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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Yeah, can't bring myself to care about Devoin.
  2. I know plenty of women who completed PhDs while pregnant, with newborns, and with jobs, and no MTV, some single moms and some married. They deserve kudos, not Kail.
  3. Maybe's it's Leah's lipstick so it won't wear off before then. OHHHHH
  4. I agree that it's silly to be THIS upset, though I assume she was also pregnant and hormonal, but I think in this case they were both unrealistic. He weirdly seemed to want a trap baby as much as her. After he cheated he was angry that she didn't want to live with him anymore, and months later when they are not together in any way he's pissed that she invited an ex to her shower (cry me a river). They both seem highly immature and possessive beyond what was reasonable after a one-night stand. If I didn't know their ages I would assume they were a couple in high school that doesn't understand that you don't commit for a lifetime after 3 weeks.
  5. Sometimes with the way Kailyn goes from 0 to 60, I wonder if she has some kind of untreated bipolar disorder. I don't mean that to stigmatize mental illness, I have my own issues with depression and anxiety myself. She really seems 'not well' sometimes. That is separate from her being an asshole. She is an asshole regardless of her mental health issues. Her treatment of others is not due to mental health problems. But with some of her stranger choices, I agree...it seems impulsive in a medically unhealthy way.
  6. Jenelle and Leah were asked about gender roles in one of the reunion sand both said they felt it was primarily the woman's job to do housework and childcare (which neither of them actually DO, by the way!!). Like, WHAT?! You have these hyper-traditional/archaic (depending on your personal opinion) views about gender roles once you actually have the baby...but you have sex with random people?! It doesn't work like that. 'You can't turn a ho into a housewife' goes both ways-- 'you can't turn a ho into a husband.' I'm being flippant, but seriously--you can't get mad at someone for not being the traditionalist wife/husband of your dreams after you bang at the club, a truck, or somebody's backyard. Conception doesn't flip a switch that makes people who were willing to bang at the club without a condom the previous night suddenly want unwavering monogamy and forever-love. It reminds me of Maci and her 'make me an honest woman.' It took her three kids to hammer down a commitment. Why not just, I don't know, find someone who longs for commitment from the get-go?
  7. Yes, they were in a committed relationship and agreeing to live together away from the coven. The main thing that shocks me isn't the cheating but the fact that they both agreed to monogamy and living together permanently after a one night stand. Like...wow. And yes, it's very similar to Corey and Leah at first. Its totally unrealistic to agree to a commitment after a few nights of sex at a stressful time. I'm confused as to why any of them would think it was a good idea or why their families wouldn't talk them down from it.
  8. Yes, that's actually one of the TM scenes that made me cry. And if sleeping around and impregnating people or getting pregnant could get your kids taken from you, like half of the U.S. would have no custody of their kids.
  9. Oh my god, that's horrifying. And with responsible adults in the home...which is lacking at the swamp.
  10. The baby is ugly, but he's that lumpy baby ugly-cute. (Or maybe I just think all babies are cute in some way.) We actually keep asking each other whether our baby is actually cute or we are just obsessed with her, because I'm sure the hormones/genetics make you think your own baby is attractive regardless. Mostly when I see him I just feel bad for him because of his mom and overall situation. (And probably his dad, who seems like a douche too.)
  11. I just couldn't with the puppy. Exactly how much animal abuse do we have to see on this show?
  12. New article, Jessica Henry on Nathan 'sticking his fingers down her throat' and locking her in a closet, claims the abuse was almost daily. http://radaronline.com/videos/jenelle-evans-ex-nathan-griffith-ex-girlfriend-abuse-claims-teen-mom-2-being-nathan/ Jenelle sure does know how to pick 'em. For the love of God, I hope Doris takes Kaiser away from Jenelle & all this like Barb has rescued Jace from Jenelle and David. As much as she can, anyway. Thank god for grandmothers.
  13. Maybe she is just really skinny, but doesn't she sort of look like she has meth mouth?
  14. Didn't he tweet or Instagram about it incoherently at at the time? I seem to remember some gross shit about 'oreos' but some said it wasn't actually racial?
  15. Yeah, I think she really does enjoy being a victim. Otherwise why not just take him to court? I mean, she's correct that he seems to be a deadbeat dad-- you can easily take care of that problem.
