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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Can you imagine if one of her kids came out as gay? Methinks David, Nathan and Jenelle would all be massive homophobes.
  2. I do feel bad for Addie, it does look like Jeremy cares more about his girlfriend and her child than his own kid, or at least did for a while. And I hate how he treats the twins. On the one hand that's Jeremy's fault and not Leah's, it's not her job to shield her kid from her dad's neglect entirely-- that's *his* job & responsibility, and he sure does come across as a dick sometimes. On the other hand, prettyyy damn sure she'll make this about herself, just like how she makes Ali's disability (which is *Ali's* challenge more than her parents') all about her. All problems with J&L ultimately come down to, you made a series of dumbass decisions and now both of you have to deal with it. Leah married a dude she barely knew and got pregnant with his baby within seconds while still sorta hung up on her ex...And he pursued a girl hung up on her ex with two kids! If you don't have an interest in being a stepfather or don't know the girl, don't freaking do that and you won't HAVE to divorce or cause anybody pain. They both just always seem soooo put upon that they even have to deal with the other one's shit at all, like instead of divorced people with a shared child and two kids they both helped to raise they're each other's irritating ex boy/girlfriend who just won't stop texting/calling for some reason. Use a condom y'all. Simple solution.
  3. Police report from Nate's most recent arrest. https://www.google.com/amp/radaronline.com/celebrity-news/nathan-griffith-arrest-custody-case-jenelle-evans-teen-mom-2/amp/?client=ms-android-verizon Also, Nathan was granted supervised visits only with Kaiser.
  4. @VedaPierce, I totally agree. Sometimes I feel like because we don't agree with polygamy we're not supposed to think he should have any feelings at all. Meri agreed to polygamy and this is a pattern for her. The fertility issue was a real problem, but she exacerbated it by dragging out every decision about it and shutting out everyone around her about it until it was basically too late and then went "oh I'm ready now be overjoyed." Same thing with the affair...There obviously were real problems in the relationship, but she ignored them for years and shut Kody out until she'd had a pretty lengthy affair, realized the person wasn't even a man, didn't want to talk about it for months more and THEN suddenly goes "I went on a weekend trip now I'm ready to be happy let's have an awesome marriage why aren't you thrilled." Same thing with the wet bar, the budget (her getting the same amount as people with SIX KIDS)-- I'll act passive aggressive and then suddenly unleash rage and pain and wonder why anyone is upset. Obviously the lady wants to be monogamous and hates her life...But being as manipulative about it as she is doesn't really help. Causing other people pain doesn't make your chosen relationship any less polygamous. I think she really hopes Kody will wake up one day and say "I hate those bitches and only love you" but there are real other women and kids involved.
  5. And to be a judge, you have to read 2 law books halfway through and question Jenelle and Nathan one time each. For practice. That's what you'll mostly be doing anyway. Wow @Uncle JUICE, you are my hero.
  6. Jo directly said he doesn't work several times, on social media and on the show. I like him fine, but he definitely doesn't have a job unless he decided to get one very recently, don't think he's just being private (unless he was lying). His reasoning was that he wanted to hang out with Isaac rather than work, he said that on the show and at the reunion. And he quit school a while back. He's always been a bit spoiled, so I'm not surprised he's willing to coast on MTV $$. I don't think anyone is quick to jump on him, I just personally don't understand that mindset that all of them except C&C seem to share. I find it frustrating how stagnant all of them are. He called himself an "extravagant father" but won't get a simple job to supplement family income...Wouldn't you want your child to see you achieve something, if you're that extravagant? Cate& Ty fed us story after story about school and work...Nope! Maci was in college for about 27 years, and Leah and Ryan won't do a damn thing and expect others to pay for them. Adam kinda-sorta goes to the gym and "trains" people. Jenelle has her non-existent "medical career." It's exhausting to watch people do so very little when they have so many privileges most of us only dream of. Also not surprised that Kailyn feels so uncomfortable about finishing a bit late. That girl *really* cares what people think of her.
