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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. @GreatKazu yeah, I initially thought Vee was overstepping her bounds a bit in that conversation and Jo was shutting it down, but now it seems like they might have been talking about (well "around") the pregnancy...
  2. There is help available, which makes Nathan even worse for refusing to take it. He shows no signs of remorse for anything...Guy doesn't want help. He wants to be praised. After his second arrest against Jessica he posted violent songs about wanting to beat women and said they made him think of his ex. He also posted a diatribe AGAINST her. He thinks nothing's wrong with him. My cousin, a combat vet, became aggressive due to PTSD, alcoholism and a TBI, though certainly never like Nathan (IMO you have to be violent beforehand to become that vicious). There was never a single point at which he didn't feel remorse or see that what he was doing was wrong even if at the time he felt he was out of control. I believe most vets would consider Nathan a disgrace, not have sympathy. He'll never get help IMO. That's what scares me. @TeenMomAngerMgmt I agree that they're both selfish, but I don't think Nathan thinks he's wrong any more than Jenelle does. He's just as much of a narcissist-- spends his time on social media bashing others instead of dealing with his own issues. I'd be positively shocked if that dude ever went to treatment. That would involve admitting a flaw. And his inability to do that has nothing to do with PTSD.
  3. I know plenty of people with PTSD, plenty of alcoholics and plenty of combat vets..I can safely say I've never known anyone who broke into someone's home to choke them. TWICE. I also don't think combat PTSD is "special." Are we also going to start giving people semi-free passes because they have been raped or otherwise traumatized and then become rampant abusers? One type of PTSD isn't different from another...Jenelle, Kailyn and Amber have all been abusive, though never quite as badly as Nathan has. They've all likely gone through highly traumatic things in childhood. I don't give them any sort of pass because they were traumatized. The way one was traumatized doesn't affect the impact on the victims. I also don't think he's a great person to be around before this...He was a deadbeat dad to his daughter before he even had PTSD, I believe. That said, I don't seem to see Nathan the way that others do in general. He's a criminal and has always seemed 100% douche to me except for a couple nice moments with his son.
  4. How did I appear in court that many times in one week AND fight with two baby daddies and have an abortion?
  5. Hahaha! My husband built a lot of stuff before his spinal cord injury. He can't now, but he does all of our cooking, runs all the errands, and keeps a book of love letters for me. Everybody's got something.
  6. 25 years ago! Lol All of them except Javi live on MTV money. Must be nice :(
  7. Yes, even if she lied, you're 100% responsible for using a form of birth control yourself. I have no more sympathy for him than for her if that's the case (and I have none for her). Birth control fails and people skip days by accident all the time. Be smart with your own body. I bet it's the producer. Suzi is gross but I seriously loved Janet. She was awesome.
  8. Maybe he wants to keep it kind of private? Or she does?
  9. My bet is producer for some reason.
  10. Did I miss something? Did she ever actually give a specific health reason or just a vague "as I get older" excuse?
  11. He openly said he "couldn't" on more than one occasion. It's very clear he didn't want to. Adam would have used those opportunities to blame Chelsea for not telling him the time if he could have or if he truly hadn't known. He didn't. I wonder what his parents really think of him. I know they've defended him to the public but behind closed doors, do they wonder where they went wrong? I've always liked Ryan's parents because they're open about how not-ok their son's behavior is to them.
  12. Seriously!! Who, female or male, if they don't want a kid doesn't insist on a condom in 2017?! People are still this stupid? Guess so.
  13. There's *no* way a father could find out about school events? I call bullshit. Also, when Adam defended himself about that incident, he just said he couldn't make it then but he did do something else with his daughter the next week and why didn't MTV show that? From what I recall, he didn't say Chelsea didn't tell him that was happening. I could be wrong. ETA: just looked it up. Aubree asked him why he couldn't come. He says he was weightlifting. So no, I'm pretty sure he knew.
  14. Also, this dude was cool with unprotected sex after a couple months or less?!?! I guess she could have lied about being on BC but you should always use two forms and this pretty much guarantees they didn't use condoms. Why are people ***so*** stupid? I don't care if I'm on the pill and an IUD and the patch at the same damn time. You're wearing a condom unless we've decided to have a kid! Or did they actually discuss it, which is even more horrifying? Like she said to her casual boyfriend of 3 weeks, hey what if we try for a kid, and he said "cool?" What is life?!?!
  15. Weird to say it but Farrah is looking better and better. I don't give a shit about anybody being a "whore" or "slut" or whatever, who cares have sex, but I do care about putting more kids in harm's way. Jenelle, Kail, Maci, Catelynn, Leah, all having 83 kids and miscarriages and marriages and engagements before they hit 25 and Farrah's just over there throwing shade, counting $ and setting up a trust fund for Sophia...And they all think they're better than her...
  16. Exactly, that is super rare. I conceived with a quadriplegic and with ovarian cyst and thought my chances were low. Doc checked everything and laughed and said we'd conceive within months. We did. The vast majority of people can even if it doesn't happen immediately, and any practitioner will tell someone that for at least a year before they start warning them about "problems." It would be incredibly rare to be told you can't at age 24 with 2 previous successful pregnancies.
  17. Huh? I'll be 28 when I deliver and my doctor always talks about how young I am because most first time mothers in our area are 35+ (university town). Why would she need to be under 25 to have her THIRD child?
  18. Worse than Jenelle?! Tall order. I agree about Leah. She's nuts but I see genuine love in there. I'd love to see her get real treatment and real education.
  19. Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttt!!!!!!
  20. I don't know if I ever saw the "Corey truly loves Leah so deeply" thing. To me it just seemed like he was sexually obsessed and infatuated because he was getting laid and also because they suddenly had children. I definitely had exes I sobbed over and was truly obsessed with (and they with me) that were all about the drama of being 19 and not about them or me. It would have worn off in 2 seconds if we'd tried to be married or raise twins together. I think he now, or will one day, wonder why he ever made such a scene over her.
  21. I definitely don't think Corey is a cheater like Jeremy. But as for me, I'd be a lot more hurt and worried if my husband cheated with an ex multiple times than a random roll in the hay. It'd be more likely to happen again if he was just a wandering-eye type, but "I was deeply in love with her" would definitely be heartbreaking rather than comforting and would make me ditch the whole relationship immediately-- I'd wonder his motivations for dating and marrying me at all or if I'd ever match up to his ex. Making out with a stranger drunkenly would make me consider leaving, but a Leah type of situation would leave me wondering for the rest of my life just how often he thinks "what if." Would never reach any peace. I would assume Miranda has had to 100% blame Leah for the situation in order to get over it.
  22. @Scarlett45, it definitely seems that male cheating is kind of expected as long as you can hide it in their circles. Female cheating makes you an irredeemable whore. I'd like to think Corey's was a one time thing. If he was in the same position as Jeremy and constantly on the road I don't think he'd be nearly as much of a dog, but I do think he'd have made a much bigger deal out of it than Miranda did if she had cheated immediately after their wedding. They seem to be pretty good now, but man, the fact that he was cheated on right after a wedding and then turned around and did exactly the same thing is rough.
  23. I totally agree. The ironic thing is that they would consider ethical nonmonogamy agreed upon by all partners "slutty" and "gross" and "sinful" but J&L can cheat with every girl in booty shorts or boy in camos who can sort of read and it's "excusable."
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