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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Ugh I had to get those "too" (in quotes because I don't know if she actually did, maybe yes maybe no but I don't trust her...). Progesterone shots sucked hard. 1) do we know who the best friend is?!?! And 2) do these people have no shame? Their child will see this in a few years and Isaac is already at the age when kids talk. I'll still watch it though, because I am addicted to trash television and it looks like I'll be breastfeeding nonstop through the winter. ;) I'm ashamed at what glues me to the TV but it is what it is.
  2. @evilmindatwork I am so sorry about your dog. Pets can really be part of the family. Your story is heartbreaking.
  3. I agree completely. And YES to the Jenelle needing to be entertained thing. I noticed that too. Always "oh, SO much fun" like every moment should be a joyride. When she does get Jace, she often hauls him off to vacations and theme parks. I used to think she was trying to buy his love but now I think that's just what she thinks life should be...nonstop entertainment.
  4. I will say that even though I hate David and he doesn't say things in an appropriate way, I agreed with him this episode (though again, it wasn't said in an appropriate manner at all, especially in front of children). I would get Jenelle's incredulity at how hard it is to get a moment to herself and to schedule things if it was her first child-- I'm going through a tad of that myself, and postpartum can be rough-- but she's been pregnant like 86 times and has had 3 children and a "stepchild" (omg Jenelle is a stepmom). But Jenelle seems the type to just freak out randomly, never do anything to be proactive or help the situation, and want the guys in her life to sit around wondering why she's ragingly mad and reading her mind. I get David's frustration even if he is a piece of crap who can't keep it together emotionally.
  5. I don't feel bad for Nathan given his own history of homophobia and white supremacy, but I really wish Kaiser didn't have to be in the middle of these two warring douchebag domestic abusers. Talk about immature and scary.
  6. I hope this means he's decided to step up.
  7. I don't know about Leah but I agree to an extent about Chelsea. My unpopular opinion is that I think she's nice to her family but I don't think she's deep down a truly nice *person,* if that makes sense. Just a hunch. Part of the issue is that I grew up more like Chelsea and I feel like I knew plenty of girls like her, and like Kailyn too. Leah's background (for example) is so foreign to me that sometimes I feel odd passing as much judgment, or at least feel like I just don't really get her and never will, because her life and what she was taught growing up are incredibly alien to me. No one in my life would have been anything less than openly, overtly, wildly horrified had I married a guy who got me pregnant in a month, then quickly had a baby and wedding with another dude before I could legally drink. Mama Dawn was basically acting like Leah was Holler Queen because of those choices. I can't even wrap my mind around having a relative like that, much less a mom.
  8. I agree. Leah seems to have gotten it together to some degree emotionally...plenty still to snark on but I believe she wants to try. But she's woefully uneducated, probably did not even have a proper high school education, and doesn't have the work ethic, intelligence, or the extreme drive it would take to get something like a 4 year degree (for her). I wish there were people in her life who could help her make rational, practical decisions and lay out feasible plans to make those become reality, whether that involved vocational training or a job or an associate's degree at a local school. She has been propped up too long by MTV money and dudes willing to payroll her life because she's thin and blonde and in the holler that appears to be sufficient. Then her "fans" tell her how brilliant she is. She needs an honest assessment of her interests and capabilities. Yes, she's stupid, but plenty of not-bright folks have full time paying jobs that fulfill them. I do feel for her in that she was obviously always told by Mama Dawn and others in her life to just find a man and if that fails, find another and another, and we're seeing the natural outcome of that message.
  9. Now that is interesting!! I wonder what was going on. There is so much more to this family than meets the eye. Ashley says she remembers fighting but not necessarily abuse, but she chose to live with her grandparents instead of her parents. Super weird. Btw, I'm reading about all these breast implant stories while breastfeeding at 5 AM and cringing.
