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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. I'm not seeing the swollen calves and ankles thing. Shoes like that make short legs look larger and that's all it looks like to me. But maybe I'm just really really hoping she's not pregnant.
  2. Wait, "a miracle?!?!" Ok, he deserves whatever he got. @SPLAIN, how dare you insinuate that Amber and Matt are not in a healthy committed relationship. She is a bad bitch and wouldn't settle for anything less.
  3. @lilmarysunshine, unfortunately it happens! I had a guy try that on me once. "I don't think I can have one anyway." "How do you know?" *Mumble mumble vague medical condition* After that he didn't get any sex even WITH the pill and a condom.
  4. Yeah. I don't think it's that weird that he adamantly refuses to be on the show, and it doesn't mean he's hiding something...I'd never be on a reality show point blank. But if I didn't want that I'd maybe wrap it up when screwing someone who's been on reality TV for half a decade. I don't have much sympathy for him. And re: the planning, imo if you are having unprotected sex you are planning for the chance of a child. Your inner intentions don't matter. Condoms and spermicide are just as easy for men to use as women. Even if someone says they're on birth control but isn't (which is obviously wrong to do), which I honestly doubt she did (it's more likely to me that they just didn't have that discussion and had random sex when they wanted), birth control isn't foolproof anyway and one day of forgetting it or even stomach flu could throw it off. Also it doesn't sound like they had a long relationship, so he shouldn't have trusted her. Two forms of birth control at all times or you're planning for a possible baby, whether male or female. This many seasons of a supposedly pregnancy prevention show and people still having random babies. SMH.
  5. Re: Deb's denial and reversal of the abuse claims...her initial thing was, well, she's just being dramatic. Everyone has issues but it's not really *abuse.* Then suddenly when questioned about a particular incident, *she* was "mentally, verbally, and emotionally abused" (which is suddenly a thing but only when Debra experiences it) by her teenager, so the slap was out of self defense. But it also wasn't really a slap. K yeah you're a liar. That drove it home for me. The thing is, Debra wants to cry "oh she should be over it by now" while still claiming that what Farrah, then SIXTEEN, did to her was so "abusive" that it warranted everything she's done since then. You don't get to have it both ways.
  6. Wait, there IS a music video!
  7. @mamadrama, yes, same!! I don't know when or if she was assaulted in her adult life (though it would make sense that she was at some point, and Michael has confirmed she was-- I don't think he'd simply say she was if he had zero reason to believe it, but obviously that could be the case), but I have a hard time believing with her particular issues and Debz OG's particular pathology that something didn't happen and Debra didn't cover it up.
  8. And yes, equine therapy is A REAL THING, not just riding a horse and liking it. I'm going to start watching my screensaver and telling people I'm undergoing hypnotherapy, writing in a diary and calling it self-led CBT, or taking baths and saying I use hydrotherapy. *eyeroll*
  9. You actually can legally ask two questions under the ADA: "is this a service dog trained for a disability?" And "what services has the dog been trained to provide?" Emotional support dogs do not count and their owners do not have the same rights as service dog owners. And you're right, if they bark (unless it's maybe one rogue mistake) they are not trained. Our dog never barks even at home unless commanded. You can't ask anything else (and contrary to popular belief, dogs are not required to have vests or papers on them, as that would not be realistic for people with certain disabilities to have on hand) or about the person's diagnosis, but if someone refuses to answer, it's not a service dog and you can ask them to leave. It's a pretty foolproof way to tell. Sorry if you already know about the ADA allowed questions, I just like to spread that info whenever I can because my husband and I use a much-needed service dog and the fake service dog thing that so many people do is a disgrace and hurts people who actually need one and have had it fully appropriately trained.
  10. What!!!! This is why more women don't get medical help for endometriosis.
  11. It's income-based except for children with disabilities and foster children. Nova is being fostered by the chickens and goat so maybe she qualifies.
  12. This board is killing it this week.
  13. Yeah, nothing wrong with being an actual badass, but they seem to think that means being a mom to 3 kids from different fathers? Or beating people up who disagree with them? I would consider a "badass" someone who completed an advanced degree while raising kids or working full-time. Or a female firefighter/teacher/attorney/social worker/human rights advocate/marathoner/caregiver for a sick family member or something.
  14. Why do they all call themselves badasses? Maci called herself a badass on Unseen Moments too. What is the deal with that?
  15. I feel like a sociopath for saying it but I never thought I'd be so tired of hearing about a little girl. Jesus, are they going to be 83 and still talking about when Carly comes to live with them?
  16. When did the physical attack happen? Debra got arrested for leaving cuts on Farrah's face and Michael has admitted Deb attacked her. We also saw Deb slap her in the first season. I'm not denying Farrah also attacked her physically, it's a genuine question as I only know about physical abuse from one side.
  17. Every time Butch starts in on Tyler being like the father he never had (creepy and codependent much?), I am disgusted. Tyler always looks horrified but goes along with it.
  18. Maybe she's gunning for her own reality show?
  19. Well, maybe for the other women who attacked her that's true. Amber physically attacked her because that's what she does, and because Farrah insulted her precious Matt.
  20. "I'm not selfish, I'm just entitled" should definitely be on a t shirt. Maybe TTM can pick it up.
  21. Yeah, exactly. I have to take Benadryl nightly due to some pregnancy related allergies and it puts me *out.* I took a Xanax only once in my life, when it was prescribed to me, and I felt so messed up I never used it again. Not that people who have a prescription shouldn't take it, but for Ryan, Cate, etc., and others who love their drugs, this seems to be more like an everyday thing they'd think nothing of, like ibuprofen or Benadryl????
  22. I'm of two minds about the Instagram selling. On one hand, I cringe inwardly when I see it because I can't help but see it as tacky and gross. They are absolutely selling out their kids to an extent. On the other hand, if I was already on reality TV and someone was willing to pay me and my husband thousands to occasionally post a picture of him holding a tool set or me doing a craft with my kid, I'd probably find it hard to say no. I'd be thinking of tuition, houses, a secure future and years of grocery bills from a few minutes of posed Instagram pics.
  23. I would actually tend to agree with you-- her binge drinking is certainly not, to me, "the same" as Ryan's serious addiction or anything like that, and while alcohol abuse is a problem, it doesn't have to mean you're an addict or should never drink again-- but I think her own self righteousness and the sweetheart edit and softball interviews she gets from MTV make people focus on it more. The other cast members have all to SOME extent been questioned or exposed in terms of their substance abuse and other issues, and Maci herself still laughs and makes fun of things like Farrah's porn years later, but MTV allowed her to literally fake surprise at a pregnancy she obviously knew about all season and in every interview special while she was also drinking throughout. (I think the faking the pregnancy shock thing makes people a lot warier of the drinking. Clearly she knew it was some sort of issue and MTV allowed her to manufacture an obvious lie to hide it). Now this season, again, she's been allowed to have the angelic "concerned ex of a troubled man" storyline and a benign "working on our marriage" one as well while admitting that her drinking with her spouse at the very least exacerbates their issues. If she was less high and mighty or if the show wasn't so utterly forgiving of all of her flaws and dedicated to obfuscating when it comes to her, I'd probably be saying the same thing you are.
  24. Wait, this picture was from a couple days ago?? Ok, I'm much smaller than Kailyn and we have pretty much the same due date, and my belly is the size of Australia. I don't know why she is trying to pretend that's what her body looks like right now, but...yeah. no. It's not.
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