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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. People say "bih" a lot instead of bitch especially on the internet. I don't know how it got started but it's like a softer version of bitch.
  2. But like I said it's more of a joke thing now-- it's popular AMONG sorority girls. They flaunt it. It's sort of meta and ironic/hipstery. College kids use it just to describe a type, like "jock" or "frat boy" or "goth" or "surfer kid." I mean, it describes a very particular type of girl. There are posters and shirts that say it that girls wear. Some ironically, some unironically, some in between. It's like kids who own that they're emo. It's basically a name for the "popular" girls who usually have made fun of OTHER groups. So I can't manage that much sympathy. Every other group has always been labeled, maybe it's their turn. Says a lot about racial and class politics honestly that it's not actually really used as an insult. It was meant for white middle class girls so it's never actually been very offensive.
  3. It just means you're boring, not particularly intellectually curious, and have no real individual interests beyond what's faddish for whatever your age group is. It's not really that much of a "pejorative," girls my age and younger joke about being basic bitches all the time ("omg I'm such a basic bitch right now, look at my Audrey Hepburn poster and throw pillows that say 'love' and 'hope'").. It's a middle class/suburban class marker so it's more jokey than insulting. Like many "slurs" reserved mostly for whites and non-lower class folks, it's a bit insulting but only in the shallowest and jokiest of ways. It basically just means "really average." People who say things like "Marilyn Monroe is my spirit animal." And non-white girls often joke about being basic bitches too in their captions of their Starbucks runs. It's just that in our country whites tend to have privileges other groups often don't, and they're considered the default, so they're likelier to be considered "basic" aka "average girl." Kail would not be basic not because she's interesting or curious about others outside of her own prescribed group but because she's trashy...Same reason Jenelle wouldn't be.
  4. I definitely don't see Cole as being beaten down by Chelsea. He just doesn't care about the small stuff. Btw, what is with Farrah getting me on her side? Calling out Amber, now Kail, on their bullshit?
  5. Jenelle is really bad. I think my hatred of Amber trumps my hatred for her, though. I think I've gotten so desensitized by Jenelle that everything is "meh," whereas Amber keeps reaching stunning new heights (mocking women who accused her fiance of rape??!). Kailyn has been moving up the ranks lately though.
  6. Vee, too. @SPLAIN, she said "halfway through" her pregnancy at first, which would have put her conception date at the end of October if she was indeed 20 weeks. Later she said 17 weeks, which would put the conception date at mid November. She's reiterated several times when asked that she wasn't pregnant in October/early November. Unless she's lying, which would be somewhat pointless because she's admitting to cheating either way. So it looks like she and I will be giving birth maybe even the same week. And both likely having girls. I can't say I'm a fan of sharing anything in common with Kail, but, well.
  7. Yeah, absolutely. He didn't purposely seek out a TV star like David and Nathan, and he doesn't even seem to relish the fame aspect like Javi. But he makes quite a bit of money off the show and his social media presence. Nothing wrong with that, but he's an adult. Every money making opportunity has a cost. Usually it's time in the form of schooling or long hours of work. Maybe physical labor. He's sacrificing privacy and the right not to be judged. Again, there's no more wrong with that than with a lawyer who gets paid to work 14-hour grueling days full of arguments and stress, but if he wanted more privacy, he could easily make many thousands of dollars less and have it. You never get paid just for existing.
  8. I agree that while I like Chelsea, and she's just not going to be that hard of a worker no matter what, I wish there was someone in the entire TM franchise who had gone to school and made something of their career. I know it's just as nice to focus only on family...But I just wish viewers could see *someone* out of all of them become a social worker like Cate had planned, or actually work in the medical field, teach, something. Even have a passionate hobby like reading, sports, music, politics. Something other than getting arrested, fighting with baby daddies, being in relationships and having more kids. I'd just like to see one of them really, really care about something out in the world. I didn't know about the cheating with Adam while Taylor was pregnant. Yikes.
  9. I hate birth control and don't want to be on it so my husband and I waited to have sex until we were 100% sure we were going to get married and wanted children. I think Chelsea knew what she was doing and that she might get pregnant and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. She knew Cole would be a good dad and she was stable financially. Nothing to complain about there. I do wish they hadn't pretended it was an accident afterward and acted all shocked. That was silly and eyerolly.
  10. It's true. Amber and Kailyn really believe they are above it all. I think out of all the TM girls I dislike Amber most strongly.
  11. You don't need SAT/ACT scores for all colleges. It's a strange conundrum...I used to tutor kids aiming for a 1600. Scores are consistently rising at top schools. At the same time a lot of others are deemphasizing standardized testing because of data that suggests huge racial and gender disparities in various sections, and big disadvantages to disabled students. The biggest factor influencing SAT score is family money. Many schools are catching on and not requiring scores or barely looking.
  12. That's a good point. If he means what he says and learns from his mistakes, it's a one off and he'll get into a more reasonable relationship. If he's attracted on some level to drama, power struggles and the like, which some people are, it'll be a problem. He may have been at 19 and not now, or that might be an aspect of his personality he'll need to kick.