  10. I've got to agree with this comment under this video (and the one that says he's after her money): Isn't this the pervert that cornered & then FORCED Farrah to hug him when she was upset? Yeah, he looked AROUSED...There is a 100% chance he has watched Farrah's "back door" movie at least 100x.
  11. I don't see even a slight bump. I feel like most women, even thin ones, have a tiny bit of a "thing" from that angle under their belly button. Also, a bump wouldn't show for most people for months into the pregnancy. However, with Maci there's always like a 50/50 chance she is indeed pregnant, so...
  12. Even a magazine article I read about this called her "C&T's child" and the ADOPTED child of B&T. Disgusting. B&T are saints for having anything to do with them at all. I've had shooed them off for good years ago. They must feel so disrespected.
  13. I have to agree based on what we see, which makes me sad. I hope that's just a temporary thing or not exactly true.
  14. Yeah, looks like they're watching TV. I think we all unfortunately look that dead eyed when we're watching the tube. Especially if it's Teen Mom.
  15. Jenelle was more stressed about the gym than I've ever seen her be about the potential of jail time.
  16. DSU is not a bad school at all but I felt for her advisors and professors on this one (though I am admittedly biased). Students want so many accommodations nowadays, administration rules the roost, and we are often pressured to let things slide that should *not* slide, especially in this case I would imagine because she donated money and is basically advertising their school on national TV. I could feel her advisor's disdain for her in that awful meeting. "when I was in my 20s I didn't have all this going on." ..."because I was getting advanced degrees instead of being repeatedly impregnated," she clearly wanted to add. At my school you'd often be allowed to walk if you still technically had something to make up (you'd sign a contract basically stating that walking was symbolic and actual graduation was contingent on finishing such and such), and 23 credits would not be unheard of at all, BUT that all means she was highly exaggerating her involvement in school every semester and finally had to cram it all in (duh) and was also semi-shady about "graduating," which she did provisionally. She doesn't owe viewers every bit of info but to put on airs like she did this whole time when you're actually getting multiple Ds is a very Kail move.
  17. It's driving me beyond nuts too so no, you're not alone.
  18. I believe (but could be wrong) that the custodial parent's income does not matter legally, only the responsibility of the other parent based on their income and how much time they spend with the child.
  19. I thought the initial organization was just for teen moms and kids, I didn't know it had to do with abuse. I didn't see anything wrong with that as she really didn't have somewhere to go with her alcoholic mom (regardless of fault, Jo's house was not a viable continued option), and there's no shame in getting government help imo if you need it. My point is that I think she's changed a lot. Out of all the girls, it really seems like the show has made her the most entitled. She was a hard worker at first and dealing with a traumatic family situation, unlike Jenelle for example who was claiming trauma that didn't exist or Chelsea and Leah who lacked any and all motivation. She and Chelsea have totally reversed and now I truly hate Kail and respect Chelsea, who has used the show to gain some insight, mature somewhat from a party girl obsessed with Adam to an actual adult unlike the others, and get financially stable instead of showy materialism. The Kail of the first season is totally unrecognizable. She was majorly flawed but she did have some redeemable traits, namely a work ethic. She is insufferable and narcissistic now and the show has gone to her head and stalled any kind of emotional development she might have otherwise had.
  20. Plus she never seemed into anything like that before. She liked the beach, clubbing, the city and going out. Now suddenly she wants to be some sort of homesteader?
  21. I don't think there's a chance in hell it's Javi's baby since he hasn't said anything. Dude is justifiably angry with Kail and also not shy about talking to media outlets or his fans. There's also no way he wouldn't be publicly claiming his potential child, demanding tests and visitation, etc. He's not as passive as Jo.
  22. Omg I am dying over that pic. When I'm busy that's exactly what I look like just pondering my life. Lollllll
  23. I think he is pretty clearly Chris Lopez's baby or at least a black/white mixed baby, especially in those ones where you can see his face. I wish he was Javi's, though, because Javi would fight for his child and I think Kailyn finally got with someone who won't.
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