  7. A lot of people do this. I also think it would be easy to be confused about polygamy if you're gay and you were raised in it. It's a way to have deep intimacy with other women. When you're young the first things you notice might not be purely sexual, they might be who you want to be emotionally close to. I can imagine for an unsure gay girl, polygamy and deep, pseudo-romantic closeness with sister wives would sound better than to a straight girl, who can't imagine wanting that with anyone but a man. A lot of initial gay relationships grow out of friendships. I'm just thinking of how confused I'd be if I was told polygamy was all about deep forever closeness with women and I was having feelings about wanting to be really close with women. It would be so, so confusing!
  8. Home Depot has some pretty sweet benefits. Teen Mom 2ers would be lucky to work there, I'm pretty sure they have background checks.
  9. He said no, I don't have one and I don't want or need (don't remember which of those he said) one. He sort of sarcastically said, "do I need to work?" I suppose as a fuck you to MTV. It was pretty clear he didn't have a job or plan on getting one. Other times on Twitter he's just made references to the fact that he doesn't need a job if he has money, and to Kailyn he said he didn't want a job because he'd rather spend that time with Isaac (what does he think other parents do?!?!). That's no different from everyone else on this show's entitled mindset, but I think that mindset is collectively stupid and short sighted. And immature. I do think it's ridiculous that Dr. Drew only seems to care when the guys don't work, but for the women it's fine. I think he should call them all out on their spoiled laziness. I do think these kids should see their parents working, volunteering or valuing education. It's sad that really none of them have except for Aubree and the twins (and in both of those situations, from only one parent...)
  10. @SPLAIN, I don't know, at the last reunion and in several conversations with Kail he pretty much laughed off the idea of working and acted like a job was stupid. I think it'd be a stretch to think he laughed it off repeatedly and was called out for it, but then decided otherwise and didn't inform anybody. I think it's safe to assume that MTV is his only real activity. I don't think it's any different from the other folks, btw, I've always said I don't respect the girls AND guys who choose that for the same reason. I don't understand the mindset of not having any job (at least part time) or going to school, or at least volunteering extensively. I don't think it's a good model for kids and I can't respect any woman OR man who chooses that, unless they are truly 100% full time taking care of kids or elderly parents or something, which none of them seem to do (and even then I think you should be heavily involved in community activities or productive hobbies or *something*). Yes, they get money from MTV, but I don't think that's a job. I personally don't get the lack of motivation and ambition. Even to save-- none of these people seem interested in socking away extra cash except Chelsea & Cole. They all just seem very content to ride the MTV wave while doing not much at all. Jo, like the rest of them, has always come across spoiled and lazy to me.
  11. Wait. Are these real? Eta: reread it. No they aren't. How sad is it that I thought they might be?!?! #povertytobachelors reminds me of Homeless to Harvard. It was a Lifetime movie about a homeless girl with drug addict parents who got into Harvard. It was 2 hours of drama and then at the end, a box on the screen that said "she left Harvard after two years. She continues to believe the road will rise to meet her." WTF, why did I have to watch this then?! Even as a 10 year old it pissed me off.
  12. This was in the late 2000s/early 2010s and she was raised as a moderate and not religious (she's an atheist actually), so I think some people just choose to be hateful & bigoted all on their own. I understand it a little more from people who have been heavily indoctrinated and brainwashed, though that number seems to be decreasing thankfully (although as you say the bigots will likely come out of the woodwork for the next 4 years...) Meri took up close pics of her, um, pleasuring a banana and sent them to the catfish.
  13. I don't think that personally not wanting to become a polygamist means you think your parents' marriage is invalid and fidelity isn't required. If I had poly parents I'd expect them to honor their commitments. Her shift to monogamy doesn't mean her parents' marriage and promises dissolve...On the contrary, as you become more open minded you're likely to start seeing all relationship configurations as valid. Plus, her own parents see their marriage as valid. To suddenly decide her mom didn't need to be faithful wouldn't be a favor to Meri, it would be an insult to their ongoing marriage and beliefs.
  14. This last episode with Isaac did bump Jo up for me a bit in terms of respect. In general I find him OK but extremely lazy, spoiled and kind of a loser, I can't get behind anybody not having a job or at least going to school or doing something with their time. But his reaction to what Isaac said about missing his dad, which obviously hurt him, was very mature.
