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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I get that he wants to keep the peace he's finally achieved but he has to back up Vee too. I hope he does behind the scenes and just plays nice for the show?
  2. Yeah, the sexting was allegedly with that Brittany Musick girl, I think she was the one who planned to meet up with him but didn't-- he would have but she was some aspiring model and decided to tell the internet instead. Melissa something was the tattoo model and she or someone else alleged they actually had sex. They met on Twitter. The Wild Wings flirtations were a separate cheating allegation from both of those. Unlike Corey, who I believe would only ever cheat in certain circumstances like with Leah, Jeremy seems like the type to just not be able to keep it in his pants. He might not go obsessively seeking it out but if it's available (say, if he achieved some minor fame through a show), I really doubt he'd refuse on the basis of faithfulness. It's really hard to follow the timeline at this point because so much shady shit was going on. All that to say that I don't think there would be that many claims if the dude didn't cheat or at least try to very very hard, especially since he's done it again. (People do lie, but no one since Leah has ever claimed to have cheated with Corey. Even dipshits like Adam don't get regular cheating allegations. I assume because they're just not cheating). I don't think that's *why* Leah cheated or that she even necessarily knew. I think they're both just incapable of being faithful. Really they weren't that bad of a match if they'd both just looked the other way, because they certainly won't be able to be monogamous with any new partners.
  3. If I were Vee it would definitely be rough to deal with Jo backing up Kail even to keep the peace. There would definitely be some not-on-camera conversations about that...
  4. I want to ask that too but I've been too scared cause I don't wanna know the answer. *Puts hands over ears* All of that + Roids and booze= I'd put my money on him too. And judging by that SC court-run-by-puppets and his record, he wouldn't get convicted. ;)
  5. @SnarkKitty that's very true. Does he have a legal right to be in the basement, yes. But showing up there randomly is fucking unhinged, no matter how you spin it. Javi already has a penchant for drama and immaturity...No, he's not some abuser and Vee was right in what she said, but still, not a good time to necessarily be around Isaac until things calm down and you get your shit together.
  6. Yeah, I feel you, for the pleasure of screwing over Jenelle there's not much I wouldn't enjoy. lol! I just can't get past the two-time girlfriend-choking and the picture of him getting down and screaming in Barb's face is stuck in my brain--no love for that dude. It freaking sucks that both Ensley and Kaiser have domestic abusers for parents (two each!). Nathan was a deadbeat to his other kid and David the pregnant-lady-beater didn't have access to one of his until recently. Can you imagine the number of ruined lives? It's mind boggling. At least Jace has Barb--I wish Jenelle would get the heck out of his life and let ONE kid in this mess enjoy himself. And I want to take Barb on a damn vacation and buy her a drink, a massage, and a bikini. Chelsea's in a better place, I think. The others--nope.
  7. I want nothing to do with Nathan or any of Jenelle's other boyfriends/baby daddies, current, past or future--they don't deserve the $ or time and they've all treated Barb like shit. But I've long wanted Barb to be the focus. I'd watch Barb's segments with Jace happily...after all, we signed on to watch the show about JACE and how he was brought up, not the subsequent unfortunate kids...and he sure hasn't been raised by mugshot-happy Jenelle.
  8. I'm a fan of Vee, she doesn't take shit.
  9. Unfortunately it seems like Jo is relishing the payback a bit. I hope he outgrows that, Isaac needs a continued relationship with Javi.
  10. That quote in particular is burned into my brain. She sounded so desperate and crazed when she said it, like no one in the world has ever gone without touching other people's skin. What about people married monogamously for 40 years? Does she think they even exist? Or do they just cry into their pillows desperately longing for other skins to touch?
  11. This is so 100% true. The main takeaway of this show certainly isn't 'use birth control,' since none of them apparently do, but it IS that you'll probably turn out a lot like the generations before you. Yes, there are some folks who rise above very harsh circumstances and broken childhoods...but not very many. And that's only if you somehow have the emotional or intellectual resources to do so; not everyone does.
  12. No, I meant the tattoo model. She posted texts and messages that she said were between them and said they would meet up for sex while he was away working. She could be lying, of course, but I certainly don't doubt it given his track record. The Wild Wings thing (lol these affairs do not exactly sound that erotic) was separate. When there's smoke there's usually fire. I had more hope for Jeremy but then he showed his racist ass and cheated on the next one. He's at least a lot more reasonable and hard working than Leah but ugh.
