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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. So is she just obsessed with Javi now because he's not into her anymore? That seems to be her thing.
  2. I agree about Barb's son, I always forget about his mental illness because he hasn't been shown at all (I don't think?). I think the daughter (not mentally ill) is also violent and a deadbeat with a criminal record who left her kid(s?) with Barb. While the environment in Jenelle's and her sister's home obviously contributed to that, at some point that's on them as adults. It's not all their mother's or even father's fault. Regardless, the only reason I brought up Barb was that the same claims about her are made re: Jenelle and her sister, and I don't buy it. Even if Roxane made mistakes that led to Briana being spoiled and foolish, she still shouldn't be having to be essentially a working parent of multiple little kids at her age. Many parents spoil and enable their kids. They still shouldn't have to be parent-grandmothers because at some point most spoiled, entitled kids do put on their big boy/big girl pants and at least not get impregnated by one night stands and expect their families to parent the offspring. And yeah I agree @Scarlett45, it's not like Briana is an addict or some horrible abuser, she's just pretty stupid. Some tough love would do her a world of good.
  3. Makes me sick. Child endangerment. I'm wondering at one point I should just stop watching this show given the amount of child abuse I've seen on it, even from the more "well meaning" cast members.
  4. People say the same thing about Barb. Both made mistakes but at their age shouldn't have to pick up after their adult children's massive errors. And Babs raised 3 messed up violent kids, not just 1 (Brittany isn't perfect but she has no criminal record, works, no kids, unlike Babs' other children) and I STILL don't think it's her fault. Briana might be a bad egg that her mom is willing to enable, but since her older sister is not that way it can't be 100% her family's fault.
  5. The drama Roxanne causes is intense but I feel bad for her and Brittany. Briana is obviously a better mom than Jenelle but Roxanne and Brittany both know their workload will increase every time Briana makes another dumb childish mistake and won't be grateful to them for helping. We can blame her for not holding Briana accountable but just like we see with Babs blaming Jenelle's woes on each of her latest partners (it was Nathan before, it was Kieffer, it was Courtland, now it's David-- none of which is untrue but Jenelle has been the same messed up person throughout), that's hard to do for moms. It drives me nuts that she doesn't make Briana take responsibility but I do feel for the two of them working their asses off and picking up after her mistakes because innocent kids are in the mix. Especially Brittany, because Briana is clearly the favorite even though she is the fuck up.
  6. One of a wide variety of addicts. Take your pick!
  7. There are some people who are just into 'financial domination' aka being a sugar daddy from afar. It's a power trip. They don't necessarily give them anything. Many women do this. If people want to pay her for simply existing and being an attractive woman...whatever. That said, I don't mind or disrespect sex work--wouldn't do it myself, but don't think less of anyone who does it. In our society we pay people for wayyyy stupider and more harmful stuff than being hot, having big boobs or having sex, on an everyday basis. A CEO who preys on people and hides it is far lesser in my eyes than somebody who is out about the services they offer and what they are getting paid for, and most people do watch porn at some point so they have nothing to snark about. So I might be in the minority there.
  8. I've had college kids miss class because their kid was sick, they had work, etc. I've never had one bring their child to class but I know it happens. But it is meant to be in an emergency. Child care is woefully expensive in many areas and not everyone has great support. BUT THAT IS NOT KAIL. She could afford any childcare she wants, which is a major luxury for a young parent especially. There was no emergency, there was no actual change of plans, she just felt like it, basically. And if you DO bring them, omg at least stay off your phone and don't discipline them WHILE YOU ARE IN CLASS!!! I'm sure MTV encouraged what she was doing because they still fancy themselves to be "teaching" people about what it's like to be a young parent. The thing is, they have paid these girls so damn much for so long that it backfires. Yes, maybe a different 25-year-old would have to take their child to class and be embarrassed about it a bit or at least frazzled and that could show something about what might happen as a teen mom--few resources, a delayed college degree, lots of distractions, etc. But we *all* know Kailyn doesn't actually have to do that, so it basically just seems like...she feels like taking two little kids to class for no reason? Is that supposed to make me feel bad? Seriously, if she went on care.com or a drop in daycare she could have childcare in a matter of minutes. She isn't restricted by price so there is really no issue.
  9. I actually think she's pretty cute. I like to imagine the kind of snark she and Vee would throw around about the whole TM cast after a couple glasses of wine.
  10. He also seems to be into the drama. If he thinks Briana seems rad and a girl who wanted her privacy seems odd, then maybe he has an issue with attraction to partners who cause problems.
  11. Every time I think maybe Javi is actually a really great guy I remember that he's also an egocentric fame whore who IMO got with Kail at least partly because of that. Either that, or since getting with Kail he got a taste of the limelight and now still likes it way too much. He's a good father but he reallllllyyy likes attention.
  12. Am I the only one who thinks he looks just like Chris? In a way I wish it wasn't his because he doesn't seem like he will be involved, but I see so much of a resemblance. As much as there can be with a newborn that is.
  13. I agree. Of course they'll never see it that way. :(
  14. Cameras have notoriously weird lighting for POC because they were initially modeled to "work" for and flatter white skin, so every photo will likely make him look really different depending on filter, etc. Omg, the baby is about to graduate from DSU after an eight-year bachelors degree already. NAME HIM.
  15. This. It's like they both know it's socially acceptable to say "we are following doctor's orders and getting her an aide!" but secretly they both hope that if they just push her to tumble and play t ball enough, Redneck Jebus will prove Dr. Tsao wrong. People in their circles also likely feel sympathy for them instead of pointing out what they're doing horribly wrong.
