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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yeah, my understanding was that they mutually decided this. I agree. It didn't seem at all like she rejected him to me. Seems like they rejected each other and didn't bother to make real arrangements before letting poor Isaac figure it out on his own. She was acting bitchy but that's her norm. He was acting sort of passive aggressive but a bit outwardly friendlier, that's his norm. Remember the concert? Suddenly Isaac was "Kailyn's kid, not his" and he wouldn't pick him up? Same shit, different day.
  2. Jeremy isn't cool with interracial relationships? I mean that surprises me literally negative percent (his spelling and rants *scream* "Trump/guns for toddlers/Jim Crow would be cool to bring back but I'm not racist") but please point me towards deets! Personally I also can't stand the animal neglect & abuse. And Adam. He should be on there somewhere. I'm sure we can find a way.
  3. One can only dream. And hope that "the people of South Carolina" have better luck.
  4. @smores, yeah I totally agree. They both bear the responsibility for that one. Javi was adamant about getting married quickly and being Big Papi to both kids, and Kail was only too happy to oblige. Now Isaac is paying for their idiocy and immaturity.
  5. Abuse is *not* a consequence. Her mom was abused and didn't deserve it. Nobody deserves abuse, no matter how shitty they are. She's been abusive too and her victims didn't deserve it even though they were shitty, equally abusive people like Nathan and Courtland. I hate Jenelle, but being abused more will continue the cycle that started many generations ago in her family. Being treated well would likely help her not to abuse her own children, maybe to learn a different way. She had to see her mom being abused and has issues with men partly because of it and so do her two siblings (both have major mental health and violence issues), now her kids see her being abused. When does it end? Comeuppance and revenge do nothing for anybody.
  6. Isaac and Jace both seem like sweet kids. I have no idea why or how with their family situations, especially Jace. You can see when Barb and Jenelle start in, he just wants to sink into the floor. :( It was, he's such a gross waste of space. :(
  7. @ghoulina, Leah's concern over Addie was well founded, but then it turned out to be just about getting angry at Jeremy. It's like, hello, yes you should know where your kid is! Now answer the damn phone! There are so many things I'd have more sympathy for with her if she didn't act like everything was a manipulative game.
  8. Yeah, I don't see a vibrator itself as gross at all but keep that shit private. She does that with everything though. Fine, get plastic surgery, get new cars, you do you & whatever makes you happy-- nobody really cares or has a chance to "hate" if you just keep it to yourself!! The problem is she doesn't want neutrality, she wants praise for everything. I guess a holdover from a messed up childhood but it would be hard to deal with.
  9. The only thing I saw no problem with was the vibrator, lol-- it's not like you'll be with kids 100% of the time. I'm sure guys on a vacation pleasure themselves in the bathroom or in a private moment in the bedroom, not sure why it's different for a girl. I did think it was trashy and creepy to talk about it on TV, I wouldn't have done that. I wouldn't be on TV, or at least not this show, at all, though. Just do it and don't tell anybody like a normal freaking human!
  10. I agreed with Leah that Jeremy was wrong-- the Ohio thing was fucked up IMO, and deliberate-- until she refused to speak to him. Even when homegirl is right, she sabotages herself. She can't be emotionally mature for a second. Jace with his singing is breaking my heart. Jenelle and Barb need to learn major impulse control and David needs to stay the hell out, he's not part of this situation. And his homophobic comment made me want to punch his Frankenstein face. And Jenelle: he is not your son because of YOU. You. And Nathan clearly has a good relationship with Kaiser. What a piece of trash for screwing it all up and throwing away the one chance for him to be a decent man in some way in order to choke an ex twice and drink and drive. He brought it on himself and now it's only Kai that will suffer because of his two selfish "parents." Why couldn't Kail and Javi have said he would share a room with Lincoln, like someone said above? Javi *does* have responsibility for Isaac because both he and Kail made it a huge deal that he become his parent. He was told to call him dad and Javi regularly called him "my son." Poor Isaac shouldn't suffer now because of those two douchebags and their inability to stop tweeting angrily about each other. Honestly, this show just makes me sad now. This is child abuse.
  11. I think it's all about their own fear, just like people who say, oh *I* could never be poor, because of x y z. Or *I* would never be raped. It's not even necessarily about them thinking less of the person, they just need to manage their fear of misfortune by pretending that they're totally in control so they could never be a victim of violence, lose a child, become disabled, get evicted, lose their job, get divorced, etc etc etc. *My* kid won't get sick because we only eat organic, and *my* kid won't have autism because we don't vaccinate, blah blah. Corey and Leah would benefit from therapy for themselves, not just for Ali, to help them learn to be supportive and empowering. Pipe dream I know.
