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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. Wow, way to show sympathy for your brother who has severe developmental challenges..........the way she writes about him is super callous. Obviously if those things really happened (a big if) they might have been traumatic, but you can't even pretend to describe them with any of the empathy or sensitivity a normal person would now have looking back for their sibling? So Barb is evil for *everything,* her brother is evil for being cognitively disabled, her sister is evil for having similar problems due to their upbringing, but her dad is Jesus? He wasn't even around!!! I mean, if her upbringing really included trauma, which I'm inclined to believe it definitely did...wouldn't her brother and sister also be affected by the chaos and abuse? Why is she the only victim? And wow, the remainder of the book looks like it should just be titled "I'm a Victim (and Barb is Satan)."
  2. I actually have less of a soft spot for Nathan because I have so many veterans in my family. The fact that he was once in the military doesn't make it better for the women he choked and threatened, the cops he threatened, the innocent people he endangered on the road time and time again, Nathan's poor mom who is another Barb, and the two innocent children he can't parent. Which I totally know no one is implying, just sharing my perspective. He's not totally at a loss of his faculties so at the very least he shouldn't have fathered a second child after he was unable to care for the first, and should be seeking intensive treatment. Several of the people in my family have had addictions and disabilities, including PTSD, from their service and they would consider him an embarrassment they wouldn't want to be associated with. If we knew that he was getting treatment, attending meetings or working on his mental issues, which he obviously knows he has because he used them as an excuse for the message he sent to David and used to collect disability for them, I would feel differently because I do have sympathy for mental health problems...but I personally don't think that how he developed those mental health problems makes them different from or more worthy of sympathy than others' genetic mental health problems.
  3. Definitely, she used to do that counting thing with absolutely no consequences at the end and would just whine "Aubreeeeee stoooopppp" a lot. She seems to have learned that taking her out for ice cream (remember that? Lol) after a tantrum and multiple counts of 3 doesn't work.
  4. Plus, she likely signed up for a few classes a week. A school like WVSU would have very flexible scheduling available, it's not a Harvard MBA. Night classes, weekends, any day of the week, online. You would be able to go to class Tuesdays and Thursdays only quite easily, especially if she was taking basic classes like communications 101. Those would be offered multiple times a week. I used to have to commute to my PhD courses two hours away while working full time but I was easily able to arrange my schedule to only have to go twice a week. I did not have children but I was married and had a job, which she doesn't have. It was still honestly less stressful than a 9 to 5. Colleges are generally very flexible now.
  5. I think it's nice for kids and parents to hear about each others' days and learn empathy that way.
  6. Brittany is irritating and has an annoying attitude but she at least works, seems to have her shit together, and doesn't have unplanned children. As ridiculous as I find her tough girl attitude, she seems like she has and would step up to the plate to care for a sick mom and her sister's kids who are not her responsibility in any way.
  7. The thing about Kailyn is that she's wrong even when she's right. I agreed with her basic point about not telling the kids until Javi was sure. But Jesus, there are about a million ways she could have said that ranging from reasoned and stern (please don't upset the kids before you are sure, I feel that was inappropriate and an overstep) to gentle and empathetic (I understand you must have been upset, and I feel for your situation) to matter of fact (let's agree to talk about serious things before we bring them up with the kids). She doesn't have to weep for him but holy fuck, nobody cares what you have to say now because how you're saying it is seriously so insane.
  8. I'd like to know too! I looked and couldn't find it, but I'm bad at Twitter.
  9. I believe she'd have the same as the others, yes. Amber, Kailyn and Jenelle are not only just as abrasive and entitled but also physically attack people and their fans will trip over themselves to call them "strong."
  10. Yeah, I'm just saying I don't think he sees it as a kindness to Kailyn. I think he knows Kailyn is awful and wants time with a kid he sees as one of HIS children. In fact, I believe his love for Isaac delayed the divorce. Isaac called him Dad. Re: Hillary country, not to get into personal politics but I often wonder who the TMs and TM2s voted for. Probably most of them simply don't vote.
  11. I thought Brianna did have a job? I don't think he sees it as a favor. He sees himself as a father figure/stepfather to Isaac. I think he would be more upset if she kept Isaac from him.
  12. @Calm81 I am dying at "GED is the new passing the bar exam" lololololololollllllll
  13. Leah: deer cams exist Jenelle: Ke$ha can make you do anything; like others have said, commit felonies in South Carolina Chelsea: if you contour enough and do the bare minimum, it'll turn out ok Kailyn: fertility issues can just crop up out of nowhere, then disappear
  14. One thing I will say is that if Brianna's mom does have lupus, I have a lot of sympathy for that. Can be a devastating diagnosis. It's not really related to anything on the show, but when she said she couldn't help this time around, I felt for her. Also, Luis can gtfo with his righteous "I would never do that to my daughter, how can you even think of that" speech about adoption, a few months after he considered aborting said daughter because he impregnated a girl from The Club (I like to imagine it has no name other than that). And when he fully knows that he's going to be out of there before the epidural wears off and get praised for taking his kid for ice cream once a week. It's easy to look down on adoption if you're not planning to change any diapers or fix the kid's breakfast every morning.
  15. Unfortunately that is not just her belief. That's the most common reason cited. It is so annoying given that statistically, the majority of people have watched porn.
  16. And a Confederate flag in his truck. *yikes* (Corey not Cole)
  17. Barb is a parent and has a full time job like an actual adult. What does "having a life" mean? What, because she's not at the club and doesn't have a boyfriend? What "life" does Jenelle have? As far as I know, Andrew is a druggie somewhere and both Nathan and David don't work outside of MTV. Jenelle has never worked anywhere but MTV. What do she or any of her baby daddies have to say about Barb? They should be worshipping her for being the only semi normal person in Jace's life.
  18. That's what I heard as well, that it was her mom reporting what the police said or wrote in a report.
  19. I will be, like, SO bored dude. Leave me aloooooone!
  20. @ghoulina, YES re: Brianna. I get that it's upsetting, they agreed to be exclusive, and Luis' "strong independent woman" comment was gross, but omg--- let's not get too hugely self righteous about the cheating. She knew she was pregnant within a month, which means she got pregnant 1-2 weeks or less after meeting the dude. This is not her husband whose wedding Brianna's mom officiated and in which her sister was a bridesmaid having a six-year affair and a child with another woman while Brianna worked to support the family after a car accident that left him with a TBI that rendered him unemployable. But you wouldn't know it from all the histrionics. It's club dude screwing other club girls. Get upset for two days, chalk it up to terrible decision making on everyone's part, and move on. And yeah exactly re: Nathan and Jenelle. He absolutely needs to be supervised with any child; apparently multiple judges have thought so as he is supervised with his other child as well. But can we get supervision for Jenelle too? Like, can Kaiser just come with his own supervision wherever he goes and J/N will just be there to give him pizza and take Instagram photos with him? Aka can he have different parents?
  21. "Chelsea wears lots of extensions" "LIEZ UR JUST JELLUS" I made a comment about Amber once on Twitter, and another about Cate&Ty, and I never tweeted anything about TM again. I got harassed for a ridiculously long time. I don't even think what I said was very vicious...just something about Carly being B&T's daughter and they acted like I killed somebody.
  22. This talk about tantrums is raising my blood pressure as I wonder how I'll deal with them. Luckily I have a couple years before real tantrum-tantrums. Can someone remind me if Adam has any visitation with Aubree, and if it is supervised? I'm confused about their arrangement.
  23. I lived for the "proving the hatters wrong" posts!!
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