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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I vote girlfriend. Have you seen how Adam writes? There were also a lot of comments about how "women just have to accept how guys are" and Chelsea should too...Sounds exactly like someone trying to convince herself that some shitty dude's behavior is OK. I'm in a pregnancy group and women whose spouses are total dicks (like, calling them fat and ugly during their pregnancies, not even mentioning their birthdays, texting other women, etc) are always using the "boys will be boys" excuse.
  2. I don't personally *love* Chelsea except in relation to the others. She irritates me but she seems like a good mom and decent person and I'd defend her against Adam any day. Some people just think people should be grateful for scraps from a dad because many are absent and will defend the dad to the death. I don't think so (nor do I think moms should be exempt from complaints...I think that happens too, but it's different in certain ways because of our presumed gender roles). I don't believe in excusing anything because "that's how guys are," which was pretty much this poster's view on Adam. Like "guys can't remember dates for school events." Definitely don't think that's gender specific. Not bashing that person because it's a common view actually. I just don't agree with a gender, male or female, as an excuse for anything. Thanks! 4 months. Don't worry, I'm not using TM for parenting advice.
  3. All I can say is, watching this while pregnant is making me feel really sanctimonious. I'm over here missing my wine and some of these girls didn't even skip their heroin or pillses while carrying these poor kids.
  4. She's what, 6? Isn't it a little early to be totally numb to your own dad? And the numbing isn't exactly healthy either.
  5. If I were Aspyn I'd wait so damn long to have kids. That poor girl. As for the princess thing, I think so. Mariah might have been spoiled financially but her mother was the "barren" one who was extra needy with Kody. Kody seems neutral towards Mariah. And Kody treats Christine's kids with disdain. I get the sense that Jenelle's kids were his favorite because it was a lower drama atmosphere. Very few emotional demands on him.
  6. While that's true, I don't think people should be extra grateful for dads just because more of them than moms don't do their basic duties. She's spoiled in the money respect. But it's shocking when any child doesn't even hear from a parent on a birthday, whether that parent is a mom or dad. Just because it unfortunately happens a lot doesn't mean it's not shocking.
  7. Yeah, I always forget about them because they're rarely discussed on the show. I agree. Maddie is the one anomaly. Weird.
  8. Logan, Mariah, and Aspyn all seem to be their own people and to work hard. Mykelti is very very immature but she at least has continued with her goals so far.
  9. She appears to have a girlfriend per her Twitter. They're cute together!
  10. Exactly. A few years ago I'd have pinned Maddie as most likely to be successful, hands down. Now all of her siblings have far surpassed her and even her husband seems willing to throw in with the LV Browns in order to be able to quit working. And I agree, @Normades, the overt undeserved favoritism gets to me too. Makes it harder to back it up when clearly in her family she can do no wrong.
  11. People on this show love to get on their high horses about shit they have no problem doing themselves. Jenelle the DV queen is acting like she's positively shocked that Nathan could do such a thing, and Jeremy acted like Leah was good for nothing for cheating when he apparently has no issue doing it multiple times himself. http://radaronline.com/videos/jeremy-calvert-admits-hes-dating-ex-wife-leah-messer-cheating-scandal-explodes/ They are/were engaged. Forgot about his affair while married to Leah. What I don't get is why these people get married at all. If he doesn't 100% want to be monogamous, why propose?! You could just have a girlfriend and try to have an open relationship, or just date around. Why do you NEED to be engaged, married, divorced, engaged, broken up, etc etc in your early to mid 20s?