  12. @mamadrama people have come up to my husband (who is paralyzed but does not have a degenerative disorder) *multiple times* to tell him if he accepted Jesus, he could walk. Corey and Leah don't have a philosophy far off from that. It's truly dehumanizing. Perhaps someone should tell them that if they accepted Jesus they might not be so fucking stupid.
  13. Lolololololol I am dying right now. He can hashtag it for Leah and embroider it on camo for Corey.
  14. Um whoaaa let's please not misrepresent her. That's nothing like what Jenelle would say. "Dude" was NOWHERE in that sentence.
  15. I would believe that but they've been told SO many times at this point. Soooo many. What is plainer and easier than "she needs to use the wheelchair at home" and "her activity is causing the falling?" Leah seems to be taking baby steps towards acceptance whereas Corey seems to be doubling down on his ableism and denial. That slip and slide thing was totally gross, though. She at least seems to get that activity causes the deterioration but then her usual nastiness with her kids (aka scolding them for no reason) translates basically into scolding her for being disabled. And Corey is likely kinder and more encouraging at home, but he seems determined to "encourage" her into directly harmful activities, thinking he's the dad and knows better than some darn ol doctor. Wheelchairs aren't a sign of failure. For Ali, they're a sign of hope and better health, of increased mobility and a longer lifespan. I could feel worse for them if I didn't know so many adults hindered by parental attitudes like these. Ali seems smart, and neither of her parents is very bright, so she could actually surpass them in that area. She could get all A's in school and I bet her parents would never be as proud as if she did a mediocre job at some physical thing she shouldn't be doing anyway. Unfortunately there are some people who wouldn't be impressed by a Pulitzer if the person couldn't hear or walk or whatever.
  16. Yes exactly. Also, it seems Ali is very intelligent and curious. She has excellent verbal skills. She could be involved in drama, a kids' writing class, a math or science group...Oh, who are we kidding, this is Leah and Corey.
  17. If you include her abortions and miscarriages isn't she actually on like kid 6? Maybe I'm wrong.
  18. @ChocolateAddict, exactly. Leah seems to treat the helmet and wheelchair as a punishment or act like she's being "naughty" for falling over, while Corey praises her for being able to do things like ride a bike and pushes her to continue, which is what is causing the quick deterioration/falling to begin with. That is not tough love or "giving her hope." It's just teaching her to hate herself and her disability and to look at her disability as some kind of punishment from God or a sign of her own inadequacy. Why can't Corey get her interested in activities other than bike riding and T ball? Experiment, try different things she could do from a wheelchair. There's plenty. And why can't Leah treat the helmet as something fun or at least just necessary, or put the other girls in helmets too when they're doing something like the slip and slide? She's a little kid, she doesn't know to be embarrassed about her differences unless someone is forcing her to be.
  19. @GreatKazu I can only imagine being the poor guy/woman who has to sort through the two mile long rap sheets of two people who don't have custody of their first children to figure out where the kid is least in harm's way. Jesus Christ.
  20. Yeah, I agree. I'm torn because they clearly have a good relationship (although on Nathan's end it does seem at least partially performed for the cameras, as he certainly hasn't fought this hard for his off camera daughter, or maybe he's just one of those who likes boys better...), unlike what Jenelle has with Kaiser, but Nathan is also very dangerous and I fear for Kaiser if he drinks or uses steroids. Not that David and Jenelle aren't dangerous, because obviously they are, but I can understand why the judge has now not given him custody after 2 aggravated domestic violence charges, along with myriad others, within 5 months. He seems to have really gone off the rails (and fallen off the wagon, if he was ever on it) since the breakup with Jessica. But Jenelle could pick up the pipe again at any moment too. I don't know how judges make decisions in these cases. How the hell would you know which violent parent to place a poor child like this with?
  21. Also, HOW THE HELL IS JENELLE BEING SO REASONABLE AND NORMAL. I am seriously confused. It's like the twilight zone. Is she just off the drugs???
  22. I can't stand Corey and Leah's ableist bullshit anymore. Not just their behavior, which I think @SPLAIN said was worthy of CPS at this point (it is), but their attitudes. Corey's anti-science speech truly disgusted me and Leah's claims that it's Ali who's embarrassed are just crap. She wouldn't be embarrassed if they didn't make her embarrassed and treat her disability like something she should be ashamed of and/or pretend doesn't exist. They are two uneducated hicks who somehow lucked out and got literally one of the world's top specialists as their doctor. They have no fucking clue how good they have it and how many disabled adults and kids would kill to go to someone like that but can't due to location or resources. And they think they know better than him? Please. I could manage some sympathy at first but now their bigotry (yes, I see it as bigotry) is literally child endangerment.
  23. I don't judge them for that (being on the show at a young age). I do judge them for continuing to sign up and then complaining endlessly about the show. It's the eighth season now.
  24. Kail, Adam, Jeremy and Leah are all pretty bad on that front.
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