  16. Yes. On one hand, Luis can't win, but on the other hand...he wasn't ever going to anyway. Regardless of Bri's true adoption-or-no-adoption motives, he was adamantly against it and then isn't even going to be there when the baby he demanded SHE raise is born?! I know that she can't demand he live with or near her, but I'd like to have seen his face if she said, "OK, you take Stella three nights a week for nighttime feedings, and I'll take her the next four to be nice. Enjoy waking up every 90 minutes for the next four weeks!" That's why I don't get the coven. They like to bitch but either Roxanne and Bri are incompetent or just professional whiners who don't actually want the problems to be solved. As 'mean' as they seem, I'd have been a lot meaner. Great! No adoption? Then let's sit down and talk about how much you'll be putting into Stella's college fund at the beginning of every month based on our respective incomes. Let's make a list of baby items, cut it in half and I can't wait to see the stroller and diaper bag you pick out. Should we go to every pediatrician appointment together, or do you want to take the 1 month and I take the 2 month? It would either call him on his bullshit and allow the adoption to go forward, or he'd step up. If not, a few months down the road, you could easily take him to court for child support and a restricted visitation schedule until he did step up. They'd never do that because 1) it requires forethought and discussion and 2) it doesn't allow them to keep screaming and crying.
  17. I can't stand the 'woman as default parent' stuff. It's harmful to both parties and we see exactly why here. In cases like Luis/Brianna or even Corey/Leah, it's not even considered to be an option for the guy to be the primary parent or have equal custody, so the woman is by default forced/shamed (not necessarily by the dad, but in terms of society) into being the primary parent even if she's not fit or doesn't want it, and in cases like Jo/Kailyn, it's easy for the mom to feel entitled as the main or 'real' parent regardless of how much the father actually does. It makes it easier for dads like Adam and Ryan to slip through the cracks and not seem like horrible dads as long as they show up every once in a while, and it makes it harder for good fathers like Jo to get full equal parental rights.
  18. I just mean she isn't the average stay at home parent in that most of them don't make six figures for having been a teen parent at some point and dramatizing their life, but then she *complains* about her life being dramatized. I personally find that to be a bizarre level of entitlement. I don't mean she lives an especially lavish life or anything. And idk about the baby thing. It certainly is tough, but she had a bunch of years pre-baby where she wasn't doing any of the stuff I mentioned. All I mean is that other celebrities I see, even people from the Bachelor or something, at least try to raise money for charity once in a while or run a 5K for a cause they care about on a weekend sometime and use their fame for good. And many of them have kids. It would just be something I would think would be nice for the TMs to do, since they have such a platform. I'd just like to know one of them cares about something other than themselves (cancer awareness? animal rescue? Idk, literally anything), and, in Chelsea's case, her own immediate family. I'm not saying she should be a high achiever or start championing deep political thought, and I don't much care that the house is messy. I just wonder if any of them think about the world at large. If they can use social media to sell lipstick, waist trainers, baby stuff and socks it'd be nice if they gave a shoutout to somebody who needs it once in a while. Just a thought.
  19. Don't forget the Confederate flag and misspelled racist tweets!
  20. How dare you. I've heard they are like Breakfast at Tiffany's or Casablanca, but more buff.
  21. His poor daughter likely does not think so. And I think if he loved Kaiser more than himself, he'd had tried to stop getting arrested. He'd have more custodial rights if he had. :( How long before he chokes the new fiancee?
  22. This. It's all relative-- she & the other girls to some extent are way too used to this now. It's part of the reason that TM has morphed into a documentary about reality TV more than a reality show about actual parents.
  23. Yep, the one non-'celebrity' he was with, he said was too private for him and he couldn't 'understand' why someone wouldn't want the attention. He was hitting on a Crossfit star too, or saying he wanted to, as well. Unfortunately, I see him either calming down in the next few years or going on D-list reality show after D-list reality show as long as MTV or another network will have him, and semi-fake, semi-actually dating a series of girls from those shows. Sort of like The Bachelor people do, where they date other people who have been on various seasons of the Bachelor/ette in real life just to stay relevant. I think Javi got a taste of the celeb life and can't let it go. It's a shame, because I think he's otherwise a good guy. I also just personally can't fathom that. Appearing on a show like Teen Mom or The Real World and being known for it would be my nightmare. I'm not saying that to be self righteous, I just truly don't get it. It would not make me feel important, it would make me feel embarrassed and self-conscious and paranoid.
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