  15. Yes, she's said he cheated. Not that that makes her cheating OK, but she has claimed he did.
  16. Due to her history I can easily see her having a real mental issue. It's hard to tell under all the bravado, though. And if she does, it would be really good to stay off TV. All this constant exposure and managing of one's image would make anybody a little crazy. If you don't have good coping skills or do have a severe mental health issue I can't imagine the insanity it would cause. She wants to throw things at the problem (horses, pigs, TV shows, weddings) to cover it up, and I have some sympathy for that but at some point it gets really, really old and tiresome watching it.
  17. I don't know. Is smoking directly abusive like hitting or grossly neglecting your kid? Maybe not. But if Jenelle ignoring her kid while he cries so she can have "me time" is messed up and neglectful (it is), and Leah living in total filth and filling her car up so much that stuff falls on Addie is (it is), and Adam driving recklessly with Aubree in the car is (it is), then smoking probably is too.
  18. I agree. If they had honestly said, "yes we were being immature and trying to make her jealous, but we did not assault her, she is the only one who got physical," or if Nathan had been honest about not seeing the assault but just the aftermath, and Jessica had admitted to being outside the car but said she had never touched Jenelle, just yelled at her, maybe Jenelle would have been convicted. But their complete narcissistic inability to admit any poor behavior on their parts just made it seem like the whole thing was total BS. Reasonable doubt for sure. I mean honestly, anyone seriously involved in an altercation with Jenelle is likely to have major issues themselves. It's not going to be believable that you are an angelic innocent bystander who was just classily sitting in their classy car when you were going to your baby mama's/boyfriend's ex's house and making someone like Jenelle so mad she throws something at you. Would have been much better to say yes, we regret starting the conflict and going over there but it doesn't excuse what she did. But these people are too stupid to know that.
  19. Seriously so weird. It looked like a rehearsal for a trial scene in a play by bad improv actors. I was upset when I first found out Jenelle was acquitted, but after seeing the trial it makes perfect sense. Nathan's "testimony" was literally him just saying his gf was assaulted but offering no details, before going on a self centered diatribe about custody, seeing his son, and David calling him a female on Twitter. Granted, Jenelle's testimony included her saying she was a good person and mom, but the burden of proof is on the prosecution, not the defense. I don't see how all that was even allowed.
  20. Chelsea still works right? Maci and Taylor only have the T shirt business as far as I know.
  21. I agree @Tatum. Sometimes it's so bad it's not even fun because some of what we see on screen is toxic or straight up abuse and neglect. And re: the court case, I will say that it made it really clear why Jenelle and Nathan have gotten off so many times and never served any hard time...
  22. I agree, I just mean that the act of skydiving is small potatoes compared to all the other much riskier activities. Skydiving just *looks* riskier. But my husband did it post-paralysis, with a reputable company. It's really not very dangerous. What IS dangerous to both parents and kids is the risky driving, poor eating, smoking, gun fetishes, ignoring doctors' orders, exposing them to animal abuse and other psychological trauma, procreating multiple times with domestic abusers, etc etc.
  23. Seriously. That became clear in the first episode this season-- that his "moral outrage" against the show is just a huge temper tantrum. He asked why they didn't show him doing nice things with Aubree the week after the dance he didn't go to. The producer said "well, I didn't know about those things" and he said "well, that's because Chelsea didn't tell you." Then she said, but why can't you tell me? "Well, why should I have to?" Then he switched to, "and why should Chelsea tell you what I'm doing?" It didn't even make sense or stay consistent within that 7 sentence conversation. He wants to be shown being a great dad, but doesn't want to let MTV know when that's happening like a normal person. So he basically wants to blame everything on Chelsea but also have his producers be mind readers? Or something? Sure will take that check, though.
  24. Now that I think of it, Jeremy loves to show off his guns and took a pic of his toddler holding it. Whether you're for or against gun ownership, statistically guns in the home are a much higher risk to both adult and child than skydiving. They might actually be a worse risk than anything else mentioned. And all the texting and driving they do as @GreatKazu mentioned. I think part of the issue is what we normalize. Unfortunately smoking, binge drinking, eating fast food constantly like Leah and co, texting while driving and not exactly storing guns properly are considered "normal" by a large percentage of the population. I wonder if they even think about it.
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