  16. The thing is, that probably IS better for Kail. Just like how Jenelle "I need my life to be a 'music video shot in a club' level of entertaining at every moment" Evans Rogers Head Griffith DavidsLastName could literally never be with a dude who worked. Courtland, Nathan and David all don't have jobs, I don't think Kieffer did either. Jobless is a prerequisite for her, she can't be alone ever. Kailyn hates anyone with any opinion, and with two parents you're going to have some slight differences of opinion at least. Someone who doesn't care will probably be subservient because they just don't give a shit. That's like her dream.
  17. She was hurt *in the segment.* And they kept playing. Sickening. But prayer will fix it y'all! And no you're not alone in being over Leah. The lack of listening to doctor's orders makes me totally sick of both her and Corey, I have no love for that foolishness.
  18. Right. Barring the issue of the disability for a second, some kids aren't great at math. Would you FORCE them to participate in a math club year after year, day after day, knowing they would always feel less than and excluded and didn't enjoy it? No! You'd put them in art, writing, sports or dance. On another note, Corey playing t ball with Ali, watching her get hurt and saying "that's what happens when you get hurt, you get mad and play better" was so disturbing, wrong and reckless. I felt sick watching it knowing how often that child is endangered, especially knowing they still do it. Let's face it, they won't ever stop. My husband planned both our wedding and our coed baby shower. Most people I know are having coed ones these days, I don't think it's weird in the least. But they WANT to and are either happily partnered or co parenting (sorry for using the trigger phrase). Pretending to be together was so, so weird-- just have him at the baby shower as the father! Why do you have to pretend to be currently banging? Also you are on a national TV show and THE PEOPLE YOU ARE TRYING TO LIE TO WILL SEE IT. I get being annoyed that someone is trying to film without permission. They should have asked. But Roxanne just *cannot* stop. They got it right away and apologized. Just back the fuck off then! Not every disagreement needs to be an angry confrontation. I did laugh at Brittany's "welcome to a Puerto Rican baby shower" to break the tension though. Shallow, but-- seriously- what is up with Kailyn's face? Something is really wrong with it, yes? Also I am all the way there for Vee. Her face was totally "I warned you but I'm staying quiet." I hoped Jo would come to his senses because if I was Vee, I'd be so not into the whole buddy-buddy thing with Kail. I know I should be commenting on Jenelle's irresponsibility as a parent but literally all I could think about or focus on was how much two people can possibly call each other "babe." I have a friend who does that with the word "boo" and eventually it consumes everything I hear when I listen to her. I'm literally not even listening to Jenelle and David except to anticipate the next "babe." Adam is a POS, nothing new there.
  19. You board first because you have to transfer or be transferred, usually uncomfortably by people who are not well trained to do so. It is not special treatment, it's actually pretty burdensome. Waiting to be transferred afterward has literally left us on a plane as the airport closed for hours at a time. The security line also takes incredibly long with a power wheelchair (like Ali's). You definitely have to get there early to go through the extra power wheelchair screening, which Leah would not likely do. People see it as a perk or preferential treatment because they don't know. You go "first" because everything takes so much longer (so you finish later or at the same time, not earlier), and dealing with the employees alone usually makes it not worth it, even at a theme park. If my husband boarded at the same time as everyone else, the others on the plane would have to wait 30+ minutes for him to be transferred. People don't see him being transferred because they get on after, so they assume it's a perk. Also, with an actual wheelchair van, a handicapped parking spot is not a perk. It's literally the only place you can park or you have to leave. It's only a perk if you do not need the ramp loading zone. We have had to leave places multiple times and he has been late to work because without the ramp loading zone (or if someone parks in it), he can't exit his car. I can't imagine Leah dealing with that well. It's partly why I don't buy the "she uses it for special treatment" idea. It's only special treatment if the person isn't actually disabled and is faking it. On the contrary, I think Leah, as I said, is very lazy and would rather not deal with all the negatives and the logistics rather than take care of her child. She might have tried using it a time or two and seen how hard it is and doesn't want to deal, just like she doesn't want to deal with making decent food, getting places on time or cleaning out her car.
  20. That makes me really scared for people who are actually treated by this guy! What a creep. I actually liked Sophia's outfit. The VMAs are not a fancy red carpet event, people always wear sort of crazy quirky stuff. The sneakers are cute. For all of Farrah's weirdness and sexy posturing, I haven't seen any creep-meter stuff on her own kid. It's usually age appropriate. I see worse from Cate and Ty IMO.
  21. I don't know how common it is, but I do know it happens and it varies from place to place. In my mommy groups people talk about being tested because they didn't get prenatal care, because they had previous addiction issues, because they are on Medicaid which someone else said (which I personally think is unfair), and then some hospitals are just doing it as a matter of course for everybody now. I know I wasn't, but my hospital was so obsessed with exclusive breastfeeding and the evils of formula that I think I could have come in with a needle in my arm and they wouldn't have tested me. *Eyeroll*
  22. From what I understand, in many hospitals they do.
  23. The simple fact that abortions are not really an option among Houska circles probably plays a role in girls from their backgrounds getting and staying pregnant. Some people even believe using plan B is wrong, or it could be hard to obtain. I was raised to believe that birth control was mandatory and if it failed, to use plan B, and if that failed, abortion or adoption. Raising the baby myself would have been the radical thing to do if I had been 18-24 and unmarried, much less 16. My parents and teachers would have been horrified. In their circles, birth control is probably not discussed as frequently and openly and abortion or, to a lesser extent, adoption would be the more radical, nonconformist thing to do.
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