  13. I go back and forth on Javi. I think he's a genuinely good at heart person, good father, and hard worker. Very egotistical, made some really bad decisions, was heartless about the miscarriage, and the sneaking in thing was just plain creepy and bizarre. However, I think he has the potential to mature and change, unlike Kailyn, Jenelle, or Amber who seem to see themselves as 100% victim, and unlike some of the dads like Adam, Nathan, and Ryan. And I think if he gets with someone else he won't be like this. That doesn't make him not responsible for his behavior but I don't think this is always going to be his norm. If he really releases a tell all, however, my opinion of him will go wayyyyy down. I am hoping that's out of anger right now and he will rethink it in the future. That whole mess will really upset Isaac and Lincoln. However she may seem to us and really be, Kailyn is their mom and I don't think anyone deserves to read a tell all by their dad about their mom written out of spite. I understand the anger and hurt but he's not the only person that matters in this.
  14. Jo went to school a while ago and dropped out. I don't think there's any proof he goes now, given his social media. But there's nothing wrong with him being a stay at home dad and Vee working if that's what they choose, that choice should be more socially accepted. He tweets about cooking and that sort of thing. Maybe he's just into that lifestyle. I'd love for my husband to be a SAHD if we could afford it.
  15. https://www.google.com/amp/www.intouchweekly.com/posts/nathan-griffith-fat-shaming-snapchat-teen-mom-2-127746.amp "America is becoming filled with a bunch of non-working lazy ass crybabies." Nathan really likes to project: trailer trash, lazy...
  16. It's unthinkable. Being drunk is no excuse. What these kids will see when they're older is disgusting. I'm also not buying the drunk excuse because he was also texting about it the next morning. I believe he was really considering abandoning his son just like he abandoned his daughter who is being raised by her grandparents. Chelsea is a bit bratty but she's always been more friend than daughter with both of her parents. If someone saw me interact with my mom sometimes they'd probably think I was being "rude" and "bitchy" and maybe so, but there's a long history there and lots of back story. It's not the first time I've asked her to please not bring up my college exes or my suicidal thoughts at age 16 at gatherings, it's the 50th or 100th or 1,000th. So it's not going to be rainbows and flowers and polite requests. Personally that's what I saw. This is definitely not the 1st, 3rd or even 20th time she's asked Mary not to call Cole Aubree's replacement dad in front of her. At some point they're both adults and Mary being older doesn't mean she doesn't have to adhere to her daughter's wishes for her own child.
  17. Mary's a nice lady and harmless in the relative terms of this show but agreed, she's very emotionally immature and will press on with topics ad nauseum. Reminds me of a certain family member I have-- very conservative and the rest of the family is very not, and instead of just leaving it be like we all try to do she always wants to stir things up for the sake of it. Mary seems "gossipy" like that. I'd be annoyed too.
  18. What's that din-durn place fer book learnin' called again? Corey Tahler! Corey's not related to this. I just have her saying "Corey Tyler" like his mom in my head.
  19. I definitely agree. To me the criticisms that are well earned are the ones worth making, and it's simply not true that someone's doing something wrong 100% of the time, not even the worst moms/dads/people on earth. Criticizing every tiny thing takes away from the very real criticisms to be made IMO. (that's not to say it's not fun ;)) As for diets-- Leah is exceptionally bad, no question. But I'm sure Aubree gets plenty of Toaster Strudel, soda, ice cream, candy and pizza. When we see most of the kids eating on both TMOG and TM2 it's chicken fingers, fries, pizza, hot dogs, corn dogs, fast food, etc. In fact I usually look just because it's a a common topic of conversation and I don't think I've ever seen a healthy meal. Better than Leah's significantly worse habits, which seem to be more about extreme carelessness, but certainly not great.
  20. -BECOME A WRITER?!?!?! Nooooo. Maybe Tyler can ghostwrite it. -Wow, "why are you crying?" Let's try to be a little colder, that's just too compassionate and empathetic. Damn. -We get it Javi, she sucks. Nobody needs convincing of that. Threatening to break windows ain't making you look any better, though, bro... -Nathan needs to put down the alcohol, the roids and the weights and get help pronto. -Mary is well meaning but extremely irritating.
  21. Yeah, I definitely do weird little voices and sing made up songs all the time and my husband has started doing them. He's the furthest thing from a yes-man, it's just a thing some couples end up doing. It's not like he does the voices and sings the songs with others. I can't fault Cole for that. For that jacket, though, he deserves a visit from the fashion police. Wtf was that? 90s music video gone Dakota? Vee tweeted a while ago that she doesn't like filming because they have to talk about and respond to exactly what the producers bring up. I think it's a lot more scripted than it may seem (and it already seems scripted). Re: the tweet, even with no context I'd just read that as her saying she wasn't pregnant by the time of that scene, nothing to do with the dad. She said "no I wasn't," which indicates she wasn't pregnant with his baby *at that time* to me. I was referencing the "halfway through" because I believe that's what Kail said that made people think she got pregnant before mid-November.
  22. I took Kail's tweet as only related to the date, not the dad. I started saying I was "about halfway" through my pregnancy at around 16-17 weeks, I think that's pretty common even though technically 20 is halfway, so I assume 17 weeks is the actual number. I understand why Chelsea would have been angry with her mom in that scene. But my question is, don't the producers pretty much tell them what to talk about? I'm assuming they don't just show up to watch them have lunch...They bring up Adam and Cole because it's Chelsea's only drama.
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