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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Debz OG needs material from The Haterz for her future songs!
  2. Yeah, I like Randy generally and obviously Jenelle sucks but it's definitely not a good look for a 50-something (?) professional to be doing this. Isn't it sort of weird for his clients?
  3. I agree. I just don't know if Luis "You Are Such a Strong Woman, You Can Handle It" Miguel is planning on actually doing that, lollll
  4. This makes a LOT of sense in terms of what we see on the show/from their families.
  5. Manatees are nice and docile so idk.
  6. *warning-- postpartum emotionality ahead I HATE Jenelle and David and what they did to poor beleaguered Barb. Let her have her two glasses of Merlot or whatever it was, I hope she enjoyed the hell out of it while out with her 36 grandkids she shouldn't be having to raise and on break from the job she shouldn't need anymore. Seriously, FUCK them, they make me sick. *Postpartum swearing rant over Leah seems to be off the pillses for nowses so that's good...ses. For the life of me I don't understand why Briana DOESN'T just say to Luis, "where are you getting your car seat?" Or "when are you planning to shop for a crib?" Or "which high chairs have you gone out to see?" For Christ's sake, just approach it as if it's a given that he will be 50/50. Act as if joint custody is obvious since he refused adoption. The whining doesn't hold him accountable. When she said "if he moves he needs his own car seat and crib" as if she was being extra badass for demanding that, my thought was "wait, he wasn't already planning on that?!?!" And she wasn't expecting that of him? I guess she lives in a different world because if I'm pregnant and the person and I break up, um, yeah, we both obviously need all the appropriate gear, or if there are financial issues, we obviously need to work out a plan on sharing what we can buy or taking out a loan...like, that would be my baseline expectation, not something I would demand as some part of my personal empowerment. She's acting like it's some big feminist move to expect the very lowest level basics...but not actually expect them, just whine about them to her friends. I don't frequent The Club though (I like to imagine everyone who regularly says "the club" goes to the same one) and I don't have a safe sex allergy, so maybe my mileage varies. I don't understand what Chelsea was freaking out about because nothing happened in her segments. She caused way more social media drama than the episode was worth. Taking after Randy, I guess. I'm trying to imagine following my middle aged South Dakotan dentist on Twitter and being like "ooo sick burn" when I read his and his adult daughter's tweets. Still too grossed out by the Kailyn storyline to comment. Also I'm finding Big Papi hot? Is that my hormones too?
  7. Yeah, I don't think trash talking Adam is the issue. After watching the episode she was so upset about I understand the drama over it even less. If she hadn't posted that rant I wouldn't have thought anything of her segments at all. They were innocuous. She & Randy need to stay off Twitter.
  8. Oh, I agree wholeheartedly that Adam deserves no sympathy for how he was portrayed. That's his own fault 100%. But to be all pearl-clutchy about "oh how horrible this will be for Aubree to see later"-- yeah, if she watches TM in future years I'm pretty sure she'd be more upset that she was on TV for years for being the daughter of a teen mom, called a mistake, and never had a father...I doubt that a minor storyline several years in about her jealousy of a baby brother will even register. (Maybe Aubree will be mad that she was on TV at all before she had the choice to do so or not). Chelsea is upset about how MTV made *her* look this season. And that's fine. But she signed up for the same show, with the same motives, and knows that reality TV (especially a franchise that literally started by filming the births of teenagers!!) is inherently all about the drama and exploitative, including of children. The money comes at a price, which includes privacy and the ability to control your own narrative. She can't expect the hefty paycheck without paying it.
  9. Yeah, I'm pleased to see her school seems involved and aware. Many are not! Many parents of children with MD, and adults with MD, would kill for face time with someone like Dr. Tsao. I would feel differently if it seemed like they were now FINALLY taking his recommendations but it seems like they still aren't (unless I'm misunderstanding given the wonky timelines), so I don't feel bad about continuing to judge them unless I'm wrong and they've changed their ways.
  10. Ok I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for this at all. The show has exploited her child every season, not just this one. Adam being a sucky father was the main storyline for years. She didn't mind that even though it could very well hurt and upset Aubree in the future and draw attention to her in the meantime. I don't necessarily see this as advocating for her child; Chelsea is at least partially mad about how SHE has been made to look as a mom with this storyline. Which is fine and all, but she's always taken the money, the show has never NOT been exploitative (Aubree's tantrums and family drama have all been filmed), no one forced her to sign up, and it's a reality show. The producers are just doing their expected job by editing creatively, or only showing the drama, if that's true. Everyone on earth knows that happens, and it's not her first rodeo. My reaction to her response ranges from "cry me a river with your six figure check" to a shrug.
  11. I really like Gary. I wish he would lose weight only because I hope he's around for his girls and Kristina for a long, long time. Nobody expects him to be extremely thin but he is dangerously obese. That's not even me being snarky, it truly makes me sad and worried.