  12. Maybe they're scared because they're apparently banging the cast and are afraid they'll get found out!!! Lol
  13. - Nathan is a piece of abusive trash and Kaiser should be placed for adoption. I don't say that lightly. Neither parent is even slightly fit or appropriate. - Leah looks cray. I don't know if it's drugs or an exercise disorder. And dumb. Omg, carriers don't have symptoms!!! She's my least favorite mom, I think...Even Jenelle has moments of seeming lucidity and sincerity. Like tiiiiiiny moments. But they've happened. Leah is 100% manipulative. - My husband is just like Cole without the voice. Most helpful ever <3 - Adam is disgusting as always, but to be fair how was he supposed to know it was Aubree's birthday? Chelsea is such a bitch, dude! (Lol) - Jeremy is not a deadbeat dad, he's just a dumb redneck who also happens to work out of town. He's not the best guy in the world nor the worst. However, I have no problem at all believing he's a dirty dirty cheater. Guy has always seemed like a slut. Wasn't he engaged? Are they still? I think that was his fiancee, not just his girlfriend. These people go through engagements like I go through cans of seltzer. - Why doesn't Kail shower?
  14. She doesn't have to do the same thing, but she was going to do something and is now doing nothing. A lack of work ethic is a Brown family trait, though the other adult children have seemingly managed to escape it. I guess I just don't get why she deserves special treatment. Nobody ever defended the other "kids" this vehemently.
  15. It's happened with every Brown adult child, so Maddie should not be a special exception. At this point I believe she is an adult making her own choices. She's 21? And married with a child. And choosing to be on the show. And moving back to be on it even more. At what point does she become an adult if not now? 30? 35? 50? Or will she never be responsible for her own choices?
  16. It's been a month now. Safe to say they've moved, I think.
  17. Yeah...Their photos have been in Vegas for about a month, so sure seems like Caleb quit his job. Is Maddie "working" for Meri's LLR full time?!?! So many questions.
  18. She's a married mother who continues to be on the show and get paid. And suddenly we don't snark on the kids? People have absolutely reamed Mariah and Mykelti here, repeatedly. Mariah's around the same age as Maddie and Mykelti is younger. Why is Maddie exempt? Personally I don't like the girl-- she's unemployed and hasn't followed through on any of her promises for her education, while Mariah goes to college and works full time and Mykelti also works and goes to school. She gives off a classier, less annoying air than Mariah or Mykelti-- Janelle's kids do, I've noticed, more than the other moms' kids-- but she's actually the most full of shit. She'll be a grifter just like her parents, more than any of the others, IMO. We call Mariah and Mykelti spoiled but out of all the adult kids (including Logan and Aspyn) only one isn't working OR getting an education. And she happens to be the one who made the biggest deal out of her "career goals."
  19. Except that that's the opposite of the way Meri sees it. She DIDN'T choose one child, she wanted more, and that's actually the excuse she gave for wanting an equal budget...that she would have had more if she had been able to choose. That's WHY the others agreed to give her the same--because it would have been her choice to have 6 kids too. Also, we're not talking about a workplace, we're talking about a family that claims to be one. This is totally different from a work salary. Yes, kids shouldn't dictate your salary at work. But your kids aren't getting paid or allotted funds at work. YOU are making the money. Your spouse or child is irrelevant. This is a family budget. 7 people should get more than 2 people. They're not paying the wives each a salary, they're deciding as a family how much to give each person. It's not fair that each of Janelle's children should be 'paid' less than Meri's one child, especially since Janelle was working full time while Christine wasn't at all and Meri was working only part time.
  20. I don't usually "joke" about DV but seriously, isn't post engagement usually when the cops are called for this crowd?
  21. Maybe. People with BPD tend to self harm, though, and be more inwardly focused and depressed (sorry writing my dissertation on it so currently obsessed with representations of it), and 80- 90% of them were sexually abused. A ton of them have eating disorders. It's rare for women with it to be violent towards others, they're much more likely to be suicidal, around 10% commit suicide. Jenelle is AGGRESSIVE as fuck, demanding, pushy, violent, and her moods and personalities shift wildly. Outwardly focuses all her rage. I think her diagnosis of bipolar I was much more accurate. The flat affect + the sudden rage, classic bipolar. I would also vote NPD.
  22. My friend recently started selling LuLaRoe and it's already driving me nuts. I don't know how to tell her I think it's overpriced AND unattractive so I just tell her I'm broke right now.
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