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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. That clip honestly made me so angry. The first few years after Carly was born, yes, I could have understood the confusion, but at this point, even your adoption counselor from shady Bethany has explicitly told you you have zero rights. Carly is not their child. She has parents and they are NOT Catelynn and Tyler. It would be painful, but I wish someone would openly spell out for them that they are not her parents in any way, any more than a sperm or egg donor or a surrogate is a parent. They never had to REALLY go through the pain of accepting that. They need to. On the clip I saw all sorts of comments from fans saying that Cate should "keep fighting for her daughter" and such. That's partly why I think this show does a disservice. People who don't understand adoption are going to get an even more warped view of it from this show. B&T are not co parents, they are not legal guardians, they aren't her parents for now. They are her only, lifelong parents.
  2. Farrah says she said Matt looked like a pedophile, and Amber rushed the stage trying to hit her while Maci and Catelynn cheered Amber on. Well, I mean...he, like, inarguably looks like a pedophile.
  3. He used her for TV and fame, she used him for a "family" image, they both used each other for a paycheck. Ok, we know. Now sit down please. No desire to "side" with either party.
  4. Omg, the constant threats to "out" each other lose momentum every time they throw them out there. We get it! Your relationship sucked! Now stfu, both of you!
  5. I think it could definitely be both, or some kind of mental illness or TBI that is leading him to abuse drugs, etc. It could also just be one or the other. We really have no context and no clue, it's all speculation.
  6. I'm usually not one to jump on the 'they're on drugs' train, mostly because I'm not really that acquainted with drugs myself, but Ryan is a shoo-in IMHO.
  7. She said she wanted assurance she would get the $8,000 back at some point, but even if she did give it back (which I highly doubt, I assume that's more of Farrah's all-talk, no-action along the lines of constantly 'breaking up with Simon' and 'never seeing him again'), she'd be paying for it with TM money. They also had signed up to do that mother/daughter reality TV show--they're grifters/a reality TV family. It's a lifestyle. The dad definitely admits to having signed the contract and served as her 'manager,' though I don't believe for a second that he didn't know beforehand like he claims. I just have no sympathy for these people. If they didn't want to serve Farrah hand and foot, they could quite easily get jobs and stay the hell off the screen (like Maci's mom). Instead, they sign up for more and more appearances. It's obvious that at least Debra definitely wants to live the 'glam' lifestyle. They don't want to be normal. Hey, I mean, leverage what you can out of your own/your daughter's teen pregnancy, I guess, but I just don't get it personally. At least if I was making this kind of $$ I'd spend it on rent or a mortgage on a normal house and save the rest.
  8. They are her servants but definitely not unpaid. They're paid to be on the show, and Farrah has bankrolled her mom's cars, plastic surgery, designer clothes, etc., and started businesses with Farrah that likely only sold anything because Farrah is famous. Her dad made bank off of her porn video...he was her "manager" and negotiated the contract. No pity here. Trash begets trash. I'm definitely in the "Ryan's drugged out" camp too. Totally agree on Cate and TyTy. He can whine about "editing" but he loves Cate's mental illness. It's a storyline and it brings the drama. He gets to look like a saint because Cate is depressed and overweight, so somehow because he's "just" chubby and lazy, he gets to play superior to his mom and therapist. While not actually having to make anything of his own life. It's sickening.
  9. Dude no. That had way too many big words for Matt to say any of it.
  10. Unfortunately I know many people who think like this. Getting married is somehow supposed to make things a fairy tale. Nope, if your life was empty before it'll be empty after, just with more work and bills.
  11. Seriously. I bet the therapists told him as much and he did NOT take kindly to it. I'm assuming he's going to comment-not-comment on her choices constantly ("you're really indulging") just like he comment-not-comments on Carly constantly. He can't stand being told something is inappropriate or that he cannot do it. I know we all blame Cate to varying degrees for her circumstances, but the bottom line is that no matter what one thinks of Cate, you cannot shame someone out of an addiction, whether it's binge eating or pot. Even the strictest rehab programs don't use shame and insults as tactics. Once someone gets to the point of addiction, they're not having fun with whatever they're doing. You have to address the root issues causing the addiction. Shame does the exact opposite. Tyler was likely told something along those lines but he's so obsessed with control and doing things "his way" that he'd happily throw Cate under the bus in order to maintain his own superiority.
  12. I tend to agree. If Tyler and Cate want privacy, they could have it easily...it's not like they can't. I feel this way about most celebrities who bitch about negative attention. I still can't stand Tyler's self righteous enabling mom, though. She should know where her bread is buttered...If she doesn't like what's going on in Tyler and Cate's lives, she doesn't have to appear on the show or take their checks. If I were Cate, I'd be pissed seeing those scenes. She knows what precious baby boy Tyler does at home. How does Tyler's mom not hear the hypocrisy in her own words?!