  12. Whoa @MissMel, I'm sorry. I'm sad to say I've witnessed something similar and it's truly traumatizing even if you're not close to the person, which it sounds like you are. I hope you are doing any healing you need to. <3
  13. Wait so is that her bare butt? What is the thin black line along the side of her hip? I'm so visually confused.
  14. Yes, I agree, it's unfathomable. This is actually why I think Leah's dim wittedness continues to matter. In their immediate circles, education appears to be so looked down upon that there don't seem to be many ways to better yourself, so her individual baseline level of intelligence-- not just school smarts, I'm talking just the natural ability to think critically and reason--is pretty much all she has to go on. She thought as a woman, she could get by on her looks, but that hasn't worked out because of her cheating, the show, the quick pregnancies, her bad judgment overall (and that of her partners) and her bad choice in Jeremy. She suggested counseling to Jeremy once and he said with disdain that he didn't want to go talk to somebody with a PhD, as if that level of education actually was a mark against a person. Leah and Corey's attitudes about Dr. Tsao (i.e. that they know better, and even in some cases seeming to put him down and wanting to prove the medical system wrong) seems to be along the same lines and born of the same ideology that actively devalues education. You could get by in that environment in terms of making a living if you were hard working and had some practical common sense and a decent number of IQ points; Miranda, Corey and Jeremy are examples of that. Leah doesn't have life skills or the basic ability to reason and think critically about things, which is what I would call "intelligence," so she would have done well not to cheat on those who were propping her up.
  15. Maybe she should switch it up and start going out with dudes and asking Briana to babysit while she's at the club? That's what I wish Barb would do, lol.
  16. Definitely agree on your analysis. She didn't know, but also seemed understandably put off that the producer was asking questions at that moment. And I've always thought Leah's main problem was not that she was ill intentioned, but rather that she is very, very dim. I think at a baseline level, her IQ is just really low. I know that's mean but I think it's the source of a lot of her issues. Corey is maybe a little smarter (though a rocket scientist he is, um, not), but yes, just as in denial.
  17. It looks like a postpartum pooch to me. But that might be me projecting. :(
  18. I can see both sides of the Briana situation. On one hand, Roxanne is acting as if Luis trapped Briana. I don't think a man or woman can "trap" anyone into a baby unless they literally poke holes in a condom. Briana chose her fate. She can't be enabled forever. At the same time, Luis is pulling a major dick move by insisting on no adoption but making vague statements about "being there" for his daughters-- clearly he's one of those dudes who thinks a birthday card and occasional visit is "being there." It seems like playing an equal role in the day to day needs of his child isn't even in his vocabulary. Roxanne doesn't hold Briana accountable how she should, but she saw right through his bullshit when she said "kids need something every single day." He's all but saying he won't be there every day, won't be the primary or even an equal caregiver but won't consider adoption, and oh well for Briana and his kid. I didn't think anything she said was actually *wrong,* just that she would do well to give her daughter the same tough but true speech. She says things in a one sided way that don't recognize her daughter's equal role in the situation being what it is, but what she said directly to Luis wasn't wrong imo. He's not there for his other kid and odds are he won't be for this one either. I'm happy that Leah and Corey at least seemed to be somewhat acknowledging Ali's disability-- but it feels like too little too late. I don't have much sympathy left for them as parents, she is dealing with more than they've ever had to and, as a child, doesn't have the power to advocate for herself. I have sympathy for Ali having had to suffer because of their denial for years. She is smart and has a sharp mind IMO, and I wish they were interested in intellectually challenging her and developing her academically or creatively instead of talking about prayer saving her and allowing her to do T-ball and tumbling. I get Chelsea's desire to protect her child from being part of an overblown MTV narrative...but she could do that easily by not being on a show that is meant to be dramatic and is inherently exploitative of children. She's an employee at a reality show. Her job is to provide drama or have s storyline written for her if not. I'm so bored and over these girls, every last one of them, acting shocked and flabbergasted that producers showed their drama on television or edited creatively. DUH. That's their job. Accept it or don't take the paycheck. You are not victims of MTV, you are overpaid employees. David would have been hitting Kaiser if the cameras weren't there. Kailyn is so annoying I don't want to write about her.
  19. One thing I haven't seen from any of the girls on the show or most of their partners is work ethic. I haven't seen a real desire or drive to work or study from ANY of them. Kail had a little "get up and go" in her at first, but that's long, long gone. Chelsea/Leah/Jenelle never had any to speak of. The secondary characters don't have much either. The only ones I would truly describe as hard working, regardless of other good or bad traits (I like Jo, for example, but he's never been the hard working type, and Jeremy is a dick but he works hard as hell) are Jeremy, Javi, Barb, Corey and now Brittany as well.
  20. I still have my American Girl dolls and books and will hand them down. They've held up exceedingly well and will be heirlooms now. They also taught me my first real history lessons, unlike a Barbie or baby doll. They are crazy expensive but I found them worth the expense. When I saw that photo I hoped Maryssa would cherish them like I did. The poor girl has so little to cherish or get excited about. Her life is just watching people get angry at each other and being shuttled around. There's no pure childhood fun for these kids.
  21. I'm surprised she didn't get a camo one in honor of her new personality.
  22. Yeah, I've been surprised to be asked about my social media followings specifically at interviews the last few years for certain jobs (when I worked in publishing). Of course...Flat Tummy Tea and dangerous corsets would not have been appreciated.
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