  13. I believe the quote was "I haven't touched another man's skin in 2 years. 2'YEARS NATHAN." So creepy!!!
  14. Yeah I get a sick thrill from the same thing with Jenelle. It's not the show!!
  15. Didn't Jeremy cheat too? He also has a serial cheating problem. I always assumed he just wanted to move on since Leah was a mess, he lacked any ongoing interest and he had his own "indiscretions."
  16. Exactly. Discipline is important but it comes AFTER everything else. Good discipline assumes you already have a kind and solid relationship, mutual respect, shared activities and routines, clear expectations, interest in your kids' lives, values as a family...Without those *all* you have is discipline. Most of Leah's interactions with her kids seem to be punitive.
  17. Javi has a lot of potential. I just wish he'd get off the "tell all" bullshit. It makes him come across as ridiculously immature and egotistical. There's just no way for that to be good for your kid, who WILL read that in a few years. We get it, she sucked. Enough-- you're a parent and have a career, focus on that. And don't marry and impregnate someone after 2 seconds again, that will help. I hope he rethinks the tell all as time goes on and he heals. My dad got full custody of his son (from his ex, who had a drug problem) because his son had a say, even though by default it would have gone to the mom-- she got no visitation. And this was in the 80s. There's a chance! I hope for that for Jace. It would be great if they could work out visitation schedules so Jenelle could be part of his life, or so Babs would still play a major role if Jenelle had custody, but we all know there's no way that will happen...Jenelle will use him as a pawn and Barbara'll never see that kid again except at a few lunches with the latest domestic abuser. Let's pretend that Jenelle went through a rough patch but is now a fit parent: Even in that scenario, a decent person would recognize that even if custody went to her as the bio mom, there would need to be a long, easy transition from one home to the other, with therapy and tons of shared time, and that Barbara should still play a highly active role (more than the average grandma) throughout Jace's life. But Jenelle is incapable of that, so poor Jace would just be traumatized. Bring in the additional problems of other kids, a violent ex and violent boyfriend both in the picture, possible drug issues and extreme neglect, and that kid will be screwed. I hope the judge sees that.
  18. I don't see them as that poorly behaved given their environment. She seems to yell a lot...I don't think more scolding and yelling would do much. What would is probably more tenderness and genuine interest in them as people.
  19. I don't know about "major" but it's certainly a large university with decent four year programs that's fairly well regarded. The test scores required for admission are likely not very high, though. I wonder what she's majoring in.
  20. Seriously I don't get it. If you want to have a slutty phase, have a damn slutty phase! Nothing wrong with it. Instead these people all have to have a main person and multiples on the side while they're married and engaged and reproducing and whatever else. Just stay single and nobody will care what or who you do...
  21. The wedding was in October-- if she's 17-18 weeks pregnant it wouldn't have been until mid to late November that she conceived. My money is still on Chris. I wonder if Kail and I have the same due date...Ugh.
  22. Lol. Would be funny! I wonder if there are any. There's stage makeup and fashion school but getting a BA in cosmetology would be hilarious. I know there's a BA in homemaking at a crazy uber-Christian school. But nah-- she started just 6 weeks ago. Must have decided against beauty school.
  23. She goes to WVSU for sure. I assume she considered beauty school but chose WVSU instead. She started this semester at college, so that was in mid January, which is not what we're seeing on-screen now.
  24. Yeah, I don't believe the PFA was "needed" for her safety or anything but I can imagine Javi saying really sexist disgusting things over text and not leaving her alone. His anger is partly justified but like you said, it's also a "reap what you sow" situation and a good lesson. Also, I believed he consented to the PFA which will now be on his record for a year. I'm not saying he "abused" her (we know she lies about that) but if all she said was that he was harassing her via social media and he really wasn't, I don't know why he'd consent to that. I assume she blew it out of proportion to take it to court but I also fully believe there were some things he said/did that he would be too embarrassed for a judge to see, so he just consented to the order.
  25. I'm so confused by Javi. I watch a clip like that custody lunch discussion and he seems so reasonable and normal that I can't imagine him ever having enjoyed a moment with a drama queen like Kail. Then I read his Twitter and his plans to write a tell-all that his son will one day read about his mother and he seems like such a petulant man-child.
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