  13. I think it's obviously weed. Cate doesn't seem high in any other way to me. And Tyler admits to continuing to smoke, so even if she was addicted to something other than pot, he's participating in perpetuating her issue by not being sober himself when he supposedly doesn't have any mental health problems.
  14. Since Michael was the one who set up her porn video contact, I can't say with any certainty that that's the case. Lol!!
  15. "boo" is a loaded word-- literally all I can think of is Amber. I have a friend who calls her child "sweet boo" as well. I get it for baby talk but it makes me crack up when they say stuff like "we'll be closer to Boo" lololol.
  16. My husband is literally paralyzed and works full-time, along with cooking a decently healthy dinner 4+ nights a week from scratch (because I work over 65-hour weeks and get home later). These people have NO excuse. I will admit that I ate takeout a lot while severely depressed...though I at least tried to have a varied diet. If oh-so-stable Tyler is so disturbed by Cate's diet and emotional health, why on earth can't he just cook a meal?!?!
  17. I'm sorry @poopchute, this isn't in response to you but it won't remove the quote. I understand that Cate isn't an angel, but I honestly don't even care at this point. Tyler and his mother make me so sick. Who the fuck calls THEMSELVES noble while also claiming that husband and wife have to just deal with their own shit? She's not your roommate or your casual girlfriend. She's your wife that you specifically vowed to take care of "forever" like a whole mess of times, bro. It's so achingly clear that Tyler married Cate for the TM clout and isn't interested in being a husband at all. His mother is the biggest enabler I've ever seen, on a show that could pretty much be called "Teen Moms and Dads and their Enablers." If your son's wife is eating unhealthily, not working or going to school, and smoking weed too often, but your son is doing all those too without admitting it's a problem and without severe depression underlying his decisions, he's actually the far worse one in the situation. He's not a saint because he deigned to marry a depressed overweight woman. If anything, she's more of a catch than he is, for sure.
  18. Both Debra and Farrah seem deeply psychologically abusive and disturbed to me. Beyond the physical issues, every time I see them interact it has always been abusive. Bullying your teen daughter out of an abortion is abusive. The yelling and screaming they both do is abusive. The manipulation they both use is abusive. The putdowns Farrah uses are abusive. She also escalates issues pretty immediately. Threatening someobe with a knife is abusive. Combined with the faux Christianity and the extreme sexualization-- both have extensive plastic surgery, which Farrah pays for with her porn money (I firmly believe her parents encouraged the deal and profited off of it) and are hugely superficial-- I would honestly guess both of them were sexually abused as children or something, though I don't really know. The psychological damage there is deeeeep. All I know is, I don't want whatever's in their genes or their histories. Every time I hear one of them talk it's like some sort of Twilight Zone crazy town creepville. As for the furniture store, I can't imagine anyone having to deal with a female member of their family wanting to patronize their business again...
  19. I don't think anybody said she was slapped in the face? I do believe assault is assault and if she did that on TV, she assaulted her much more at home. The other thing that scared me about that was her screaming about Christianity in the same scene--we can see the likely 'tone' of Farrah's interactions in which she was bullied out of having an abortion, which I consider highly invasive and abusive. You can't bully someone into a religion. I also believe the police were correct in arresting her and that she was threatening them/others in the home with a knife (she came to the door with it and would not put it down immediately when the cops asked). Debra certainly seems to have BPD or NPD, as does Farrah. These personality disorders often come in mother-daughter pairs, or father-son. Yes, Farrah is abusive now, as is often the case with children who were abused. Debra was likely abused as well, just statistically speaking. It is almost always a cycle. You have to work to break out of it. I was severely abused as a child and so was my abusive parent; I went to therapy early to combat my past and confront the abuse so I wouldn't continue to be so severely affected by it or become abusive as a partner or parent. I was also educated and not on television, however, so I had some advantages. I see it as a two-forked road with different options. Unfortunately, Farrah has gone 'in the other direction,' by choice and circumstance. I fear for Sophia because her mother and grandmother are both highly volatile, ill, and abusive, and they are her two main guardians.
  20. Yeah, I grew up in one of "those" super-fancy neighborhoods and white collar crime was rampant. One doctor got arrested for running a child porn ring. You can't tell morals from wealth. To get to that level of rich, you *might* have worked hard after your many years of education...but in my experience, there are a lot of day traders and scammy "entrepreneurs" there too. I think Amber/Matt might fit in more than she thinks.
  21. Trigger warning plz Definitely going to agree with all this.
  22. In previous episodes he bitched to his friends about wanting hotter women and Cate complained that he wants sex every day and gets mad that she doesn't want to. Plus, it's not like being gay carries much of a stigma anymore. I don't know, I know a ton of straight guys just like him, especially in LA and especially ones who want to be "actors" or models. Anyone who doesn't...is quite fortunate.
  23. Twinks are usually cuties, gay or straight. Tyler, not so much.
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