all make their $ from the show too. That's got to be some intense pressure.
  3. @starfire, no!! They actually just keep encouraging her to have more kids and stay with Tyler!
  4. Plus, he bitches and moans all over the place about how incredibly stable he is. If he's so stable, why can't he pay child support?
  5. Seriously, you're on a show with frequent abuse, violence against animals, broken marriages...and your deal breaker is porn? Which the majority of Americans watch and purchase at some point in their lives? Great.
  6. Yeah, I wasn't clear. But what I meant was that even if Chelsea was the richest woman in America and didn't have to work a day, he'd still owe child support (and rightfully so) unless he was literally 100% penniless.
  7. The #1 addiction Cate needs to quit is Tyler. #2 is reality TV. *Sigh*
  8. Depends on what she's taking. I do know that pot is very helpful in treating PTSD. But I don't think she's actually been diagnosed with that. She should be-- girl is textbook. To be honest, I feel worst for Nova. Being the daughter of an abusive addict is hard. Being the daughter of that daughter may be even harder.
  9. So true. That was really hard for me because as a child all I did was live each day in fear of the next abuse. So thinking about a 5-year plan? Impossible. Then you get older and you live in fear of your next panic attack. Just dropping all of my short term fixes (fast food, wine, whatever) would have been 100% impossible. I stopped them one at a time, but only after I had some really mundane things in place that other people take for granted. Daily rituals and the like. Even organizing a bookshelf was hard because I wasn't allowed to make choices for myself. It's still hard to stay organized or steady when you're so used to fear and chaos.
  10. I think he was having online sexting/emotional affairs and Maci forgave him once. He was using his minor TM "fame" to get girls to send him nudes and have cybersex with him...not just one. I believe there was some talk of "planning" to meet up but not actually doing it. Then he did it again after he was initially caught. I don't know if that time, he actually met up with anyone, but either way that person is obviously a sleazeball.
  11. Our van cost $100,000, but that's because it's outfitted to be driven by a paralyzed person in a wheelchair. And we got a nonprofit grant to help and saved for years on our own! Given that context, I'm always shocked by the level of stupidity of spending that much on a whim and just for fun.
  12. Child support is not supposed to be paid when the mom can't make ends meet, as Adam still owes support for his child even if Aubree is getting absolutely everything she needs. It's not based on the other parent's income, but on your own. It's also based on the amount of time you spend with the child. Adam doesn't have 50/50 custody of either of his children, so he would be expected to pay more than if he did, as that means that Taylor and Chelsea wind up paying for the vast majority of their children's expenses. This is one of the only things I've agreed with Kail on. It doesn't matter if you're having another kid, if you don't make as much as your ex, whatever. You owe equal support for your kid, and if you're only with them one week or weekend out of the month, that means helping out with the rest of the month. Unfortunately, that means a lot of women get called "spoiled" if they make enough and still expect child support, which is ridiculous. Aubree and Paislee weren't conceived on their own! And Adam should be kissing Chelsea's ass for getting him the TM gig. That's why a lot of these dads fight for more custody. Not because they want it, but because it means less child support.
  13. I've kissed friends on the lips. Def agree it was intimate, though. I'm torn between "only true friend" and "romantic connection." On a side note, watched earlier episodes with Farrah today. Her mom is straight up abusive and a total alcoholic.
  14. I thought she was already on meds but Tyler, MD wanted her to wean herself off of them for no reason? Maybe I heard wrong?
  15. Seriously. At least Farrah got paid! You just did it for free!
  16. Marijuana isn't the best thing she's got going, but it's far from her worst problem. I'm of a mind that self esteem and the "little things" need to change first. I used to drink too much to deal with my severe PTSD. Not to the point of alcoholism by any stretch and not while or before driving, but I looked forward to those evening drinks just a tad too much, if you know what I mean. If you're at the point of chemical dependency then that's the first thing to address, but in my case I wasn't. I was employed and educated but not in therapy, not in good relationships, not pursuing hobbies, etc. JMO but the advice I would offer Cate would be: 1. Just fucking chill. Not as in laze around like she does, but don't immediately hop on Weight Watchers, jump on three new shows, post all over Twitter. Just get some super low key job, even part time. Part time aide, work at Walgreens, literally anything that's calm and will give you some sense of money making that isn't linked to Tyler or a show or Carly. 2. Obviously, dump the hell out of Tyler. 3. Don't push yourself to lose all the weight and quit pot immediately. That could actually make things truly awful. Just start with a walk. Just a walk and a coffee. Then make it a longer walk. Then a short Zumba class or another fun, low pressure form of exercise. Make three better food choices per week. Just three. Then five, etc. Try a new vegetable or fruit. Nothing major, but keep adding. Cook one fresh meal a week. 4. Make plans with a friend once a week. If you don't have friends, make a couple at a mom meetup group. 5. Take a class in absolutely anything. Academic, personal interest, crafting, whatever. Commit to just the class for six weeks. 6. Obviously a better therapist. 7. Buy a plant, not a pig. Anything bigger would be overwhelming at this point.
  17. @Tatum, oh yeah, it's that whole "boys will be boys" idea. It's fine to buy the right to look at women's bodies, just not to be the one who sells it? Please.
  18. I definitely agree with that @Uncle JUICE. It just didn't seem that Maci and Cate/Tyler were smart enough to grasp Farrah's own hypocrisy. They mostly just whined about "selling her body" and "disrespecting herself" while starring on a show they're only on because they had unprotected sex at 16.
  19. I especially couldn't stand Maci's, Catelynn's, and Tyler's high and mighty self righteous acts about Farrah. Maci, girl, your man has probably watched porn more times than you can count just today. He got you pregnant twice and had to be strong armed into marrying you. Tyler was filmed at a strip club being clearly more attracted to random strippers than he's ever been to Cate in his life, can't respect the basic rules of adoption and human decency, and openly calls his wife fat. But she's throwing herself away and exploiting herself? I missed the part where any of you went to school, got a job, or used anything other than procreating and whining skills to get $$$. And apparently it's ok to be a customer who watches and buys porn and pays strippers. That's not "slutty" at all, you guys. But being a person who caters to and makes money off of those desires is, apparently.
  20. @Scarlett45 I definitely agree. Cultural appropriation anyone?
  21. I feel a little bad for Kail because I have some of that Northern European/Scandinavian-esque stockiness going on, though I've never been as large as her and I'm a bit more proportional. Even at my thinnest, my calves are big and my shoulders are broad. But man--she does CrossFit, supposedly tries to eat healthy, and that's her natural body shape (minus the implants)? I know she's had kids, but she looked like that before, too. I would imagine it's very hard to lose weight after 2 kids, but yikes, some people just don't have naturally attractive body shapes. Now I feel super mean.
  22. I think personally I'd laugh hysterically all the way to the bank. Lol!
  23. Yeah, I've got to say that while Farrah is a big ol bitch, I respect her the most at the moment. She's set up boutiques, a restaurant, shilled books and pasta sauce and club appearances, did porn (hey, whatever does the job), appeared on a few other shows, and set up everything not just for herself but for Sophia. She hasn't had any other kids and has set up some of her stuff in Sophia's name. Like it or not she's the only one who's done anything for her or her child's future economic stability.
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